View Full Version : Equipment stores??

06-20-2014, 08:44 PM
Hello AL. I have a great idea. Wouldn't it be awesome it there was a store in each town that sells weapons and equipments?? For example Windmoore can have cheap and low level gears for people who have just started to play. IT can be bought with small amount of gold they earn. As they level up and go to more difficult areas such as Nordr, Stronghold can have stronger and more expensive gears for the high level players. This way people can buy gears at a correct price. People tend to over-price items in the auction. So why not have a public store that sells great gears?

06-20-2014, 08:47 PM
1) the story token vendor already doea this

2) They have this in the Expedition camp. You can buy magma assault gear with dragkin teeth.

06-20-2014, 08:50 PM
Yeah I know that but the story tokens take a while to collect. Stores that require gold to purchase would be more easy. Plus dragkin teeth. Not all players can farm that. What I meant is to have stores that gives gears for gold and is for low level players. People who started recently won't know the prices of gears so having a store like that will give great help to them.

06-20-2014, 08:59 PM
In that case, this would just make it harder for players to sell their items in the consignment shop.


06-20-2014, 09:05 PM
.. I mean stores that have cheap gears... It's not like players sell items that are under 3k... I mean to have stores that exist to help players that have started recently...

06-20-2014, 09:34 PM
In PL there were NPCs, like Benu the Trader, who sold cheap not-worth-trying-to-sell-in-cs stuff that were cheap and were good for a few lvls beforr having to swap for something else. The items were bought with gold.

@original Poster,

Is this what you meant?

06-20-2014, 09:50 PM
In that case, this would just make it harder for players to sell their items in the consignment shop.


Agreed -1

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Milan Lame Man
06-21-2014, 08:40 AM
I can say I've spent some time in lv7-20 items market and the items are NOT overpriced. You can buy best epics (blue) in the 150-600 range. Good legendaries are often below 2k.
Do you expect items to be cheaper than that? You get enough gold from the questline, if anyone still bothers to do that.

06-21-2014, 12:05 PM
I can say I've spent some time in lv7-20 items market and the items are NOT overpriced. You can buy best epics (blue) in the 150-600 range. Good legendaries are often below 2k.
Do you expect items to be cheaper than that? You get enough gold from the questline, if anyone still bothers to do that.

Yes definitely not a good idea. Story tokens already take care of this. I'm also a player who buys up all the cheapie chests to help out those players who rather get tiny gold for them and not wanting them to lose even the listing fee (120gold for a copper in cs when the listing fee is 110?) In return for my risk, after liquidating hundreds of veggie rares, I'll sell out remaining epics for 3-500 and legendaries 2-3k. If this were ever implemented, I wouldn't bother helping out anymore. This takes time and effort on my part so that new players wouldn't be looking at 4k for epics and 10k for legendaries which was the case when I started playing.

I'm influencing the market to be cheaper for lower level players xD I remember how hard it was when I was lower level back in season 1. Whenever I stop listing things out even for a couple days, I see the price tries to shoot back up xD making gold off new players at low levels only discourages them to stay.