View Full Version : Pvp Dmg Loss Mystery

Pedro Lara
06-21-2014, 12:19 AM
Okay This is what I noticed outside any pvp arena my dmg is 240 once I enter a pvp arena my dmg gets cut to 196 anyone know why? Any answers or theory is welcome. Sorry if its a noob question.

06-21-2014, 05:57 AM
Yeah. Rogues are nerfed of 10% damage in pvp, as a class balance thing.

But it also negates our pet dmg % buffs too...so it's bs

06-21-2014, 06:22 AM
Some people say devs made us see our real dmg with the new client, we are hitting the same amount of dmg as before the update
but I dont know Im not sure its so confusing :suspicion: