View Full Version : Arcane Legends Suggestion/Idea

06-21-2014, 05:06 AM
So many of us have reached end game and everything is boring besides just pvping today id like to give sts a suggestion to make pvp more fun adding a new kind of system to it

PVP WAGERS! Here's how it works

This would only work for ctf.
Firstly there's private wager selection once you enter ctf.
Before the game starts you select your oppenet you want to wager ( you must speak with your oppenet if you want to take a wager) Once you and your oppenet are ready to wager select how much rounds you want to verus them let's say best to 5 ( these wagers only can be 1v1)

Let's be serious here wagers should contain prizes. So when ready to verus your oppenet you should select what your willing to lose if you lose the wager - Example I'm challenging someone and we make it best of 5 I would let's say put in a mythic rouge helm and he would put something as well let's say mythic warrior armor who ever wins best of 5 gets the losers prize they offered now , you may think that people may be dumb and offer Deary well there's a system that only allows people to put the same rareity and very close price cost items . Most of us will chat to.one another. If they are going to wager each other.

Minimum. Rounds for a wager is 3 and highest is 10
Wagers are only 1v1 matches
Thanks for reading my suggestion I think it's a great idea. To make the game more fun.
Think twice before wagering someone they could be more powerful :)

06-21-2014, 05:57 AM
This system can never be introduced in AL. If it does, I won't bother about it.

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06-21-2014, 06:41 AM
Very runescape sort of idea but could work just working out the value of items may be tricky

06-21-2014, 07:01 AM
u r wrong bro. many are surfing forums then log in AL for 15mins (for story tokens) and then log out..

06-21-2014, 07:17 AM
I would want a 1v1 arena, Where you could Face Low levels... So much annoying ppl that says "so, Wanna fight?!" And i cant, Cuz they are weak... Lol i Wanna wreck them

06-21-2014, 07:25 AM
Yay go betting! I would do this

06-21-2014, 07:56 AM
I wish STS hosted like a "Grand Tournament" where all the end game pvp guilds participated. And there was like a mega arena where players can spectate live and place bets.