View Full Version : Pocket Legends, some changes that I wish for? :P

06-21-2014, 10:51 AM
Hey guys, this might sound like an excuse but I have been experiencing this "Heal miss" for a long time. I know there were many threads before about this problem and I myself created a thread about this.

1. This is not a global heal lag or whatever you guys call it because if it really was a "lag", I wonder why I don't gain any hp, so I call it a "Heal miss".

2. Pvpers who think this is an excuse, it is not.

3. I am an android user but when I play on pc, my heal works fine except couple of times but on my android device, before forgotten bows were nerfed, heal was perfectly used and my skills weren't even delayed. However, after forgotten bow nerf and class nerf in general, everything seems to lag and problems have been occurring for some reason.

4. I will be honest, even though I like the modern pvp system that we have at the moment, I think it was pretty unfair for the people who were skilled at using forgotten bows when they weren't nerfed. Even though people say the damage is op and what not, I think the forgotten bow was a pretty good tool to use against higher levels who merged down. I also saw less raging when forgotten bows were around because not many people had to blame the lag or anything like that, and it gave many pvpers the opportunity to kill higher levels, and indeed, this felt great xD.

5. Instead of listening to the forumers, before an update, maybe you should create a voting pole inside the game, where every pocket legends users can vote, not the forumers only. (Ex: The pop up where you guys use to notify PL users about your new games, change that to a voting pole).

6. Merge, I would say this is the biggest problem lol. I have seen many pvpers at 35-40 climbing down to 27-30 zone, acting pro with their higher levels and what not. I am fine with this business but I wish plat packs were gone, and iceberg damage should be nerfed a bit. Shivering talon (39-44), iceberg (100+ <-> 100+), plat pack (100+ <-> 200+)

7. Halloween procs, at level 27, when I played forgotten bow mage, I found the procs to be annoying. I know it's based on luck, but the blind shot proc that forgotten bow does is weird. Also, paw procs are pretty op too, decreasing significant armor points. Halloween armor and helm, I love the helms tbh because no stats are required, however, the int set gives too much dodge in general. Dex, str, tbh, they are all the same but their stat difference from the regular armors such as experts 15, sorc 15, alch 15, etc is big big big big problem.

8. Instead of nerfing bird, mage only, consider nerfing the foxes, bears, and rhinos probably? Birds are sooooooooooooooooooooo weak, they don't even do any damage at 27-30 range. I am pretty sure many people at endgame, 51-71, along with low level pvp encounters damage problems. Mages, I think we deserve the "Op" BOM stats back and mana shield should appear right away. Foxes, due to their buff and their iceberg sets at low level, they are pretty op. Halloween int gears make them even more op :P. Mages either have to kite or "run" or get nuked by the iceberg set / swamp items / plat packs. Bears, the stuns are real xD. Rage buff is pretty op too because this class didn't get nerfed. Lower their dodge a bit too please? :P. Rhinos and plat packs, and rhinos in general at 51-71 along with endgame seems to be pretty op too. I played rhino before, but the heal regen system was pretty op.

9. I hope you guys can make a system where merging doesn't exist anymore or maybe make a system where the higher levels become same stat and skills as a lower level pvpers, so that everyone gets an opportunity to taste the balanced pvp system.

10. This is totally my opinion and even though I don't hope for any changes because pocket legends is just a small portion of STS now, due to AL, here are some changes that I wish for.

Thanks for reading!

06-21-2014, 11:10 AM
I agree a lot of mages nowadays acting pro over stupid tnings like teaming.

06-21-2014, 11:26 AM
I think foxes should be buffed in the sense that their buffs only deroot once with evade. The foxes need op dodges to actually do something because of they get rooted more than once, which they do, they have no chance to win.

Also nerf bear rage buff and cb debuffs.
60damage buff + -65damage+-30dodge debuff= leaves dodge buff useless/ takes more damage away than you buffed up for

Birds need a damage buff possibly(we are considered the main dps dealers but we don't have a damage buff and we have the lowest crit buff)

06-21-2014, 12:00 PM
1. Pretty sure the heal lag is the result of
a) moderately fluctuating ping followed by
b) pressing heal too fast after other skills.

Doing both at the same time can increase your chances of a heal lag by... a lot.

If it's not, I believe in one of the threads, thescarybeary also said that the heal doesn't actually miss, it works. Somewhere in a thread...might have been yours.

2. Yep, not really sure why anyone cares about excuses in PvP anyway, imo. The game would be a lot more fun if you took what people said at face value.

3. PC usually has more consistent ping, idk about the healing lagging since forg bow nerf though. Before the nerf, most mages at our twinking levels had about 1 heal, so the heal wasn't very noticeable at all. At the levels with higher heal, a lot of the time it was used to heal off ice (which didn't follow spam pressing light & heal that current day 15-35 mage requires.)

4. Those who were good at forgotten bows are still good now. Forgotten bows emphasized the 12m and 8m ranges, and those are still the most important in the game today. Killing higher levels was fun though, until they pulled out a forg bow of their own. Then it was not fun.
Personally, I didn't really like the 3 second drain ice fire fights. Today's 27 seems to be a lot more skill based, however the community has changed... a lot.

5. Super good idea.

6. Yea, nerf the plat packs, as well as merging. Banning mergers isn't enough, instead of duct taping the leaks in the ship, why don't we just fix the whole damn thing?

7. The proc is incredibly annoying, perhaps nerf it down to -5 or -10% debuff a hit. Definitely. I'd rather take higher damage and no proc than lower damage and yes proc.
A lot of the halloween armors suck compared to expert/artisans @ lvl 15. If we're comparing a level 25 mantle to a level 15 armor, then that's not even a fair comparison. They're meant to be used 10 levels apart. I think halloween armors were a pretty good idea, lets all classes get about 15% dodge which is...pretty reasonable.

8. Yea, bird needs to be buffed a little bit. Maybe stronger damage skills, or simply add another combo. (Fox has like 3 combos, wtf.)
Foxes are also pretty simple to beat: use MS after the first combo. Ded 90% of the time.
Rhinos don't need to be nerfed, although they tank hard, they do next to no damage compared to other classes at 22-30. @16-20, they're a bit harder, but that's because of the plat pack sets, which as you've stated, should be nerfed.
Mages with instant MS would be way too easy. Part of the difficulty in 22-35 is timing MS just right. There's nothing more satisfying imo than seeing your MS activate with 0HP left. Man, that's exhilarating.
Uhhhh, bear rage DID get nerfed, along with BOM etc. I think lower crit is a pretty good idea, adds consistency. Definitely lower their dodge though, who gave you guys the idea to let fat bears have 40+ dodge? I think dodge should have a lower cap at least, maybe 25-30% dodge cap, same with crit. If dodge is lowered though, kiting them would become so incredibly easy. They'd need to add damage/armor or something else. Atm, I can probably kill a bear of my same level (30-35) 50% of the time. That's a good success rate, why should mages be allowed to kill bears 100% of the time? Bears are given a chance, and they do lose, because their opportunity is based on luck.

9. Balancing higher level to lower level stats and skills is not balance done right.
1) this would eliminate twinking levels
2) wtf would be the point of lower level armors if everyone's stats are the same?
3) idk, this is just a bad idea Jun.

really well thought out points, although a disagree with many of them, I do agree that merging, plat packs, and fb proc should be fixed.

06-21-2014, 01:40 PM
1. Pretty sure the heal lag is the result of
a) moderately fluctuating ping followed by
b) pressing heal too fast after other skills.

Doing both at the same time can increase your chances of a heal lag by... a lot.

If it's not, I believe in one of the threads, thescarybeary also said that the heal doesn't actually miss, it works. Somewhere in a thread...might have been yours.

2. Yep, not really sure why anyone cares about excuses in PvP anyway, imo. The game would be a lot more fun if you took what people said at face value.

3. PC usually has more consistent ping, idk about the healing lagging since forg bow nerf though. Before the nerf, most mages at our twinking levels had about 1 heal, so the heal wasn't very noticeable at all. At the levels with higher heal, a lot of the time it was used to heal off ice (which didn't follow spam pressing light & heal that current day 15-35 mage requires.)

4. Those who were good at forgotten bows are still good now. Forgotten bows emphasized the 12m and 8m ranges, and those are still the most important in the game today. Killing higher levels was fun though, until they pulled out a forg bow of their own. Then it was not fun.
Personally, I didn't really like the 3 second drain ice fire fights. Today's 27 seems to be a lot more skill based, however the community has changed... a lot.

5. Super good idea.

6. Yea, nerf the plat packs, as well as merging. Banning mergers isn't enough, instead of duct taping the leaks in the ship, why don't we just fix the whole damn thing?

7. The proc is incredibly annoying, perhaps nerf it down to -5 or -10% debuff a hit. Definitely. I'd rather take higher damage and no proc than lower damage and yes proc.
A lot of the halloween armors suck compared to expert/artisans @ lvl 15. If we're comparing a level 25 mantle to a level 15 armor, then that's not even a fair comparison. They're meant to be used 10 levels apart. I think halloween armors were a pretty good idea, lets all classes get about 15% dodge which is...pretty reasonable.

8. Yea, bird needs to be buffed a little bit. Maybe stronger damage skills, or simply add another combo. (Fox has like 3 combos, wtf.)
Foxes are also pretty simple to beat: use MS after the first combo. Ded 90% of the time.
Rhinos don't need to be nerfed, although they tank hard, they do next to no damage compared to other classes at 22-30. @16-20, they're a bit harder, but that's because of the plat pack sets, which as you've stated, should be nerfed.
Mages with instant MS would be way too easy. Part of the difficulty in 22-35 is timing MS just right. There's nothing more satisfying imo than seeing your MS activate with 0HP left. Man, that's exhilarating.
Uhhhh, bear rage DID get nerfed, along with BOM etc. I think lower crit is a pretty good idea, adds consistency. Definitely lower their dodge though, who gave you guys the idea to let fat bears have 40+ dodge? I think dodge should have a lower cap at least, maybe 25-30% dodge cap, same with crit. If dodge is lowered though, kiting them would become so incredibly easy. They'd need to add damage/armor or something else. Atm, I can probably kill a bear of my same level (30-35) 50% of the time. That's a good success rate, why should mages be allowed to kill bears 100% of the time? Bears are given a chance, and they do lose, because their opportunity is based on luck.

9. Balancing higher level to lower level stats and skills is not balance done right.
1) this would eliminate twinking levels
2) wtf would be the point of lower level armors if everyone's stats are the same?
3) idk, this is just a bad idea Jun.

really well thought out points, although a disagree with many of them, I do agree that merging, plat packs, and fb proc should be fixed.

What he means by same armor is that it would automatically level out the armor you get. The armor at higher lvls give more armor so if it were to automatically lower their armor, it would keep higher lvls from getting an advantage gear wise

06-21-2014, 02:50 PM
Merging is very annoying, I agree with most of these points.

and jun, pls stop being so good at 15.

06-21-2014, 02:57 PM
jun plays 15 now? :o

06-21-2014, 03:42 PM
What he means by same armor is that it would automatically level out the armor you get. The armor at higher lvls give more armor so if it were to automatically lower their armor, it would keep higher lvls from getting an advantage gear wise

tf, that's exactly my point. why buy higher lvl gear when their gear will scale down to my noob level gear?

06-21-2014, 03:55 PM
tf, that's exactly my point. why buy higher lvl gear when their gear will scale down to my noob level gear?

Maintains your gear but at lower level, only the stats become the same. Like when you target an opponent, your stat automatically becomes the same as the lower level's.

06-21-2014, 03:55 PM
jun plays 15 now? :o

Yee daniel, coordinate < 15 mage.

06-21-2014, 04:11 PM
Maintains your gear but at lower level, only the stats become the same. Like when you target an opponent, your stat automatically becomes the same as the lower level's.

that still wouldn't balance much tho, gear is so much more important than stats.

06-21-2014, 04:27 PM
Jun is pro at every level watcha talking bout willis.

06-21-2014, 04:31 PM
Jun is pro at every level watcha talking bout willis.

if you're talking to me, i didn't say he was bad at any level lol. me and him have been buds for a while.

06-21-2014, 04:37 PM
that still wouldn't balance much tho, gear is so much more important than stats.

He's talking about if merges happen... As in people over 6lvls than the lobby join

06-21-2014, 04:47 PM
He's talking about if merges happen... As in people over 6lvls than the lobby join

then noobs wud merge up to mess with high lvld...y don't they just patch the thing out. so much ezr. maybe. idk.


06-21-2014, 05:15 PM
Meh ikr, just fix merge in general and that would be great.

06-22-2014, 02:05 AM
Jun is pro at every level watcha talking bout willis.

Not at 35 or 40

06-22-2014, 09:05 AM
Not at 35 or 40

Yeah I admit I am not good at 35 or 40, but hey, I don't consider "dodge" as a skill :P. Playing 35-40 mage, surrounded by dodge bears, what a fun place?

The Voices
06-22-2014, 10:44 AM
Jun is pro at every level watcha talking bout willis.

THAT, Shoe-Goe-Clean, is very true. Too bad I'm not Jun. I'm, ah, just Shiv.

The Voices
06-22-2014, 10:45 AM
yeah i admit i am not good at 35 or 40, but hey, i don't consider "dodge" as a skill :p. Playing 35-40 mage, surrounded by dodge bears, what a fun place?


06-24-2014, 12:21 PM
Oh my god dude, shut up! This game has been nerfed enough! You expect all items to be equal? And you're complaining about ICEBERG?! It costs like 20k per piece! If you can't win Iceberg on Iceberg than you lost fair and square.

I'm also sick and tired of people calling others "Plat Packers". What do you fools not understand about prices paid? They paid their fair share of resources to get it, so stop crying. There will always be items that are stronger than others. The only justified nerf was forgotten.


I agree with merging.

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06-24-2014, 02:45 PM
Oh my god dude, shut up! This game has been nerfed enough! You expect all items to be equal? And you're complaining about ICEBERG?! It costs like 20k per piece! If you can't win Iceberg on Iceberg than you lost fair and square.

I'm also sick and tired of people calling others "Plat Packers". What do you fools not understand about prices paid? They paid their fair share of resources to get it, so stop crying. There will always be items that are stronger than others. The only justified nerf was forgotten.


I agree with merging.

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Nice rant, anyway they dont need to nerf anything just make birds slightly useful there would be no point in 'old pvp' I mean I would like it but the game isn't to bad atm im liking this pvp tbh.

You agree with merging, you mean you agree that it should be stopped or you like merging?

06-24-2014, 02:52 PM
Nice rant, anyway they dont need to nerf anything just make birds slightly useful there would be no point in 'old pvp' I mean I would like it but the game isn't to bad atm im liking this pvp tbh.

You agree with merging, you mean you agree that it should be stopped or you like merging?

I think merging should be stopped. I meant I agree with his opinion on merging.

You know that bird was more fun pre nerf. Now if they get hsed they're done.

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06-24-2014, 02:57 PM
Btw your "heal lag" is you healing and your opponent doing equivalent damage in the same instant.

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06-24-2014, 03:09 PM
lol Depury, I think I know the game way more than you.

06-24-2014, 03:11 PM
Try 30 shivering mage against level 40 bears, and calling me an idiot doesn't seem right, when I am stating my opinion.

06-24-2014, 03:12 PM
Rekt, Jun is on a roll

06-24-2014, 03:18 PM


06-24-2014, 04:11 PM
I think merging should be stopped. I meant I agree with his opinion on merging.

You know that bird was more fun pre nerf. Now if they get hsed they're done.

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Actually it's the cb that actually makes you lose tbh..
And birds are fun right now as well. Just because it's underpowered doesn't mean it's not fun
I'm one of the active 30-31 warbirds that play. And when I comes to fights, mages are the hardest. Bears with their 6 cb make my dodge useless. The only thing that made birds prenerf was the fbow and the dodge
Now I think birds were nerfed too much.
Comparing the evade between fox and birds, you can see that foxes get 16 arm when buffed while birds get 7 arm. Don't get me wrong, I agree that birds don't need more dodge for buffs but they do need some more arm
When you compare focus to all the other buffs on other classes, you can see that birds get the least crit. Also, birds do not get a damage buff when they are considered the main dps dealers.
Birds can become viable if they do get a bit more arm with evade and some damage with focus.
Even support class(rhino) has a damage buff.

06-24-2014, 04:16 PM
Who said bird isnt fun? I love bird, one of my favorite classes to play.

06-24-2014, 05:39 PM
Try 30 shivering mage against level 40 bears, and calling me an idiot doesn't seem right, when I am stating my opinion.

try any class against another class 10 levels apart. it's not a fair comparison.
However, although I disagree with the argument, I agree with the statement that plat packs are OP. They are.

06-24-2014, 05:51 PM
yo whuts good Jun, certainly i got banned again im pretty pissed at stupid sts dev they honestly dont give a **** about us anymore y bother:3

06-24-2014, 06:01 PM
lol Depury, I think I know the game way more than you.

How so? Just because you can parade around camping in low lvl games with a 30 mage and call yourself a pro doesn't make you know the game more than anyone else who joined the game around the same time.

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06-24-2014, 09:29 PM
He doesn't call himself a pro, he's modest. Look up his 30-31 mage guide, even in the introduction he mentions that he doubts his skill, when being modest is the number one thing NOT to do when writing a guide.

And so what if he joins lower level games, is there something wrong with that? You think he should join L35 games, where he could get mobbed by boosters? I doubt that he kills all the L25 people when he joins the lower level games.

I'm pretty sure he has the right to say that he knows a whole lot about the game. He's a founder, a great PvPer for all I know of, and really respected by other. Over all, he has a good reputation in the PL community, so we should highly consider and listen to his opinions and experiences.

06-24-2014, 11:47 PM

06-25-2014, 12:12 AM
-.- Was a bit of a rant, but oh well.
How was your waffles + eggs + sausages?

06-25-2014, 06:01 AM

06-25-2014, 08:48 AM
How so? Just because you can parade around camping in low lvl games with a 30 mage and call yourself a pro doesn't make you know the game more than anyone else who joined the game around the same time.

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I actually join 30-35 games more lol and I never called myself a pro. Is all this ranting happening because of my rush with my 27 mage against your alts?

06-25-2014, 08:52 AM
I actually join 30-35 games more lol and I never called myself a pro. Is all this ranting happening because of my rush with my 27 mage against your alts?

Modest? "I think I know the game way more than you, Depury."

Lol I'd appreciate if you'd stop that. You know pre-nerf we were really good friends. Then you threw it away claiming that I rushed you or something. C'mon, man. Really?

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06-25-2014, 09:37 AM
Modest? "I think I know the game way more than you, Depury."

Lol I'd appreciate if you'd stop that. You know pre-nerf we were really good friends. Then you threw it away claiming that I rushed you or something. C'mon, man. Really?

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Saying he has more knowledge of the game isn't him being cocky it's jun stating the fact that someone who has played since release generally has more knowledge about the game than someone who hasn't played from the beginning.

06-25-2014, 09:40 AM
... I've played as long as him... Only like a few month difference. Join date : 1-18-11

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06-25-2014, 10:34 AM

06-25-2014, 11:10 AM
Modest? "I think I know the game way more than you, Depury."

Lol I'd appreciate if you'd stop that. You know pre-nerf we were really good friends. Then you threw it away claiming that I rushed you or something. C'mon, man. Really?

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Well it's a fact that you did rush my 20 rhino before lol but you kept denying. Besides, "You would appreciate if I stopped that?", you know you made me say that lol. I don't understand your reason for sudden rants like "Idiot, please learn the game, fool, crying". I don't appreciate those, and this thread was just my opinions about our current day PVP.

06-25-2014, 11:32 AM
This is getting intense...

06-25-2014, 10:58 PM
This is getting intense...


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06-25-2014, 10:59 PM
Well it's a fact that you did rush my 20 rhino before lol but you kept denying. Besides, "You would appreciate if I stopped that?", you know you made me say that lol. I don't understand your reason for sudden rants like "Idiot, please learn the game, fool, crying". I don't appreciate those, and this thread was just my opinions about our current day PVP.

Sorry, didn't realize it was u, thought it was some new kid. But still if I hear "nerf" one more time I will punch someone.

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06-25-2014, 11:32 PM
nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf! Punch me u wont. even if u do that will be the last thing u will ever do in ur life.

06-26-2014, 12:05 AM
nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf! Punch me u wont. even if u do that will be the last thing u will ever do in ur life.

Nao wut, am I gonna die

06-26-2014, 12:31 AM
Want some...fruit Punch?

.....ba dum tsss...

06-26-2014, 01:38 AM
Want some...fruit Punch?

.....ba dum tsss...


06-26-2014, 07:38 AM
Sorry, didn't realize it was u, thought it was some new kid. But still if I hear "nerf" one more time I will punch someone.

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06-26-2014, 09:42 AM
nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf! Punch me u wont. even if u do that will be the last thing u will ever do in ur life.

I don't know who you are, but I will find you. And I will punch you.

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06-26-2014, 01:51 PM
I don't know who you are, but I will find you. And I will punch you.

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pls! pls! pls! beat the living **** out of me pls :D

06-26-2014, 02:00 PM
I don't know who you are,

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He's Wrestled, DUH!

06-26-2014, 02:13 PM
He's Wrestled, DUH!

xD I meant irl

@Wrestled expect a large box in front of your house in the next few days, first class. It's my luxury punching transport box for stuff like this. I can see your house on Google Maps atm >:D

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The Voices
06-26-2014, 02:30 PM
I predict that one day, STS is going to snap and nerf everything, and you're going to have Paw + FBow with 3-5 damage (+0.00001 per level) and no procs, 100 HP, 55 MP, all craziness. 0_0 I want those nerfs. Those are better than PL atm irl in lower lvl pvp range.

06-26-2014, 02:48 PM

06-26-2014, 02:52 PM
1. Plat pack is op, the weapons: sword and hammer.
2. Your talking about rhino being op at 30?
3. Mage is certainly strong at low lvl, if it can beat other WITHOUT ms, imagine with it.
4. Bird dont need the hit from focus, at 76 birds already have 180hit base -.- make focus 25 dmg 25 crit.
5. Fbows were good and bad, in fbow any class could kill any class even rhino. Today, try being a bird or rhino and beating a mage 1v1 and not getting dmg debuffed like crazy by bears while they kill you with 60 rage buff.
6. Ego, lots of bears at 22-30 gain egos using plat pack and beckon stomping foxes and birds.

06-26-2014, 03:01 PM
Plat packs, they are not op at all. The hammers and swords hit% make my eyes bleed and they cost 30+plat which is $5...

06-27-2014, 10:18 PM
I would like for the damage to be back to normal I liked the way it was before the damage reduction

06-28-2014, 12:15 AM
Dont nerf rhinos... they r crap without crit buff... they hardly make dmg even forg bow

06-28-2014, 12:23 AM
Plat packs, they are not op at all. The hammers and swords hit% make my eyes bleed and they cost 30+plat which is $5...
The weapons are pretty freaking insane.

06-28-2014, 03:35 AM
I guess...

06-28-2014, 09:54 PM
Plat packs, they are not op at all. The hammers and swords hit% make my eyes bleed and they cost 30+plat which is $5...
Fyi iceberg has same ice as plat pack

07-01-2014, 02:30 PM
The truth is that there will always be gear more expensive with better stats in every game. What's the point of nerfing stuff down? Then something else will become "op" and then it will be nerfed. Endless nerfing cycle! All I wanted was fbow removed completely, not stat nerf. Everything was fine pre forg.

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07-01-2014, 03:26 PM
The truth is that there will always be gear more expensive with better stats in every game. What's the point of nerfing stuff down? Then something else will become "op" and then it will be nerfed. Endless nerfing cycle! All I wanted was fbow removed completely, not stat nerf. Everything was fine pre forg.

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Not every game.. League of Legends is extremely balanced, and the only things you can buy with real money are skins and elixirs that help noobs level up quicker (Max level is 30) and get an IP boost (you buy champions with IP). It's literally a game of skill.