View Full Version : Class-specific Quests

01-04-2011, 12:46 AM
Not sure if this idea was addressed, but many MMORPGs have class-specific quests that users can partake in. For example, creating a bird can give you a bunch of bird-related side quests and class-specific quest rewards, from lv 1 up to lv 50. Or dungeons with enemies that only mages can enter (with class-specific dungeon rewards)...you get the drift. Of course, the enemies would be different for each class - the dungeon difficulty would differ among all three classes.

This may be both helpful for players as well as the developers. Playing through a class and their class-specific quests/dungeons, and then making another character of a different class to see what those quests are like may maintain the interest of the player, as well as maintaining an existing user base (more revenue in the long run for the developers). I suppose more of an incentive to try out other classes - especially if the rewards are worth it. Class-specific dungeons for a bird for example may drop only mage/bear pink items, etc. May help foster inter-class relations?

01-04-2011, 01:52 AM
If you include both solo and party class-specific solo quests - I like your idea :)

01-04-2011, 07:05 AM
Eh, not so sure about this. I think what's more important is bringing back the need for all three classes to play together.
Quests that you're suggesting will eventually lead to the game being flooded by one class type in order to farm the rarest and most-desired loot from those areas.
IMO, the game was the most fun when all three classes were needed to successfully survive a dungeon.

01-04-2011, 09:39 PM
Check my quest suggestion for details of this and other quest ideas. Link is in my Sig.

01-05-2011, 12:01 AM
We would need a lot more worlds for this to happen