View Full Version : Hardcore

01-04-2011, 12:02 PM
a few other mmo's have such a setting.....
Basically 1 life.... you die and everything you have is lost. In this game something would need to be changed with Stash. The whole point is to lose your items without having a safe place to hide them. The first game I came across this setting and ended up only playing was Diablo if you need a reference.

Seem im not the only person that thought this might be fun
The Elite Immortals (guild link http://www.spacetimestudios.com/group.php?groupid=107)

01-04-2011, 12:03 PM
-5 stars.
This isn't Diablo.

MAYBE if it was gold you would lose, you might have an argument.

01-04-2011, 12:29 PM
You know how many e-mails will be sent to support? There will be more e-mails getting sent to spacetime than texts going to American idol on voting night....

01-04-2011, 02:42 PM
-5 stars.
This isn't Diablo.

MAYBE if it was gold you would lose, you might have an argument.

the point of losing items would be the main aim of such a setting ... if you think gold = something ive really missed the point to the game
Just like every MMO after the first few levels gold just isnt used. not everyone would want such game play so would need to select when you create char (normal or 1 life).

dont understand why you talk about emails for a game.
when you die in WoW / Battle field / a.n.other would anyone in there right mind email support.

01-04-2011, 03:01 PM
a few other mmo's have such a setting.....
Basically 1 life.... you die and everything you have is lost. In this game something would need to be changed with Stash. The whole point is to lose your items without having a safe place to hide them. The first game I came across this setting and ended up only playing was Diablo if you need a reference.

That would prevent most higher levels from doing keeper runs... No one would waste time farming because of too much chances of loosing good gear. What do you propose lvl 50's do?

01-04-2011, 03:06 PM
Purg, you're comparing this WAY too much to other games. Let this game be itself, it's an individual game with a different style. Yes, they would e-mail support, since a lot of kids play this game saying "I died, but it was because of lag, Can i have my stuff back?" or "I didn't know if you died you lost your stuff, I want a re-do"

A lot of people would either quit or e-mail support since it is fairly easy to die in this game, not to mention, think about it, everyone will start using bears, and pallys, and battle birds, and nothing else so that they don't die.

No offense, I don't wanna sound rude, but have you been in this community for long? Support gets e-mailed sooo much stuff daily, in fact. A while ago you could put more than 4 items in the trade box, and could have multiple pages. Some people accidentally traded 5 or so items when they meant to only trade 4 because they did notice the second page. Then STS limited trade to one page due to people e-mailing support, and posting threads asking for their items back.

I don't like this idea at all tbh, it's supposed to be a casual gamers game, and a mobile one, not one with that big of consequences when you die. Maybe some consequence, but not one that big and drastic.

01-04-2011, 03:08 PM
You know how many e-mails will be sent to support? There will be more e-mails getting sent to spacetime than texts going to American idol on voting night....

That's pretty much it.

01-04-2011, 07:16 PM
they would e-mail support, since a lot of kids play this game saying "I died, but it was because of lag, Can i have my stuff back?" or "I didn't know if you died you lost your stuff, I want a re-do"

cant agrue against the stupid emailing over everthing and anything!

guess I just regard the worth of vertual items less than others ... to lose everything you redo the best parts.. not farming but playing the game for what it is. running around like a headless chicken having fun.

01-04-2011, 07:20 PM
I mean, I couldn't blame people for getting aggravated because they lost all their items, but it is what it is. Now if this was implemented, I would find it dumb to e-mail support. Either quit or stick it out.

01-04-2011, 07:20 PM
You know how many e-mails will be sent to support? There will be more e-mails getting sent to spacetime than texts going to American idol on voting night....


01-04-2011, 09:30 PM
a few other mmo's have such a setting.....
Basically 1 life.... you die and everything you have is lost. In this game something would need to be changed with Stash. The whole point is to lose your items without having a safe place to hide them. The first game I came across this setting and ended up only playing was Diablo if you need a reference.

lol dude you should join the guild I'm trying to form! Link is in my Sig! I used to play d2 on hardcore. Check it out.

I don't care what the rest of them say playing with only one life is very exciting and fun way to play. Game play never gets dull that way. And you can farm end game bosses without dying if you take your time. I did it all the time in d2 hardcore.

01-05-2011, 12:07 AM
Id quit if i was lagging

01-05-2011, 12:20 AM
when you die in WoW / Battle field / a.n.other would anyone in there right mind email support.

The thing is Wow and battle field started like that, we didn't. A update like that would shake the entire foundation of this game.

01-05-2011, 12:23 AM
I saw the title of the thread and just had to look..

01-05-2011, 12:29 AM
When I saw hardcore I started thinking about CoD hardcore mode pwnage..

01-05-2011, 12:30 AM
I saw the title of the thread and just had to look..

Good thing his name wasn't sexaygal lke the one advertising for videos (innocent ones) or it would mash my mind like potatoes

01-05-2011, 04:39 AM
I don't care what the rest of them say playing with only one life is very exciting and fun way to play. Game play never gets dull that way. And you can farm end game bosses without dying if you take your time. I did it all the time in d2 hardcore.

thanks Cabero, signed up .... will delete my char's later today as they have all died at some point.
PM if you want a website address for the guild I own a couple for this game

pocketguilds.com probably being the most appropriate
(example elite.pocketguilds.com, tei.pocketguilds.com or immortals.pocketguilds.com)

01-05-2011, 06:21 AM
I always liked the option to up the risk and excitement - and yes, after my first high level in Diablo I only played hardcore.

Only problem was
1) Unintended player killings
2) Lagg

And unless they take care of both quite thoroughly, I wouldnt make a hardcore char in PL.

Might be a better idea in PvP, where people already are out to get each other

01-05-2011, 06:50 AM
Lag was always the problem but over time we build a char to handle lag on the daily basis
But you always has times when you (lag) freeze for 2seconds and find yourself dead. Chatting in channel as a ghost laughing about your screw ups. On the high lag days I went back to a normal game where death didnt matter.

For now, ive joined Cabero's guild so will create a lvl1 later today.
Looking forward to running through the game without items.