View Full Version : Skillbook suggestion

05-10-2010, 03:09 AM
i have heal, life drain, fire storm and lightning in quick slots but if i need to use a spell in my skillbook when i click on the skillbook, all my skills are jumbled all over the place.

please update it so when you open your skillbook, the skills to the right are the same as your quick slot spells

the current setup is verry anoying, for example i have heal at the bottom right hand corner of the screen, just above the attack button, but when i open my skillbook, revive is there and heal is somewere else.

05-10-2010, 03:14 AM
What I have been hoping for since this happened!

P.S. I am new to the forums so how do I post a forum? Thanks!

05-10-2010, 05:19 AM
TO make things even MORE fun the 12- button layout is DIFFERENT on the iPad version of the game! So if you play on both you have to learn 2 different set ups!

05-10-2010, 07:30 AM
TO make things even MORE fun the 12- button layout is DIFFERENT on the iPad version of the game! So if you play on both you have to learn 2 different set ups!

ehhhhhhhhh.......... *sigh*

http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/4483/2043failcameran.jpg (http://img94.imageshack.us/i/2043failcameran.jpg/)

05-11-2010, 05:28 PM
thanks devs for patching up so my rez button isnt wear my heal button should be when i open book. but all my other quickspells are jumbled still

05-11-2010, 06:51 PM
This will be [semi] fixed in 1.2. I didn't know Jakis was using the skills on the hud in this manner. I will change it to always having the right-most 4 be your mapped skills, and the rest will be to the left of the 4 only if they are ranked.

When we move to skill trees and more skills, you'll be able to remap all skill slots.


05-11-2010, 07:10 PM
I will change it to always having the right-most 4 be your mapped skills, and the rest will be to the left of the 4 only if they are ranked.


When we move to skill trees and more skills, you'll be able to remap all skill slots.

Skill trees! So might we be seeing more skills with Alien Oasis?

05-11-2010, 07:20 PM
Skill trees!?! I can't wait for this! Gives me a chance to custom fit my death dealing. Makes me wonder if some of these new skills will be pvp related...