View Full Version : Elondrian Spirit chests and mythics

06-24-2014, 12:57 PM
hey guys ,
I'm thinking of opening elondrian spirit chests, 100-150 on average to try to win a mythic, the question is: I have a reasonable chance? worth it? or can i sell the chests ?
( i am not a platinum player )
Sorry for the english heheh

06-24-2014, 01:21 PM
Sell them it's just like with myth helm,kershal and maul of ollerus the chance is so small that locks are even better to open.

06-24-2014, 01:33 PM
Live life to the fullest take risks never expect and have fun. If its going to happen it will its not always about making $$$ and yes its the safe choice but if you like to gamble and have fun go and do it. No harm trying. Good luck.

06-24-2014, 08:41 PM
hey guys ,
I'm thinking of opening elondrian spirit chests, 100-150 on average to try to win a mythic, the question is: I have a reasonable chance? worth it? or can i sell the chests ?
( i am not a platinum player )
Sorry for the english heheh

Im with you bro, maybe im gonna craft around 300 elondorian crates. It is gonna be crates for me. And it will be my first time opening crates btw :3


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06-24-2014, 09:49 PM
You can't trade spirit chest. Good luck farming that many, they will have a similar drop rate to elite golden chests, I assume, and will take too long to craft for you to make 150. You will spend millions in energy kits, fair warning.

Since you can't sell spirit chests (nor stash them) everyone will be opening only what they earn. +1 to STS for adding a time investment requirement.

06-24-2014, 11:49 PM
as they are event chest, I think it is not tradable as the event chest of tarlok event was not tradable.

about stashing, Idk coz I never stashed those chests, lol, whenever I get chest I just pop em in hope of getting tokens

06-25-2014, 07:35 AM
I thought the the chests were tradeable .-. , anyway, i was thinking on farm the chests with my friend and if we loot something we split the money :/
thanks everybody

Sorry for my english.