View Full Version : New pets (Arcane/Mythic)

06-27-2014, 10:08 AM
I had some ideas for new pets. I don't know(too lazy to search for myself) if they were suggested before. Here it goes.

1. Golem: A huge pet(taller than warrior maybe?) with boost to STR, Int, Health Regen in % and Armor.
Arcane Ability: Grants "x" amount of damage to "y" amount of time. High chance to stun multiple targets.
Passive: Damage to multiple targets, 5-10% to instant kill, stun, Reduce armor by 20%. Debuff lasts for 2 sec.

A golem is a strong but slow as we all know. So he attacks once every 3-4 sec. Which fixes his passive being OP.

2. Pixie: A small pet that grants Int, dex and mana.
Arcane Ability: Silence/Disarm enemies for "x" amount of time. Silenced/Disarmed enemies won't be able to cast spells and attack but they can move freely.
Passive: Lowers hit%, crit %, damage and has passive regen in % ability.

Note: I used mana regen in % because I feel its much better than +8 or whatever. Lets say the pet has 1% mana regen then a sorc with 3000 mana can regen 30 mana a sec without having to do anything. It sounds a bit OP but there are OP pets already, Nightshade *ahem*.

06-27-2014, 10:10 AM
I still say arcane replicator pet would the bomb! It would duplicate your toon and they would fight with you. Maybe double normal and triple under AA.

06-27-2014, 10:14 AM
Phantom Lancer from dotA. Lol