View Full Version : Seperate The Disable XP gain and PVE kills gain

06-30-2014, 08:04 PM
Everytime i disable XP gain my pve kills wont gain everytime i kill a Zombie/Minion or whatevs Please seperate it!

06-30-2014, 08:14 PM
I think it's fine the way it is. It definitely has a longer lasting positive effect to disable both than to disable one or the other. It's like farming for items, the more you grind, the more boring the level will be and the faster you will quit making more characters and leveling up.

01-07-2015, 04:53 PM
I recommend to enable it when you're going to a map. When you killed all bosses/mini bosses/creeps/mobs then disable it :D

01-10-2015, 07:24 AM
U right dude, when u hit u 100k kill pve and u stay at the kill, i recommend u to use the disable xp gain lol :p

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01-13-2015, 03:27 AM
There has been one more thread like this... http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?151058-Please-make-this-update-or-i-will-cry-( but no attention was given by moderators as over here. I personally also hate this problem a lot. :( :( :( Everyone was in favor of this idea but no use. :(