View Full Version : Birds and pvp

01-07-2011, 06:17 AM
Is it just me or do full dex birds fail at pvp against mages and warriors.
I'm lvl 32 using:

Helm: jewel thiefs penguin snowcap (lvl31 Pink)
Weapon: shivering ice auto crossbow (lvl30 pink)
Armor: shivering frozen yeti leather (lvl30 pink)

What's wrong with me? I can't even kill my lvl 30 Mage friend. They just kill me with lightning.
I can't even kill warriors who just stomp the crap outa me.

Anyone have any ideas on how to win? Because kiting isn't working, when ever they atk me I get pulled back. -_-

01-07-2011, 10:50 AM
Same happens to me vs players lvl 50 , i always die, i rhink its how u use ur spells

01-07-2011, 06:48 PM
i use my void and pots with certain speacial attacks of deff and im ussually the same power.