View Full Version : Auction Complete Notification

01-07-2011, 10:01 AM
When you have something for auction, you need to go check if the item sold or not once and a while. There are somethings that sell really fast, some sell slow.

A simple suggestion.

Whenever an auction you put up is completed the game notifies you like if you got a Drop or someone Messages you. A good notification probably would be "Your posted auction(s) completed".

01-07-2011, 10:46 AM
Has been requested like 20 times alrdy, hopefully devs do something about it. Would make the game much much better

01-08-2011, 12:38 PM
Well, I mean, iono how much help this is.

You figure you'd list something, wait for a notification, collect your money, sweet.

What happens when you're undercut, and without realizing, you go back 8 hours later, and your item is now worth half the value. -.-