View Full Version : Keeper strategy

01-07-2011, 11:07 AM
I have a level 48 str/dex bear that I have used on a few crush the keeper maps. I actually like him almost as much as my enchantress. On the few runs I have been on I can keep agro but I'm getting pushed back (repulsed?) like a little rag doll. Besides angling myself against close walls is there something I can do to stay up tighter to the keeper?

01-07-2011, 11:21 AM
I get the same im always the ping pong ball takeing all the aggro theres not much that i can dnj with my tank as im all str but you as a dex can just take aggro and shoot him from a distance

01-09-2011, 01:43 PM
Same thing happens with archers. Best group strategy is for everyone to stay in a corner. This way you don't lose shots from being pushed too far away, and he can't push you away from the mages who should be healing. Unfortunately almost no group actually does this well, and there's a lot of death.

01-09-2011, 03:01 PM
If you get aggro you can run around the spikes and glitch him. If your team doesn't use knock backs, he stay in one place and your team can burn him down. Bears don't put out much damage, so it's actually a pretty good strategy, as opposed then burning a ton of pots, not doing any damage anyway, and having him run all over the board.

The problem, is that a lot of people don't know what you are doing and they knock the keeper out of the glitch, so you have to keep re glitching him.

01-09-2011, 07:11 PM
Not only that, but the frigging mages try to run up to the dude to attack, leaving the guy with aggro without a healer, when they barely scratch him. As a group, by far the best strategy is to maximize the archers' ability to hit (and having them buy the melee elixir helps even more). This is not an elitist point—I play all 3 classes.

01-09-2011, 07:20 PM
Elfs and all classes in particular need to learn how to only auto attack until the birds get the debuffs in AND THEN unleash all skills.... Maximum damage, and any boss will be dead in under 30 seconds, I guarantee you that, unless of course you have a bear on your team.

01-11-2011, 06:11 AM
Elfs and all classes in particular need to learn how to only auto attack until the birds get the debuffs in AND THEN unleash all skills.... Maximum damage, and any boss will be dead in under 30 seconds, I guarantee you that, unless of course you have a bear on your team.

30? With a good team, you can kill the keeper in 10 seconds or less. We were doing that last night. It was quite a relief to finally get a good team together.

01-11-2011, 12:06 PM
lol with new gears maybe even less? lol

01-13-2011, 02:14 PM
The best thing for a bear to do (imo) on the keeper is just hit auto and ride it out. Keep an eye on your health and be ready to spam health pots if needed. When i do this I don't get knocked back that much at all. As soon as I hit any skill/spell he starts pushing me back.

I think the best strategy for a fast keeper run is this: run to the end of the room against the wall (opposite of keeper), bear pulls aliens in and everyone deals with them. once that half of the room is done everyone line up and go down the middle aisle (bear first). everyone head straight for the keeper and hit auto first. ignore the other aliens, the mages aoe should deal with them, if not handle them after keeper is done. if you have a group of 50's doing this I've seen it go fast, like 20 seconds or less. You all have to hit him quick before he brings up his shield.

01-23-2011, 06:37 AM
I have a level 48 str/dex bear that I have used on a few crush the keeper maps. I actually like him almost as much as my enchantress. On the few runs I have been on I can keep agro but I'm getting pushed back (repulsed?) like a little rag doll. Besides angling myself against close walls is there something I can do to stay up tighter to the keeper?

Heres my strategy. Get to lv50. lalaalalal