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View Full Version : OMG HELP! Ended up with wrong cybe armor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-08-2011, 12:09 PM
Okay so I finally got my third 100 totems for my bear and somehow someway ended up with cyber void instead of cyber rift even though I clicked on cyber rift for turn in!!!!!! Not sure if lag or what but what can I do. I need cyber rift and I have only ever been str bear! What can I do?

01-08-2011, 12:12 PM
Nothing you can do about it. Maybe make another bear and do it all over again.

01-08-2011, 12:14 PM
well considering how rift fails, the game did you a favor.

01-08-2011, 12:18 PM
Yes but I did want to have it for all....No way am I starting all over again with a bear.

01-08-2011, 12:21 PM
The devs said they won't do anything about it.

Your best bet is to just get the original rift set.

01-08-2011, 12:27 PM
Already sporting original rift set. Seriously the devs wont help? We pay money for this game and they wont help?

01-08-2011, 12:32 PM
I guess if enough people complain they'll do something about it, like with the "haunted cyber trash" quest.
But Mystic asked yesterday and the answer was no.
Maybe the answer will be different for you, I dunno.

Right now cyber rift isn't all that great anyway...

01-08-2011, 12:36 PM
No I realize it sucks. I also think the holiday set sucks too compared to rift. I love rift and I will use it over cyber any day. But my bear is not complete without it you know? For my mage I have full cosmos and cyber...use cyber. Bird I have full void and cyber use cyber with bow. My bear I have full rift and feel I need full cyber to be complete you know? It not like I am going out of my way to get it either I farm all the bosses in victory lap so it is easy to obtain. I just want it.

01-08-2011, 12:36 PM
And what if they change cyber rift? It would suck *** leveling bear up again just to get cyber gear.

01-08-2011, 12:37 PM
I wouldn't even care if they reset the quest for me.

01-08-2011, 12:54 PM
Not much we can do for you. PM a dev and see if they'll help you out.

01-08-2011, 01:46 PM
Are you sure that it was selected? On the iPhone, the rewards box is kind of small so it could have easily been possible to think you clicked on rift but clicked something else. Still a bummer though since getting 100 totems is such a pain.

01-08-2011, 02:36 PM
Same thing happened to me,
but Devs don't give a dang. I know I pressed on Cyber Cosmos, but for some reason I got Cyber Void.

01-08-2011, 03:33 PM
Dude, I've been complaining about this for ages.....they'll do nothing....NOTHING!!!!:(