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View Full Version : What comes next? New Mythic Armor & Helm?

07-08-2014, 08:18 PM
With this new event, because the ancient druid and living spirit armor and helms are dropping from locked crates and not just from the event chests, there is a huge surplus of them, and the prices have dropped to the point that even the best versions can be had for only a few thousand gold each.

This presents a problem as everyone will suddenly have the same exact gear, and there is no better helm and armor to even work for.

I think the next event/itemization update must be a new mythic helm and/or armor. But instead of them being looted from locked crates, how about finally giving these items from some major quest. Add them to the dragkins tooth vendor for 500 teeth each. Or make a new event where you get them for reaching gold tier -- but in that case make gold tier harder than it is this event where just about anyone can get there easy in a few days. Offer us these great items, but make us really work for them.

This is my suggestion for the next event/update.

07-08-2014, 08:38 PM
I agree too much! I think sts should do a one time thing where these mythics and arcanes are accessible to any player, but only the select few that work their BUTT off! :D of course this would only be a one time thing

07-08-2014, 08:44 PM
+1 to suggestion

07-08-2014, 09:08 PM
An excellent suggestion! This season is done for various reasons if Energizeric suggestion isn't implemented. We've already run Elites with old mythic gears /new legendary to the point where no one buys the elite loot. New helms are good for what? Pvp and faster elite times for leaderboard? I have always stated with the release of better event gears, that should only be used as a stepping stone to allow poor players to start elite farming. New elite loot needs to be released shortly after these events to gather interest in them again. As it is, I'm only running elites to burn gold? Why would anyone do that xD

07-08-2014, 09:30 PM
What I get from this is fairly contradictory. From one standpoint the view is that everyone will be in same gear due to a flood of surplus. Well correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't simply giving myth sets away for completing a quest line or reaching tier be accomplishing the exact same thing? Everyone will be full myth. Then what?

07-08-2014, 09:38 PM
What I get from this is fairly contradictory. From one standpoint the view is that everyone will be in same gear due to a flood of surplus. Well correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't simply giving myth sets away for completing a quest line or reaching tier be accomplishing the exact same thing? Everyone will be full myth. Then what?

Make the questline very intricate so that completion will require more dedication than just killing x amount of baddies.

07-08-2014, 09:42 PM
The oppertunity must VERY VERY EXTREMLY HARD to achieve, and there should be no lvl exploit or glitches of any sort. It should not be easier for twinks to complete, nor should it be more of an advantage for more wealthy players. EVERY SINGLE PLAYER should be on an equal playing field where gold, plat, and level do not present an advantage.

07-08-2014, 10:18 PM
Even if sts decide to make new myth gear u rly think they will put em into event tier or for tokens? They want profit so we will see em only in some plat version drop...as always

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Jack O Reaper
07-08-2014, 10:21 PM
Good idea.

07-08-2014, 10:54 PM
If any of you remember the ichor quest in Pocket Legends, then you know what I have in mind. It was like farming for dragkins teeth, but you needed 500 of them, and you had only one month to finish before the dungeon was gone. Most players were unable to complete it, but many did. The reward was an elite weapon, which in Pocket Legends is the highest color rarity, kind of like arcane is in AL.

In addition to the reward for completing the quest, to keep players interested they also made a super rare drop from the dungeon boss -- you could loot a black dragon helm or armor -- a total of 6 different pieces were possible (helm/armor x 3 classes). I ran the dungeon about 1500 times to get my 500 ichors, and in that time I also looted 2 black dragon items.

So how would that kind of idea translate over to AL?

It could be like this:

1) 1 month long event like Ursoth's Assault.

2) Have a dungeon with a few mobs like the dungeon during the goblin event, where all the mobs must be cleared before the boss spawns.

3) the prizes for bronze/silver/gold tier would similar to the Ursoth's Assault event. Nice items, but nothing super.

4) make it so that the number of tokens earned from each boss are 1,2,3 or 4 depending on which boss, not 8,12,17 or 23 like Ursoth's Assault event.

5) Have various items available from the token vendor, but at the top of the list mythic armor & helm available for 1000 tokens each.

6) This means you will have to run the dungeon 300+ times to get a mythic item, or 600+ times to get a full armor/helm set. In 30 days you will only get 90 free energy points. That means you will need another 500+ energy points. So either you can farm for energy points and spend tons of time doing that, or you can buy energy kits from either the auction or from the plat store.

7) If you did not want to farm energy points and wanted to just buy energy kits for gold, then 12k per kit x 500 kits = 6m gold. That plus all the time it takes to run the dungeon 600+ times means a full mythic set would probably be worth 10m+.

8) You would be able to farm as many mythic armors/helms as you want, and they would be tradable so you can sell to someone else.

9) After the event is over, these become discontinued just like the mythic weapons.

10) As a perk to keep everyone interested, very rarely a new arcane pet egg will drop from the hardest event boss. This pet egg will also be given to the top 10 in each class on the event leaderboard.

07-09-2014, 01:07 AM
Anyone remeber the Cyber Quest from PL? Back in the day they were awesome and anyone could have it but the quest alone takes days to complete and months for the lazy guys.

Dex Scene
07-09-2014, 01:19 AM
True to that!!! I bought the ancient potency for like 300-400k and they cost like 60k now and +1 to your pointing out how everyone will have same armor and helms now!! Entangled chests dropped too much of ancients. Its too late to fix now hope they bring something better armor or helm now

07-09-2014, 01:59 AM
Anyone remeber the Cyber Quest from PL? Back in the day they were awesome and anyone could have it but the quest alone takes days to complete and months for the lazy guys.

Yes, those were really tough quests. Remember the frozen quest? That quest was the last one I ever did and took months to complete.

07-09-2014, 02:34 AM
Mythic amulets please, the current ones are very cheap.

07-09-2014, 02:38 AM
I like the idea of seasonal mythics/arcane/vanity/banners

Instead of a long event why not make it an seasonal event were it comes up rarely... I feel like everyone has all the same stuff. like the new SnS pet now that's what I mean for seasonal only get such a rare pet on events

07-09-2014, 05:23 AM
There's 1 problem though with a quest after a while everyone also uses the exact same armor and helm.

07-09-2014, 05:45 AM
It would be too repetitive. Lots found the ichor quests boring because it was the same crap over and over again. It may be a challenge, but its not interesting - just too long to do.

07-09-2014, 06:15 AM
I like the idea of allowing players to get some good gear without popping crates but is hours and hours of grinding the answer? It would be better as a drop from a boss. That way casual players still have chance at receiving the item. Of course the more you play the better your chance. If you add an item that takes hours(days?) of game play to get and is limited to one month availability you will have the working class players a little bit tiffed. Who has hours and hours to play everyday. Even the way this current event is set up it demands a couple hours of game play a day. I don't want to see anymore time added at this point and I don't think my wife does either :p

The new problem is the lack of loot in the elites. Add something new and good to elites. Keep events running in a similar fashion but make the best gear drop from elite maps.

07-09-2014, 06:23 AM
My only problem with new gear is over saturation. We have so much gear in circulation and only a limited amount is of value or even wanted. I'd rather see a way to upgrade any gear to mythic status/stats via item collection/quests or some clever mechanism like rare item/essence drop/crafting. You could keep the look but have the stats of new mythic. I just don't see the point of Commons ands rare tier gear when it just gets liquidated other than diluting loot drops. It is a waste of dev resources. An upgrade system or over haul of Gear system would fix that but this is a discussion for another thread.

I look forward to another event that encourages farming

07-09-2014, 06:34 AM
Example for a questline if i understand you correctly:
1. Find all of the elite 4 in 6 hours or less
2. Collect all essences from Barrels arou... (NOOOO PLIZ JUST NOO)
3. Kill rendtal wearing Common/rare gear
4. Be totally fricking awesome
5. Buy a "dragons flying fish magnet" for 300 dragon teeth
6.craft your mythic helm using a vanity you buy from sir spendalot
7. You are Done
(I did not write this seriously, but i for real think that the "craft mythic helm from sir spendalots vanity" idea is good)
Also, yeah i want new mythic...

07-09-2014, 06:42 AM
I think it should be a quest that lets u craft a new mythic but u need 10 of each essence and a new item like a hunk of mythiel ore. Then it will be hard to find and takes 12 hours to craft like spirit chests.

07-09-2014, 11:15 AM
I like the idea of allowing players to get some good gear without popping crates but is hours and hours of grinding the answer? It would be better as a drop from a boss. That way casual players still have chance at receiving the item. Of course the more you play the better your chance. If you add an item that takes hours(days?) of game play to get and is limited to one month availability you will have the working class players a little bit tiffed. Who has hours and hours to play everyday. Even the way this current event is set up it demands a couple hours of game play a day. I don't want to see anymore time added at this point and I don't think my wife does either :p

My suggestion has both elements to it. Drops from the boss and reward for finishing the quest.

It's nice to have some reward for working really hard and grinding that does NOT require luck. But if you make it too easy, then you cannot give a really premium item. So the only solution is to make it a really hard grind that most players will NOT complete. Otherwise the item will not be premium and will instead be very common.

07-09-2014, 11:34 AM
Ok ok let me understand

Its gonna be sooo hard that "most players will NOT complete"

Learning from an AP's like elite egg crack in elite wilds i can tell you right now only the players with the top gear top pet top party will complete that epic quest for new mythics youre talking about.

What do we have here? another flashy best in game item for elitists and they cant even sell it like with crate/chest looted items cause they only get it once for finishing a quest.

Atleast with platinum theres a chance for all players who wish it to own it, same with elite gold chests depending on how good your gear is but it doesnt have to be TOP SHOT like in your super duper hard quest idea.

I say no, stg please... top players are already arrogant (not all but you can hear it in pvp) dont give them another reason to feel unjustifiably better than the rest.

07-09-2014, 11:39 AM
Ok ok let me understand

Its gonna be sooo hard that "most players will NOT complete"

Learning from an AP's like elite egg crack in elite wilds i can tell you right now only the players with the top gear top pet top party will complete that epic quest for new mythics youre talking about.

What do we have here? another flashy best in game item for elitists and they cant even sell it like with crate/chest looted items cause they only get it once for finishing a quest.

Atleast with platinum theres a chance for all players who wish it to own it, same with elite gold chests depending on how good your gear is but it doesnt have to be TOP SHOT like in your super duper hard quest idea.

I say no, stg please... top players are already arrogant (not all but you can hear it in pvp) dont give them another reason to feel unjustifiably better than the rest.

Nope, it will be more of a grind type of quest. Not one that needs the best gear, but instead one that rewards spending time. Imagine trying to farm 500 dragkins teeth..... something of that order of difficulty.

And I said they will be tradable. I suggest you read my post before commenting, because it is apparent from your comments that you didn't.

07-09-2014, 11:47 AM
Imho the next best thing shouldn't come from an event. We all heard about gear filtering but the only new item we have seen has come from the current event. I think the current Elite map loot should be re worked. Adding additional loot such as "off weapons". Example , we have always had Elite / Pink Daggers , Staffs and Swords dropping from Elite level bosses. Maybe it's time for Elite / Pink Bows , Guns and Sword and Boards drop from Elite level bosses. Ofc they would have to be scaled far below the Gold items we just got but higher than the Crate / Store bought off weapons that we are used to. As for the next "Big" item (s) , I think it's time for more Gold jewelry ... Gold Armor / Helm can come w/ the next Expand ....if there is going to be one at all.

07-09-2014, 11:50 AM
Nope, it will be more of a grind type of quest. Not one that needs the best gear, but instead one that rewards spending time. Imagine trying to farm 500 dragkins teeth..... something of that order of difficulty.

And I said they will be tradable. I suggest you read my post before commenting, because it is apparent from your comments that you didn't.

I think maybe you didnt read mine... so let me just take you back to where i said they cant trade it cause they only get it once for finishing the quest.

Not that they cant literally trade it but they cant cause you can only finish the quest once and unlike a dragon bar this set is actually useful (not just in case you loot an arcane shard)
The only ways to sell this set are

1. I got it from quest but i rather sell it cause i like whatever gear i have already.
2. Use a kick *** alt thats strong enough or whatever to finish this quest, and sell the set you get on it.

My 2nd point is imagining grinding for 500 dragkins teeth sounds like a snooze fest. I can grind elites but im sorry i dont like the fundamentals of this particular quest.

07-09-2014, 12:50 PM
+1 on mythic idea, it's time for new armor, been the same for one to many seasons.

07-09-2014, 12:52 PM
I think maybe you didnt read mine... so let me just take you back to where i said they cant trade it cause they only get it once for finishing the quest.

Not that they cant literally trade it but they cant cause you can only finish the quest once and unlike a dragon bar this set is actually useful (not just in case you loot an arcane shard)
The only ways to sell this set are

1. I got it from quest but i rather sell it cause i like whatever gear i have already.
2. Use a kick *** alt thats strong enough or whatever to finish this quest, and sell the set you get on it.

My 2nd point is imagining grinding for 500 dragkins teeth sounds like a snooze fest. I can grind elites but im sorry i dont like the fundamentals of this particular quest.

1. There is no reason why the quest cannot be done more than once. In PL there were a few players who did the quest multiple times, a friend of mine did it on 3 toons actually. But I would suggest a daily quest where when you finish you can take the quest again. Yes, it will obviously take way more than a day to complete, but the programming for such a quest already exists in the game with the daily quests.

2. I'm not suggesting it has to be boring like farming dragkin teeth. I'm sure there are many much more fun and interesting ideas. The point is that this must be a quest that most players will NOT complete. You cannot have everyone in the game running around with mythic armor and helms, or else all the other armor and helms become worthless. So to keep some value in the elite legendary items, you must only have a limited number of players with mythic. So because of that, any idea for a quest giving mythic armor and helm must be difficult enough so that not everyone will complete the quest. I'm sure you can come up with some fun ideas that fit with that requirement.

07-09-2014, 07:20 PM
Why so many reference to PL? Let's play AL. "Play" infers that one is having fun. I'm an adult with kids and a job. If I can't grind 10 hours a day I don't get mythics with this system unless I buy from those getting for free? Doesn't sound fun. Maybe they'll make us all our very own quests to fulfill all our Arlorian fantasies in one fell swoop. Calling out for glitch free month long events "that most players WONT complete" seems odd IMO.

07-09-2014, 08:33 PM
Why so many reference to PL? Let's play AL. "Play" infers that one is having fun. I'm an adult with kids and a job. If I can't grind 10 hours a day I don't get mythics with this system unless I buy from those getting for free? Doesn't sound fun. Maybe they'll make us all our very own quests to fulfill all our Arlorian fantasies in one fell swoop. Calling out for glitch free month long events "that most players WONT complete" seems odd IMO.

This. Seriously.

The idea is well thoughtout, but you gotta get the "hard quest for good item" mentality out of your head. It's these kind of quests that will bring AL's fall in the long run. As Gorecaster said, people got lives dude. We need events like Tarlok. NO leaderboard. It just ruins the fun. I would know since I grinded my butt off in the goblin event, and if these kind of event keep coming, more and more people are gunna leave the game. Remember, people play games to have FUN, not for stress and grinding. Make another Tarlok event this coming winter, no one will complain. People had so much fun, none of this hardcore grinding that no one wants. I'm sorry Ener, but this isn't a realistic thing to do.

07-09-2014, 08:36 PM
Sorry but I don't know where to put this...but I have a nub question...

What is the email address for sts support to lower ur lvl?

07-09-2014, 09:41 PM
The idea is well thoughtout, but you gotta get the "hard quest for good item" mentality out of your head.

You and other players have gotta get the "I must do everything that is thrown at me and I must have every single item" mentality out of your head.

You are actually complaining about the existence of leaderboards, even though there is nothing forcing you to even pay attention to them or participate in them. I just don't understand it. Just ignore them!

There is no reason why you must participate in every single event or quest. Just do the things that you enjoy doing. I largely ignored the Goblin event, and I am no worse off for it now. For some reason everyone feel compelled to participate in every single thing, so if there are too many elements to the game, or things that require lots of work, then people rage and complain they will quit. That's just dumb.

Do the things you enjoy doing and earn gold the way you want to earn it. If you prefer popping locked crates, then do that. If you prefer farming elites, then do that. If there is some item that comes from some other way, whether it be a quest or from the event leaderboard, then just buy the item from someone who is selling it using the gold that you earned doing what you prefer doing.

There are some lessons from real life that would serve everyone well. I'm a great music producer, and I own my own music label. Some of you who I'm friendly with know this. However, I'm really terrible at fixing cars and wouldn't know how to go about fixing my car if it broke. And I don't know the first thing about growing things on a farm. So I just spend my time producing music, I earn my paycheck, and then when the car breaks I pay the mechanic to fix it, and I buy my produce from the supermarket instead of growing them myself. Try using those lessons in AL. Do what you do best and what you enjoy, and leave the other crap to others to do. Just like a real economy with supply and demand, it will work itself out.

07-09-2014, 09:43 PM
Why so many reference to PL? Let's play AL. "Play" infers that one is having fun. I'm an adult with kids and a job. If I can't grind 10 hours a day I don't get mythics with this system unless I buy from those getting for free? Doesn't sound fun.

It also doesn't sound fun for the poor players who have no plat that all the mythic and arcane items are only available in locked crates and the players who spend the most real money have them all. How about throwing the others a bone once in a while and giving them the very occasional opportunity to earn something rare and valuable by working hard even if they have no real money to spend. Do you think that is unreasonable?

And notice I said "rare and valuable". Rare means very few players have it. There are only 2 ways to make items rare:

1) You control the supply by making them luck based, like a drop or item that comes in chests/crates.


2) You make them a quest item where the quest will only be completed by a small percentage of players.

So far every rare item in the game has always been #1. I'm suggesting that for once we try #2. Not every time. Once in a while. Maybe for every 10 rare items, one of them be method #2. It would really make the game fun for a lot of folks who are always at a disadvantage.

I'm seriously tired of every rare item always being more obtainable by those who spend lots of plat. Can't we once have an item that is super rare (mythic or arcane) that can be obtained from hard work and grinding without luck being a factor? I'm not asking for every item to be like this, just once in a while let us have one that is like this.

07-09-2014, 10:17 PM
Or there could be almost mythic armour which would
Be easier to farm and the mythic one which will need
Lots of farming

07-09-2014, 10:49 PM
This is called a forum. It's a place where people share their opinions, views and ideas. You very much would like all to agree with you but it just doesn't work like that. It's not a debate. This format is flawed and that's my opinion.

07-10-2014, 03:14 AM
I'm seriously tired of every rare item always being more obtainable by those who spend lots of plat. Can't we once have an item that is super rare (mythic or arcane) that can be obtained from hard work and grinding without luck being a factor? I'm not asking for every item to be like this, just once in a while let us have one that is like this.


You and other players have gotta get the "I must do everything that is thrown at me and I must have every single item" mentality out of your head.

07-10-2014, 03:30 AM
Halo STS halo everyone, I Love Arcane Legends, and i have some suggestion about this next new mythic helm and armor:

Please make the NEW mythic helm and armor from the event like this thread say, but please make another version of mythic armor and helm, i mean like this, we can get a NEW mythic armor and helm from and event or quest or locked, but please make us can UPGRADE OUR OLD mythic armor and helm with some requirement, example of the requirement : do some quest, collect some token, and the old mythic helm and armor must be FULL SUPER GEM.

with this idea we can have two version of mythic helm and armor in game (make a difference appereance, really cool one please haha), you can make the difference in their secondary stats like this:


Please consider this STS, I really really love Arcane Legends,

Sorry if my english is not good enough
Thank you all :)

07-10-2014, 04:05 AM
Halo STS halo everyone, I Love Arcane Legends, and i have some suggestion about this next new mythic helm and armor:

Please make the NEW mythic helm and armor from the event like this thread say, but please make another version of mythic armor and helm, i mean like this, we can get a NEW mythic armor and helm from and event or quest or locked, but please make us can UPGRADE OUR OLD mythic armor and helm with some requirement, example of the requirement : do some quest, collect some token, and the old mythic helm and armor must be FULL SUPER GEM.

with this idea we can have two version of mythic helm and armor in game (make a difference appereance, really cool one please haha), you can make the difference in their secondary stats like this:


Please consider this STS, I really really love Arcane Legends,

Sorry if my english is not good enough
Thank you all :)

Please, no more upgrades...
Although, it would be fun to see not everyone run around in the exact same gear...

Dex Scene
07-10-2014, 04:16 AM
You and other players have gotta get the "I must do everything that is thrown at me and I must have every single item" mentality out of your head.

You are actually complaining about the existence of leaderboards, even though there is nothing forcing you to even pay attention to them or participate in them. I just don't understand it. Just ignore them!

There is no reason why you must participate in every single event or quest. Just do the things that you enjoy doing. I largely ignored the Goblin event, and I am no worse off for it now. For some reason everyone feel compelled to participate in every single thing, so if there are too many elements to the game, or things that require lots of work, then people rage and complain they will quit. That's just dumb.

Do the things you enjoy doing and earn gold the way you want to earn it. If you prefer popping locked crates, then do that. If you prefer farming elites, then do that. If there is some item that comes from some other way, whether it be a quest or from the event leaderboard, then just buy the item from someone who is selling it using the gold that you earned doing what you prefer doing.

There are some lessons from real life that would serve everyone well. I'm a great music producer, and I own my own music label. Some of you who I'm friendly with know this. However, I'm really terrible at fixing cars and wouldn't know how to go about fixing my car if it broke. And I don't know the first thing about growing things on a farm. So I just spend my time producing music, I earn my paycheck, and then when the car breaks I pay the mechanic to fix it, and I buy my produce from the supermarket instead of growing them myself. Try using those lessons in AL. Do what you do best and what you enjoy, and leave the other crap to others to do. Just like a real economy with supply and demand, it will work itself out.

07-10-2014, 06:41 AM
The real issue with adding items that are only obtained through quests is the potential to anger your paying clients. Look at S+S for example. You have to grind endlessly to stay in the top 10 of lb. This has caused a pretty substantial uproar in the community. A long, hard quest is more or less the same type of thing. That being said if it is free to complete it is a different ball game. I think if you make a really hard, long to complete quest(free to complete) AND add the item to locks then everyone should be happy. The pay players can loot theirs from locks and the free to play players can earn them through a limited time quest.

Also, as a side note we all know that hardcore players feel the need to complete and play all aspects of a game. Put a real hard quest in and a lot of players will do what it takes to complete it. I know I would, even though I'd much rather not have to lol.

07-10-2014, 11:34 AM
The real issue with adding items that are only obtained through quests is the potential to anger your paying clients. Look at S+S for example. You have to grind endlessly to stay in the top 10 of lb. This has caused a pretty substantial uproar in the community. A long, hard quest is more or less the same type of thing. That being said if it is free to complete it is a different ball game. I think if you make a really hard, long to complete quest(free to complete) AND add the item to locks then everyone should be happy. The pay players can loot theirs from locks and the free to play players can earn them through a limited time quest.

Also, as a side note we all know that hardcore players feel the need to complete and play all aspects of a game. Put a real hard quest in and a lot of players will do what it takes to complete it. I know I would, even though I'd much rather not have to lol.

The items do not need to be added to locks if they are tradable. Please understand this:

1) If you open locked crates, it does not matter which items you loot, instead it matters how much the items you loot are worth.

2) If these new mythic helms and armors are NOT available in locked crates, you can still get them from opening locks anyway. How? Very simple..... Open your locks, sell the mythic/arcane items that you loot, and then buy the new mythic armor and helm from someone who is selling it.

Just as I said in my post above, there is no need for anyone to ever loot the exact items they need. Instead you are fine looting any items of value, selling those items, and then buying the items you want.

This will give some non-plat players who do have the time to grind a hard quest a chance to earn some money by earning these items and then selling them. Trust me, the plat players will be just fine and essentially the non-plat players will end up doing these quests for the plat players.

All this idea does is give some poorer players a chance to earn some money through hard work. It's a very simple idea. If you also add the items to locks, then you will simply water down the price to the point that doing the quest will no longer be worth the time.

07-10-2014, 11:35 AM
Everyone has to ask themselves if it's worth their time. If it's not worth your time, then don't do it. Last I looked the price of a dovabear egg in the auction is down to under 300k. Might I suggest you instead farm somewhere that you enjoy, save up your gold, and just buy a dovabear egg. ;)

The great thing about this game is that there is really no need to loot the items you want. We have this wonderful auction where anyone can buy anything they want. So just farm the areas of the game that you enjoy farming, sell what you loot, and then buy the items you need.

This was great quote, and I have to agree with you on this one. Options are what is key, some players want to grind it out, some players just want the items so they can do other parts of the game that they enjoy. What I am hearing in this thread is that grinders want something to grind for but players with gold/plat want to be able to get it their way.

So, my solution is something I am surprised there is not there. The highest token item from the vendor is 500 tokens, and that takes about to gold. So, they should add a 5-10,000 (THOUSAND) token item (Gotta be REALLY GOOD!). Basically something that if you really want to grind it out, you can get it. And if plat players really want to, they can BUY 5000 tokens and just have it, or get it from the Auction from others that do.

07-10-2014, 01:25 PM
Example for a questline if i understand you correctly:
1. Find all of the elite 4 in 6 hours or less
2. Collect all essences from Barrels arou... (NOOOO PLIZ JUST NOO)
3. Kill rendtal wearing Common/rare gear
4. Be totally fricking awesome
5. Buy a "dragons flying fish magnet" for 300 dragon teeth
6.craft your mythic helm using a vanity you buy from sir spendalot
7. You are Done
(I did not write this seriously, but i for real think that the "craft mythic helm from sir spendalots vanity" idea is good)
Also, yeah i want new mythic...

The part about vanities from Mrspendsalot is definitely a bad idea imo.

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07-10-2014, 01:29 PM
The part about vanities from Mrspendsalot is definitely a bad idea imo.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have not thought about influences in game market or anything, just hope u can explain to me XD

07-10-2014, 02:14 PM
The whole problem with this is if the best items are available as you always wish somehow without plat... then people won't buy and spend plat anymore. STS doesn't do this as a hobby... this isn't "open source" community project... though mega props to STS for including the community in the process. You have a real job... I don't understand what the hangup is about buying plat to support the game company. Some people don't have any choice and that's different but if you like something and have the power to support it why not do it?

The way I see it STS has been very very generous to the non plat buyer lately. I could list a number of changes that all have given more ability to free players to advance in the game. But when it comes right down to it creating game content takes programmers, artists, and infrastructure all which cost real money not virtual gold.

I don't know about you but I want more of these paid programmers and artists to make more new content more often so there's more cool new stuff to do and find and buy in the game! Since AL has been more a big hit game I'd like to see it go on for while instead of jumping from game to game all the time.
my 2 cents.

07-10-2014, 02:29 PM
and what will happed to hard earned OLD mythics? :) maybe it will be batter that you can upgrade them instead of get new one :)

And upgrade with tokens or something? :D

07-10-2014, 02:36 PM
and what will happed to hard earned OLD mythics? :) maybe it will be batter that you can upgrade them instead of get new one :)

And upgrade with tokens or something? :D
...or not?

07-10-2014, 03:39 PM
The whole problem with this is if the best items are available as you always wish somehow without plat... then people won't buy and spend plat anymore. STS doesn't do this as a hobby... this isn't "open source" community project... though mega props to STS for including the community in the process. You have a real job... I don't understand what the hangup is about buying plat to support the game company. Some people don't have any choice and that's different but if you like something and have the power to support it why not do it?

The way I see it STS has been very very generous to the non plat buyer lately. I could list a number of changes that all have given more ability to free players to advance in the game. But when it comes right down to it creating game content takes programmers, artists, and infrastructure all which cost real money not virtual gold.

I don't know about you but I want more of these paid programmers and artists to make more new content more often so there's more cool new stuff to do and find and buy in the game! Since AL has been more a big hit game I'd like to see it go on for while instead of jumping from game to game all the time.
my 2 cents.

1) I'm suggesting that one single item be like this, not all of them. There are tons of nice items that come in locked crates that can be purchased with plat. I'm not suggesting those be taken away. But from the sound of your post, you act is if I suggested that all future good items should be this way. Sorry, but when every single good item can be bought, that is called "Pay to win" and is not the kind of game that is even mildly fun to play.

2) I do buy plat, but I cannot afford to spend thousands of dollars on plat. Perhaps they should auction off the top spot on the leaderboard and see how much money they can make doing that? I'm sure it would raise a ton of revenue to hire lots of programmers. I wonder how everyone would react to that. After all, they are a business, right?

Sorry, but I prefer a game that rewards skill, practice and hard work. Over the past year I have seen this game progress gradually towards pay to win. Now we have pretty much reached a point where I am very bored and most days not sure what to do with myself. I would like to pursue a path that will lead to one day having the best gear, and I am willing to work hard for it, but it seems a rather impossible feat aside from getting lucky and winning the locked crate lottery.

I haven't said this to anyone here yet, so here it goes.... I don't know how much longer I will be here. I stick around hoping for changes, but playing the game has become more like a job than fun lately. I struggle to keep up and stay on the leaderboard, but it seems that the leaderboard perhaps should rank players by amount of plat purchased than any other statistic, because really that is the measure of who is successful these days.

Most of my friends have left the game the past year, and one of them has been encouraging me to play another similar game but that does not sell plat and instead costs a flat fee. Originally I told him no, but recently I've been considering it. It would mean starting over completely with a new game, and I hate to waste all the time invested in AL, but it's beginning to look like all this time invested has been somewhat wasted. I think a new player could be where I am in a couple of weeks with enough plat.

07-11-2014, 06:41 AM
Sorry, but I prefer a game that rewards skill, practice and hard work. Over the past year I have seen this game progress gradually towards pay to win. Now we have pretty much reached a point where I am very bored and most days not sure what to do with myself. I would like to pursue a path that will lead to one day having the best gear, and I am willing to work hard for it, but it seems a rather impossible feat aside from getting lucky and winning the locked crate lottery.

I haven't said this to anyone here yet, so here it goes.... I don't know how much longer I will be here. I stick around hoping for changes, but playing the game has become more like a job than fun lately. I struggle to keep up and stay on the leaderboard, but it seems that the leaderboard perhaps should rank players by amount of plat purchased than any other statistic, because really that is the measure of who is successful these days.

Most of my friends have left the game the past year, and one of them has been encouraging me to play another similar game but that does not sell plat and instead costs a flat fee. Originally I told him no, but recently I've been considering it. It would mean starting over completely with a new game, and I hate to waste all the time invested in AL, but it's beginning to look like all this time invested has been somewhat wasted. I think a new player could be where I am in a couple of weeks with enough plat.

This game is most definitely pay to win. Either you spend tons of money to be a top geared player or you accept mediocracy. Some people like you have reached a middle ground between these two, but it is very rare and almost impossible to maintain. Everyone I have spoken to that has good gear has found some good loot in crates. It is pretty much impossible for any free to play player to get the best gear in this game. Not only that, it seems that you need to spend thousands of rl money to get this gear. Spend $300.00 dollars and you won't be max geared. Seems a bit wrong to me. I can understand why you are considering leaving.

07-11-2014, 07:25 AM
Dont need to be a genious to predict what will happen with these free items, no matter how hard or long, they never hold value for long time. Crawly/colton takes 50 day, look at the price in the cs, or the teeth vendor items.

07-11-2014, 07:50 AM
Awe Ener we will be so sad to see you leave AL. Good luck though!

07-11-2014, 08:02 AM
Awe Ener we will be so sad to see you leave AL. Good luck though!

Such a shame, another player leaving...

Don't forget to lock the door on the way out.

07-11-2014, 08:19 AM
1) I'm suggesting that one single item be like this, not all of them. There are tons of nice items that come in locked crates that can be purchased with plat. I'm not suggesting those be taken away. But from the sound of your post, you act is if I suggested that all future good items should be this way. Sorry, but when every single good item can be bought, that is called "Pay to win" and is not the kind of game that is even mildly fun to play.

2) I do buy plat, but I cannot afford to spend thousands of dollars on plat. Perhaps they should auction off the top spot on the leaderboard and see how much money they can make doing that? I'm sure it would raise a ton of revenue to hire lots of programmers. I wonder how everyone would react to that. After all, they are a business, right?

Sorry, but I prefer a game that rewards skill, practice and hard work. Over the past year I have seen this game progress gradually towards pay to win. Now we have pretty much reached a point where I am very bored and most days not sure what to do with myself. I would like to pursue a path that will lead to one day having the best gear, and I am willing to work hard for it, but it seems a rather impossible feat aside from getting lucky and winning the locked crate lottery.

I haven't said this to anyone here yet, so here it goes.... I don't know how much longer I will be here. I stick around hoping for changes, but playing the game has become more like a job than fun lately. I struggle to keep up and stay on the leaderboard, but it seems that the leaderboard perhaps should rank players by amount of plat purchased than any other statistic, because really that is the measure of who is successful these days.

Most of my friends have left the game the past year, and one of them has been encouraging me to play another similar game but that does not sell plat and instead costs a flat fee. Originally I told him no, but recently I've been considering it. It would mean starting over completely with a new game, and I hate to waste all the time invested in AL, but it's beginning to look like all this time invested has been somewhat wasted. I think a new player could be where I am in a couple of weeks with enough plat.What game and is it mobile? I may follow. xD

07-11-2014, 08:22 AM
Most of my friends have left the game the past year, and one of them has been encouraging me to play another similar game but that does not sell plat and instead costs a flat fee. Originally I told him no, but recently I've been considering it. It would mean starting over completely with a new game, and I hate to waste all the time invested in AL, but it's beginning to look like all this time invested has been somewhat wasted. I think a new player could be where I am in a couple of weeks with enough plat.

Awe Ener we will be so sad to see you leave AL. Good luck though!

Such a shame, another player leaving...

Don't forget to lock the door on the way out.

So sad to see a great player & one of the best AL suggestion makers quitting, hope u have fun in another game, make sure to post your suggestions there, im sure you'll do well, best of luck in the future

07-11-2014, 08:31 AM
So sad to see a great player & one of the best AL suggestion makers quitting, hope u have fun in another game, make sure to post your suggestions there, im sure you'll do well, best of luck in the future

Is it me or does he say he is considering to leave?

07-11-2014, 08:31 AM
@Ener : Is it O&C? I've been watching several videos and became interested. The absence of "lottery" encourages me to try it.

On topic: I hope AL hits its prime again.

07-11-2014, 08:38 AM
@Ener : Is it O&C? I've been watching several videos and became interested. The absence of "lottery" encourages me to try it.

On topic: I hope AL hits its prime again.Gosh I hope not, I tried O&C for twenty minutes and got too bored to carry on. It's nothing like AL, not even close.

Hits it's prime? Again? Lol, you're hilarious.

07-11-2014, 09:22 AM
@Ener : Is it O&C? I've been watching several videos and became interested. The absence of "lottery" encourages me to try it.

On topic: I hope AL hits its prime again.

No lottery, they just flat out sell the best gear for real money.

07-11-2014, 09:45 AM
better upgrading it but new style for the new mythic and armor lol . why to put other items ? why so complicated better simple lol .
what about using dragonite bar + essence mythic lvl 41 and glacian/blood / fire +30 for upgrading ?like the arcane ring lol .. so no many players will get it so fast huh

07-11-2014, 10:17 AM
better upgrading it but new style for the new mythic and armor lol . why to put other items ? why so complicated better simple lol .
what about using dragonite bar + essence mythic lvl 41 and glacian/blood / fire +30 for upgrading ?like the arcane ring lol .. so no many players will get it so fast huh
No one will love that upgrade mythic system again.

07-11-2014, 01:09 PM
No it's not O&C. And yes, I am considering leaving, but have not made up my mind yet. I just want to see something that inspires me to stay. I know I always refer to Pocket Legends a lot, but that game was much more fun than AL is. I understand PL was a financial failure for STS, so they don't want to go that route again, but perhaps they can incorporate some of the ideas into AL.

I just want to see some occasional items in AL that are super rare yet cannot be bought. PL was so much fun because the best items, like dragon sets or demonic items, could not be bought. You had to work super hard for them or buy them for insane amounts of gold. Yes, if you spent plat on things like elixirs then your chances to earn gold by farming were much better, but you still had to put in the time and work hard for it.

I'm just sick and tired of seeing noobs in the game who have better gear than me, yet they've been playing for a month or two. That basically tells me that hard work in AL is a total waste of time. There is no real reward for hard work here. This game is really close to no longer being an MMO at all. It is just becoming a game where you pay real dollars for your gear, and then pvp. The PvE aspect of this game is almost gone completely. Why would anyone even want to do PvE anymore?

In PL I rarely did PvP, and still had way more fun playing. The PvE aspect of PL is totally absent in AL. There is basically nowhere I can farm and have any hope of getting a really good item. All the best items are in the crates. Yes, technically you could loot an arcane shard in an elite golden chest. The problem is that I've only looted 2 elite golden chests in the past 6 months, and I've done hundreds of elite runs in that time. Looting an arcane item from an elite golden chest is like winning the lottery two consecutive times. First you must get lucky enough to even loot an elite golden chest, which is pretty rare, and then you must get lucky a second time and loot the good item from the chest. It is not a realistic way to get anything, and is certainly nothing that hard work will get you to.

There needs to be some grind-type rewards in this game -- the type that requires time and not plat. If no such aspect of this game is seen in the next few months, I will be gone for sure.

07-11-2014, 01:22 PM
ener u mind telling us the name? wana try it out

07-11-2014, 01:23 PM
I just want to see some occasional items in AL that are super rare yet cannot be bought. PL was so much fun because the best items, like dragon sets or demonic items, could not be bought. You had to work super hard for them or buy them for insane amounts of gold. Yes, if you spent plat on things like elixirs then your chances to earn gold by farming were much better, but you still had to put in the time and work hard for it.

I'm just sick and tired of seeing noobs in the game who have better gear than me, yet they've been playing for a month or two. That basically tells me that hard work in AL is a total waste of time. There is no real reward for hard work here. This game is really close to no longer being an MMO at all. It is just becoming a game where you pay real dollars for your gear, and then pvp. The PvE aspect of this game is almost gone completely. Why would anyone even want to do PvE anymore?

I'm no MMO expert, but dont some people just buy accounts and call it a day? or bought gold from gold farmers to make their lives easier?

STS has eliminated the middle man by making it easy for players to that directly through them, no need to do things illegally.

As for noobs with more money than skills, good for them, they make it easier for you and me to grind out this game and feel accomplished once we've hit our goals. I dont hate these people at all, but instead thank them for the support.

I would also like to see expanded content that is more involved for endgamers to maintain interest, but it does not have to be super duper deluxe hard to reach items. And if they are and anyone can obtain it, then it should be in the form of glorious vanities and vanity pets (like vlad is to flapjack) that wont affect endgame players stats wise.

07-11-2014, 02:18 PM
New quest line to obtain new mythics-sweet

Oh wait, will require something rarely obtainable from locked crates, and once looted will have the prices set to ridiculous high standards--well that sucks

07-11-2014, 02:23 PM
I'm just sick and tired of seeing noobs in the game who have better gear than me, yet they've been playing for a month or two. That basically tells me that hard work in AL is a total waste of time. There is no real reward for hard work here.

That's probably the best statement I've seen you make.

07-11-2014, 02:23 PM
I didn't read all posts so I like the idea idk about any other suggestions in this thread. +1 to original idea.

07-11-2014, 03:14 PM
ener u mind telling us the name? wana try it out

I don't think it is right to discuss other games in an STS game forum. However, I'll give some general information here about what excites me about this other game....

My friend who is playing this game played Pocket Legends and Arcane Legends for several years, and was a very well known player in Pocket Legends. He has been playing this new game for about 6 months now. He explained to me that he spent the past 3 months grinding towards crafting this legendary sword that apparently is one of the best items in the game -- sounds sort of like our arcane items (apparently legendary is the top rarity level in this game). He said the crafting process required a really good sword as the base item to be crafted -- he was able to save up a ton of gold and buy this item from the auction. But then dozens of other ingredients were required to craft this sword into the legendary sword, and those cannot be bought but instead must be farmed, so it took him 3 months of farming to acquire all the required ingredients. So now he has this great sword which is pretty rare in the game, and he earned it through hard work.

I'd like to see something like that in AL. Not every item. Just have one like this once in a while to keep things interesting for those of us who want some kind of long term grind goal. Does it really bother everyone if there is an occasional item that must actually be earned and cannot just be purchased with real money?

I don't even care if this item is tradable, in fact I think it should be. So rich players can just buy one if they want from another player. But only those who put in the time to earn this item will benefit from its value whether they choose to sell it or keep and use it. It would give common players who spend a lot of time a chance to actually earn some money or acquire the best gear, whichever strategy they choose.

So just like a plat player can open crates, sell the good loot, and use that gold to buy one of these crated items, a non-plat player could spend time grinding to earn items like this, and then sell them and use that gold to buy other items which come from locked crates.

What you would be doing is giving non-plat players a chance to compete if they put in the required time, while still giving others a chance to bypass the time by spending plat. If STS wants a successful game, then that means having a game that is crowded with lots of players. This would cause many non-plat players to spend more time playing as there would be better goals they could work towards. I know I would certainly play more hours.

07-11-2014, 04:06 PM
I think you have a real excellent idea here. There definitely needs to be an item added to the game that allows non plat players a chance. As of right now there is nothing really valuable to farm. All the best items come in lock crates. I would love to see an item that can not be found this way and that doesn't require spending 50mil of gold for an lb reward. This item shouldn't be only available for a limited time though. It should be a long term goal.

07-11-2014, 06:02 PM
I have an idea

Sts could release lvl 41 elite zones from Brackenridge to Shuyal. You would be able to get to them by scrolling down on the Elite Maps list of zones. Each of these revamped lvl 41 elite maps have new lootable pinks. Including lootable Bows, Shields, Guns, and Vanity.(Adding these kinds of drops to the loot table would give more incentive to play end-game

The best part is STS doesn't have to spend money making new elite legendary models. They could reuse old models of weapons and armor from seasons 1 & 2, all they would have to do is rename and add/revamp procs.

Boom. New elites to runs, New gear to farm, New gear would allow more variety for toons. Everyone's happy. :)

Kind off topic btw but #yolo

07-21-2014, 09:16 AM
thats the point, look what is now everyone has mythics -.- back in my times was 1-3mythics in town and i saw 1-5 player with arcane, now all has arcane