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View Full Version : Guide: Da Scamz- What They Are and How to Defend Against Them

07-09-2014, 06:02 AM
"Oh no! Not another guide about this!'

Are you kidding? Many a guide were made about scamming, but it can never be stressed enoug. That being said, let's look into scams.

What IS a Scam?
Scams are basically ways to get you to falsely give or get something, usually by another person. They might tell you something that isn't true. Theu know it's a lie, and by the end of this guide, you will too.

What Are the Different Kinds?
If I were to answer that questio fully we would be here all year. Let's just stick to the basics, and maybe some witty ones.
First up is The Alt Scam, where the person will ask you for the gold for an item, and then say the item is on their alt. They will then take your gold and keep their set!
Next we have the Plat Buyer. Admittedly I fell for this one. The scammer asks you for your account information so they can buy 2000 platinum. But all they want is your stuff! It took me forever to get the whole thing sorted out, and I don't want you in the same dilemma! When someone says something like this, don't even bother to make sure you trust him! You can't!
Third is the Fastie. This is where a person will trade you x number of gold for a set. Say x was 300k for a set. At the last second he changes it to 30k and takes your set without fair price! Sadly, this is a common one as some players will hit the confirm button without making sure. Make sure the gold placed down is what you asked for before it's too late!
Fourth we have The Account Shop. He will try to sell his account for gold Note that this is banworthy. He may ask you to put down your gold first, then he "promises" to say his acc. All you end up with is a sad feeling!
Next is The Run Thief. The run thief is known for asking people to level him up and paying them. For example, if someone says they'll pay 50k to get to level 70, help anyway. He may run off, but you get that tingling feeling of relief and kindless ;)

What Should I Do If I Got Scammed?
Report the scammer. Don't report over and over as this will get you banned.
Make sure you have a screenshot if you can. You'll need it for extra proof.
IMMEDIATELY email STS (support@spacetimestudios.com) with a picture, name, and description. Also PM a dev or preferably a moderator in the forums. If it was an accoumt scam, the scammer will likely be in your account right after the scam. Either way, his logging in will disconnect you. Log back in to disconnect him, but if he still persists, CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD. No matter Google or Facebook, change the password and log bacn in with that one. Immediately report the player's name to STS with evidence if you can.

How Can I Keep From Scams?
Try to recognize the trader. Is he known for his honesty or his dishonesty?
When someone says "Selling Account" or "Buying 200 Plat for someone!" Report them. This protects you and others from being scammed.
Recognize suspicious chat. Is he asking you for account info? For 100k for an item you swore is 40k? Is he offering to double gold? Report these people.

I hope this guide helped! PM me if it didn't. Until next time,

for the lulz
07-09-2014, 06:10 AM
ppl shud get banned for not scamming creatively . Yolasites and and alt scams are 2 mainstream

07-09-2014, 06:58 AM
"Oh no! Not another guide about this!'

Are you kidding? Many a guide were made about scamming, but it can never be stressed enoug. That being said, let's look into scams.

What IS a Scam?
Scams are basically ways to get you to falsely give or get something, usually by another person. They might tell you something that isn't true. Theu know it's a lie, and by the end of this guide, you will too.

What Are the Different Kinds?
If I were to answer that questio fully we would be here all year. Let's just stick to the basics, and maybe some witty ones.
First up is The Alt Scam, where the person will ask you for the gold for an item, and then say the item is on their alt. They will then take your gold and keep their set!
Next we have the Plat Buyer. Admittedly I fell for this one. The scammer asks you for your account information so they can buy 2000 platinum. But all they want is your stuff! It took me forever to get the whole thing sorted out, and I don't want you in the same dilemma! When someone says something like this, don't even bother to make sure you trust him! You can't!
Third is the Fastie. This is where a person will trade you x number of gold for a set. Say x was 300k for a set. At the last second he changes it to 30k and takes your set without fair price! Sadly, this is a common one as some players will hit the confirm button without making sure. Make sure the gold placed down is what you asked for before it's too late!
Fourth we have The Account Shop. He will try to sell his account for gold Note that this is banworthy. He may ask you to put down your gold first, then he "promises" to say his acc. All you end up with is a sad feeling!
Next is The Run Thief. The run thief is known for asking people to level him up and paying them. For example, if someone says they'll pay 50k to get to level 70, help anyway. He may run off, but you get that tingling feeling of relief and kindless ;)

What Should I Do If I Got Scammed?
Report the scammer. Don't report over and over as this will get you banned.
Make sure you have a screenshot if you can. You'll need it for extra proof.
IMMEDIATELY email STS (support@spacetimestudios.com) with a picture, name, and description. Also PM a dev or preferably a moderator in the forums. If it was an accoumt scam, the scammer will likely be in your account right after the scam. Either way, his logging in will disconnect you. Log back in to disconnect him, but if he still persists, CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD. No matter Google or Facebook, change the password and log bacn in with that one. Immediately report the player's name to STS with evidence if you can.

How Can I Keep From Scams?
Try to recognize the trader. Is he known for his honesty or his dishonesty?
When someone says "Selling Account" or "Buying 200 Plat for someone!" Report them. This protects you and others from being scammed.
Recognize suspicious chat. Is he asking you for account info? For 100k for an item you swore is 40k? Is he offering to double gold? Report these people.

I hope this guide helped! PM me if it didn't. Until next time,
You said it yourself, we don't need another one. Good effort though

07-09-2014, 12:02 PM
Nice thread lets just hope newer players see this and don't fool for the scams

07-09-2014, 12:39 PM
Zylx made a guide on this a while back for AL, but I am sure it applies to SL, DL, and PL

07-09-2014, 02:32 PM
How not to become a scam victim : Be smart and don't fall for things that seem to good to be true.

07-09-2014, 07:54 PM
How to not get scammed: Don't merch.

07-09-2014, 08:16 PM
How to not get scammed: Read this post :) Learn it, Live it, Love it!

07-10-2014, 02:26 PM
You said it yourself, we don't need another one. Good effort though

That...that wasn't what I was going for...
This is basically taking most of the simple, most common scams, or yes, even past experience scams, and sandwich-ing them into a smaller one.

07-10-2014, 02:39 PM
How to not get scammed: Don't merch.

07-10-2014, 03:27 PM
That...that wasn't what I was going for...
This is basically taking most of the simple, most common scams, or yes, even past experience scams, and sandwich-ing them into a smaller one.
Okay, i get it. Yum, sandwiches!

07-10-2014, 03:55 PM
The sandwiches are a scam

07-11-2014, 04:11 PM
It's probably got ham in it Laar, that's why it's a scam.