View Full Version : Shielded Heart

07-09-2014, 01:16 PM
This is the story of a corrupted guild, that almost ceases to exist. This is the story of a great friendship. This is the story of how I hit a dead end. This is a terribly long story.

After losing interest in the game on my old account, Coolwiz, I took a long break. The game was cheerful and loud. But when I came back as Melodywiz, it was quiet as I mentioned in another thread. No one to help me, to give me enjoyment. Guild after guild. Very inactive, foreign, etc. That all ended when I was warmly invited to a guild. It was good enough for me. I had forgotten what a good guild was, and I was grateful for at least a little talking and helping. I was a big part of the guild's success. I hosted contests, told stories, and asked fun questions. At least I was trying. I recruited a bunch of newbies I found in windmoore. We had 400 members. We were happy. I was happy.

I got a friend in the guild. If we were aloud to mark a friend as our best friend, I would make them. They were so active, nice, and helpful. I called this the best guild ever. It was like home. That was until I remembered at one point what a guild was. Everyone was family, everyone knew each other. That was not the case. Plus, barely anyone was ever on. At times there was no one to help. Finally, I was made officer. So was my friend. Everyone I actually knew was made officer. Something about that wasn't right. Literally the people that talked were officers. The others were just newbies. 390 newbies and 10 active, helpful officers. I started to see it. Random invites to the guild, people who don't need anything, who don't talk. Who are just there.

I had a theory they were too scared to act. Several times members were threatened to be kicked out as a joke. They didn't want to ask for help. Or, they were just regular newbies that don't talk. A guild is a family. A guild cares about quality, not quantity. Here, it was just recruiting new players that are never on or never talk after that. It was only talkative between the officers. This was not a guild. It was corrupted.

1. Members were threatened to be kicked.
2. Only the officers talked.
3. Quantity, not quality.
4. There were some mean officers too that started bullying.
5. Policy was horrible.
6. Not active except for the officers.
7. Constantly members are leaving.
8. No one asked for help. Sometimes there was no one to even help.

That was it. I could not be bullied and corrupted like the others. So, me and my friend said our goodbyes and left, much to the master's hate. We got replaced immediately, but no one could truly replace us. We formed our own guild, where corruption will not fall. Only those we know are nice and friendly will be allowed in the guild. This guild is a family. Me and my friend would stick together always. We got invited to many other guilds if it doesn't work out. Even if there's only 5 members at the moment, its a family, a real guild, and we're all together.

Ask yourself: Is your guild one you know you can bear with? Is it a family, is it real? You can always tell me, melodywiz if you'd guild is corrupted. You're not alone, and you have a place to go. Share your guild experience in the comments.

07-10-2014, 12:23 AM
I know what you mean. I've held officer positions in many guilds and i've also mastered many other guilds. I know that no matter how hard i try, i cannot make everyone active. There would be just a handful of active people in a sea of souls, and i had no work around.

One of the guilds i created and ran (Abyssal Black Knights) last summer was the epitome of your dilemma. There were a handful of maybe 10 actively-chatting players (mainly officers) amongst 300 people. All of them were good friends of mine, and the rest were windmoore noobs. I ended up passing the guild on for private reasons.

The guild im in now (The Collective) is chock full of well-known and elite players, and everyone is so kind and active. It's like a family :).

07-11-2014, 11:01 AM
I know what you mean. I've held officer positions in many guilds and i've also mastered many other guilds. I know that no matter how hard i try, i cannot make everyone active. There would be just a handful of active people in a sea of souls, and i had no work around.

One of the guilds i created and ran (Abyssal Black Knights) last summer was the epitome of your dilemma. There were a handful of maybe 10 actively-chatting players (mainly officers) amongst 300 people. All of them were good friends of mine, and the rest were windmoore noobs. I ended up passing the guild on for private reasons.

The guild im in now (The Collective) is chock full of well-known and elite players, and everyone is so kind and active. It's like a family :).

That's great :) hopefully we get more friends into our family. Not doing too well