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View Full Version : I'm done

07-10-2014, 02:02 AM
I quit pocket legends, but I am happy to say that my stay was great. I gotta say pocket legend community is the BEST! most helpful out of all! The people here are awesome, and even though many forumers might not know me, I did play a lot. Pocket legend helped me out through some hard times in my life, and I know of many other players that share the same story. I thank the devs for making this great game, and also want to encourage them to still keep working into pocket legends, even if it's not very profitable, but just for good ol'e time and sake. Thanks guys I appreciate every single one of you all! My best wishes! :)

07-10-2014, 02:03 AM
Thx I know I was helpful
And have fun wherever your life leads you to :D
Am sure some of your pl friends well miss you

♥️ 3-D Romeo ♥️

07-10-2014, 02:08 AM
Sad to see you go, good luck with everything! :)

07-10-2014, 05:02 AM
Good Bye

07-10-2014, 06:39 AM
Good luck to you.

07-10-2014, 09:58 AM
Catchy later alligator don't forgot your toilet paper, or leave it cause you may come back! Take a handful!

Good luck in your future and hope you don't come back! (In a good way) man that sounds so bad.

I mean, because this game is addicting, and takes up 90% of your time! and there are better things to do.

Live your life! #Yolo #Swag#LiveLifeToTheFullest #WhyDidTheyInventHashTags #It'sMuchSillyLike THIS

07-14-2014, 02:16 PM
I quit pocket legends, but I am happy to say that my stay was great. I gotta say pocket legend community is the BEST! most helpful out of all! The people here are awesome, and even though many forumers might not know me, I did play a lot. Pocket legend helped me out through some hard times in my life, and I know of many other players that share the same story. I thank the devs for making this great game, and also want to encourage them to still keep working into pocket legends, even if it's not very profitable, but just for good ol'e time and sake. Thanks guys I appreciate every single one of you all! My best wishes! :)


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