View Full Version : Cold Hard Cash!

07-10-2014, 11:52 AM
Hello community! I have been thinking over the decision STS has made to put off making a new Pocket Legends Cap, and it doesn't make any sense to me. If STS says that PL is not as profitable as AL, it seems like they should make more events and caps to increase revenue. The way I see it, if there is new content in the game, players will buy more platinum in order to level up to the new cap or buy platinum to farm the new items. This would make PL more profitable. I can say that this has been true in my game experiences. Whenever there is a new event or cap I will buy loads of platinum so that I can be the first to have a new item or make it to the max level. Please tell me if you guys feel the same way, or if I am just being stupid :D.


07-10-2014, 12:00 PM
this one is seems to be an always returning question. devs wrote a post about it a couple weeks (months?) ago where they are complaining why wont be a new cap. i share some parts of your opinion, but pl seems to be dead, cuz as ive experienced, less ppl playing day-by-day. im not sure if its cuz of summer or so..

07-10-2014, 12:07 PM
Basically as STS has described it isn't really up to them. They have third party investors pulling the strings who want to make profit and that is best done through the hype of a new game and then the eventual abandonment of it. There is no requirement on their part to ever continue content, and just like PL, AL will on day be left behind by the new game they make. It's the sad cycle of STS

07-10-2014, 12:29 PM
Hello community! I have been thinking over the decision STS has made to put off making a new Pocket Legends Cap, and it doesn't make any sense to me. If STS says that PL is not as profitable as AL, it seems like they should make more events and caps to increase revenue. The way I see it, if there is new content in the game, players will buy more platinum in order to level up to the new cap or buy platinum to farm the new items. This would make PL more profitable. I can say that this has been true in my game experiences. Whenever there is a new event or cap I will buy loads of platinum so that I can be the first to have a new item or make it to the max level. Please tell me if you guys feel the same way, or if I am just being stupid :D.


Well, that's not quite how marketing works.

07-10-2014, 01:12 PM
Well, that's not quite how marketing works.
He's 11, so he may not realize the basics yet

07-10-2014, 01:56 PM
He's 11, so he may not realize the basics yet


07-10-2014, 02:00 PM
Gg wp

07-10-2014, 02:33 PM
PL isn't as profitable because it doesn't have as many players. If the devs do the exact same event for AL and PL, AL will still bring in more money at this point. Imagine if you had two YouTube channels with different themes, one with 10000 subscribers and another with 100000 subscribers. If half of your subscribers watched each video you posted, you could make 5000 views worth of ad revenue from the first channel and 50000 views worth of ad revenue from the second channel. Over time, you may stop making as many videos for the smaller channel because you could put in the same amount of work on the larger channel and make a lot more money. If you decided to take some time off from the big channel to work on the little channel, some of your big channel subscribers might become bored and stop checking your channel for new videos, hurting the profitability of the larger channel. Think about this scenario with PL as the small channel and AL as the big channel

07-10-2014, 03:04 PM
It's true that AL is more profitable for STS than PL is, but the reason is deeper than the fact that AL has more players. Obviously more active players will tend to bring in more money, so it leads to PL players making all these suggestions to try to raise PL's player base. But PL will never have a chance to compete with AL in profits, and here's why.

PL was originally built to be playable for free, with optional expansion levels that could be bought for real money. It was only later that other in-game performance upgrades, a.k.a. elixirs, were added. This created a way for STS to earn more money: raise the level cap so some players would spend on elixirs to get there.

AL was designed to be a much more efficient money-making machine. Instead of just paying to level, they invented a way to get some players to pay for gear. The "locked crate" idea, where the only way to get the top-tier items is to pay for them, allows STS to earn money continuously from the same content. That is, they have a revenue stream that doesn't require any work at all to sustain. The game population would start to fall off if they completely stopped making content, so they do still have to update things sometimes, but the key is that the content they've already released continues to make money for them even once players aren't leveling anymore.

So you can see that PL will never be able to compete with AL in generating profits. The only way it would be possible is for STS to introduce the same "continuous payment" idea to PL. If they did that, though, the PL population would be up in arms about having to pay real money for gear that used to be available for free. STS was smart enough to realize that it would never work to switch the existing game over to the new payment model because of the backlash, so instead they created AL to have the new model from day 1. Players accepted the continuous payments requirement in AL because it had never been any different, and voila, STS had its revenue stream.

This is why you will never see any serious development in PL again. STS can't make the volume of profits it wants with the current PL structure, and they can't change the structure without setting off an angry backlash by the current player base. The best they can do is not shut PL down entirely for as long as they feel like they can afford it. Sorry to be a downer, but there's just not any scenario where PL ever gets any serious development again given the reality of a for-profit business.

07-10-2014, 03:13 PM
Regardless with arcane legends pocket legends woudnt be running right now and I believe one or two near closures where things have gone wrong for sts where they could of shut down and stuff. <--- watched the video it's quite interesting. Pl was dieing just after bsm cap and bringing in the two new characters rhino and fox didn't really bring much attention back to pl so they made al and it seems it's doing pretty good and so are the battle commands so.

07-10-2014, 04:33 PM
fusionstrike, that was definitely the best explanation as of yet to this issue.

Suentous PO
07-10-2014, 06:05 PM
Welcome to the armchair quarterback hour discussion on how it could have been different.
But first a word from our sponsors..
Dead horse brand (tm) dead horses!
"They're not gonna beat themselves so why don't you

07-10-2014, 06:16 PM

Very well stated! I do think that there is a slight possibility of Pocket Legends catching on again, but STS would have to get creative and change up their marketing strategy a lot. You'll notice in the past that they've tried various ways of creating a source of revenue by adding stuff like payable content (Nuri map, BSM map, and even winter festival map).

Of course, a new source of revenue wouldn't be all that it would take. It would also take a renewed interest from the community which is hard to acquire without just random luck. Arcane Legends was able to catch on because it was new and it had lots of advertisement. Pocket Legends has neither.

Ultimately, hope for Pocket Legends is slim and what it all comes down to is what the devs have implied several times. The amount of time and effort it would take to have a good chance of allowing Pocket Legends to catch on again would be better spent on creating an entirely new game. Which, of course, leaves us here in the Pocket Legends community high and dry.

07-10-2014, 07:28 PM
Welcome to the armchair quarterback hour discussion on how it could have been different.
But first a word from our sponsors..
Dead horse brand (tm) dead horses!
"They're not gonna beat themselves so why don't you

This right here, is gold... Pure gold... I wiped a single solitary tear from my face after witnessing the perfect delivery of an amazing punch line, bravo good sir... Bravo...

07-11-2014, 02:22 AM
pray for PL 2

07-11-2014, 07:14 AM
@Fusion - Really well said, you put that down nicely. However, I agree with Micah. I think the possibility is always out there for a new update/revamp. The fact of the matter is that PL is still an unfinished and unpolished product. If they could tweak up some important flaws in the game regarding stats, then the general player base will be much more content and satisfied. We all know that STS needs the right balance between coming up with ingenious ideas for bringing in revenue but still remaining sensitive to its community and actively listening. If that is the case - and if that's how they want to be known - then I literally think it's not fair for the PL community to have to play an unfinished game that we have been dedicated to for years and have generously supported both financially and morally. It's silly when you see Samhayne teasing us about a "possible" new future/update.

I get that the devs/mods need to put food on the table, and I get that it works to their advantage if they invest all their time into AL - but all the community wants is just a little fairness. I don't think that's too much to ask for, considering when members like Dolloway and WhoIsThis create pages-worth of statistics and changes that devs (such as Samhayne) have even asked for. We did all the dirty work for them, now they just need a little time to put that to work! Is that too much to ask for?

07-11-2014, 10:45 AM
Hey guys, if it helps at all, Samhayne posted this on a different thread earlier:

We have some other stuff in work for Pocket Legends that is new content related. We're not quite ready to reveal the details, but soon!

Thanks for playing Pocket Legends :)

We've got some new content related stuff in the works for you. Be patient! It's coming!

07-11-2014, 11:20 AM
Hey guys, if it helps at all, Samhayne posted this on a different thread earlier:

We've got some new content related stuff in the works for you. Be patient! It's coming!

Remiem, we are all happy to see new content be released, but we have learned not to get our hopes up too high. You can't blame us for that.

07-11-2014, 11:34 AM
Remiem, we are all happy to see new content be released, but we have learned not to get our hopes up too high. You can't blame us for that.

That, is true, it has happened a few times..

But hey they made AL! Nothing went wrong there aye aye? ;) :3 xD

07-11-2014, 12:39 PM
That, is true, it has happened a few times..

But hey they made AL! Nothing went wrong there aye aye? ;) :3 xD

Ily jig :D

07-11-2014, 12:59 PM
Hey guys, if it helps at all, Samhayne posted this on a different thread earlier:

We have some other stuff in work for Pocket Legends that is new content related. We're not quite ready to reveal the details, but soon!

Thanks for playing Pocket Legends :)

We've got some new content related stuff in the works for you. Be patient! It's coming!

Thanks for the feedback Rem! Much appreciated. :)

for the lulz
07-11-2014, 01:01 PM
i had a dream that we were a few years in the future , and sts was gonna pull the plug on pl . We all stood together in the townes while the servers counted down to shutdown.

07-11-2014, 05:33 PM
i had a dream that we were a few years in the future , and sts was gonna pull the plug on pl . We all stood together in the townes while the servers counted down to shutdown.

Omfg this would be a nightmare! I had a different dream where PL over all other games remained resilient and eventually became the number one game again.

07-11-2014, 11:09 PM
I have never had a dream about Pocket Legends. Am I in the minority here?

07-12-2014, 03:24 AM
Hello community! I have been thinking over the decision STS has made to put off making a new Pocket Legends Cap, and it doesn't make any sense to me. If STS says that PL is not as profitable as AL, it seems like they should make more events and caps to increase revenue. The way I see it, if there is new content in the game, players will buy more platinum in order to level up to the new cap or buy platinum to farm the new items. This would make PL more profitable. I can say that this has been true in my game experiences. Whenever there is a new event or cap I will buy loads of platinum so that I can be the first to have a new item or make it to the max level. Please tell me if you guys feel the same way, or if I am just being stupid :D.


*facepalm* you realise SL and DL are forgotten not PL

Aid3n Pea**e ***HACK3D***

07-13-2014, 09:41 PM
*facepalm* you realise SL and DL are forgotten not PL

Aid3n Pea**e ***HACK3D***

They don't forget they just don't update it^^

And that goes the same way to PL

07-13-2014, 10:41 PM
They don't forget they just don't update it^^

And that goes the same way to PL

Well, a couple things keep the devs making new stuff for us every now and then:

1) PL has a larger player base than SL and DL (I think even the two of them combined?... but obviously nowhere near that of AL)

2) PL was the first game STS made. It's still their baby, so sometimes I think they feel obligated to keep their beloved community intact. But there's nothing wrong with that - in fact, it makes us all happy!

07-14-2014, 02:14 AM
Well, a couple things keep the devs making new stuff for us every now and then:

1) PL has a larger player base than SL and DL (I think even the two of them combined?... but obviously nowhere near that of AL)

2) PL was the first game STS made. It's still their baby, so sometimes I think they feel obligated to keep their beloved community intact. But there's nothing wrong with that - in fact, it makes us all happy!

I'm 100% with you on that bro.