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View Full Version : An Open Letter to Game Developers & Moderators & Support : Are We Asking Too Much?

07-13-2014, 01:30 AM
Dear Game Dev & Mod,

Are we, The game players, asking too much from you as developers or Moderators? When we cry and whine and complain in the comments about your game (which you have been working on from months), a game that you spent the last 2-5 years of your life working on, do you think that "you kids have no idea what we’ve been through"? Of course you will think only like this... i see so many thread daily complaining but no "THANK YOU" thread.. Why?

Developing games is Really VERY VERY VERY hard.

At first things are easy, you get the sprite and object moving according to button presses. Success. You set up basic weapons systems, a life counter, collision detection. Victory.

You finally get an assembly line working for power ups. Things are going great. At first. Then you get more ambitious, adding more and more complicated weapons. The variables in your player object (the controllable character) start to stack up, alarms on alarms, and so many Booleans you don’t know what’s true anymore.

I can’t imagine what it’s like to code along with a 50 man team, with a publisher deadline breathing down your neck, and entitled gamer’s on your back. One arm is pulled by investors (play it safe). The other by the consumer (give us something new but not too experimental or we’ll hate you). Oh and don’t forget that crumpled mess in your chest, remnants of a heart and soul, that wants to make something special.

You’ve seen this particular comments or messages before: The self-entitled gamer requesting developers provide some enigmatic, indescribable “new.”

I’m not talking about representational concerns that actually matter, but the consumerist gimmie gimmie.

I know you that you’re suffering, game dev, eyes burning as you code one last line so you can rush off and microwave some take-out. I’ve heard the horror stories of you working under dubious labor conditions, 16 hour days, the need for an in-studio team psychologist, the stressed friendships and marriages.

It’s ironic that such pleasure points, creations primarily focused on fun, are produced from such misery.

I’m not going to tell you your game is mess? Of course not. How would you grow as a creator?

Sure, I expect a lot from you, you are the expert after all, and I do want that “something new” no one is able to properly describe. However, I at times will Respect, Understand and Thank everything you do for us. Considering game development from the paraphrased perspective that French film director Patrice Leconte’s has on movie making: “Any movie that gets made is a miracle.”

I think something similar could be said about your own work, regardless of how flawed it may be or how much room from improvement there is, making games is Really Very very very very very very hard.

And How can we forget Moderators? They work very hard too.. Reading each and every thread, Messages, Thread Reports, chatbox is a again pain in butt.
Hardly 1 thread on forums has said Thanks to you for your Hard work, For Listening to us everytime, From the giveaways to the Guild Parties.

Support guys work Hard as Well, They get so many tickets a day, it is hard for them to get to the people that really need help when they have to go through multiple tickets like that after they've already said no. I am sorry if i made Multiple tickets ever. :)

And because of all this even on Holidays you cant spend much time with your families.

A BIG THANK YOU for everything you have done for us. Seriously Guys If I get in your boots even for one hour.. I'll Die...


Thank you so much Devs and Mods team for giving. Us the toontastic opportunity to Play This Awesome Game. If you guys weren't here, there would probably be no more toontown. U guys are the best and work so hard every single day to see the smiles on our toons' faces (now that I think of it, do toons even smile?) and to keep the game alive. U guys give up hours and days of ur free time doing coding and scripting even though it must be super hard and boring and I really respect that, it takes a lot of dedication and determination. U guys try so hard every day. Thanks a ton once again for Everything and being so toontastic-

Thank you JustG, Samhayne, Flip, H2N, Remiem, Delphina, Gibber, Redstapler, Arpluvial, Seoratrek, Null_Void, Brandon, Alex, Chad, Mjolstin, Gnosis, asommers, Carapace, G-M, KahunaJake, Cinco, Thade, Fireed, and all the others I can't think of on the spot right now.

Credits for the Information about How all this works to - http://dialogwheel.com/2014/04/29/an-open-letter-to-game-developers-are-we-asking-too-much/

07-13-2014, 02:02 AM

Thanks to everyone who made this game what it is, keep up the good work.
However the players who play AL or any other spacetime game for fun, for a hobby or whatever the reason may be should be thanked also for being part of the game :)

07-13-2014, 03:23 AM
I will quit this game if this game make me silly undead player.

07-13-2014, 04:05 AM
were giving them a hard time..

07-13-2014, 04:33 AM
I knew I had read this somewhere before. Stop fishing for likes and attention please.


07-13-2014, 04:52 AM
I knew I had read this somewhere before. Stop fishing for likes and attention please.



P.S. It is actually OVER 8000!!!!

07-13-2014, 05:08 AM
Workers at sts are not a "500 man team".
I pay for plat so i expect a quality service.
Moderators don't reply my pms.
Support group does not help me when i need support.
If they listened to our feedbacks they could solve 80% of their problems and work less. Have more time for their family, take their kids to the park and stuff like that.
And most importantly we are the ones doing a favour by choosing to play thier games and spend our money on them not the other way round. Remember there are thousands of games on the app store.

Said this i thank the sts for this amazing game.

One love.

07-13-2014, 07:13 AM
Sorry forgot to give credits to the website... Just wanted to check how games work.. Anyways they deserve our Thanks :)

07-13-2014, 07:24 AM
I knew I had read this somewhere before. Stop fishing for likes and attention please.


07-13-2014, 07:36 AM
Sorry forgot to give credits to the website... Just wanted to check how games work.. Anyways they deserve our Thanks :)
This is plagiarism. It is not even funny how much effort you did not put into this.

07-13-2014, 07:39 AM
I knew I had read this somewhere before. Stop fishing for likes and attention please.



07-13-2014, 07:43 AM
I am a IB Diploma Student Ik the Meaning of Plagiarism... And Its Fine if u cite it :)

07-13-2014, 09:25 AM
I am a IB Diploma Student Ik the Meaning of Plagiarism... And Its Fine if u cite it :)

Yes, but you didn't cite until you were busted plagiarizing.

07-13-2014, 09:32 AM
One of the best threads ive ever read. Thank you sts, arcane legends has and always been one hell of adventure :)

07-13-2014, 09:46 AM
got something on your nose there. Something brown

07-13-2014, 09:53 AM
As the developers for Warframe, Digital Extremes, worded it, "all the players are thanking us for this game, but we should much rather be thanking them..."

07-13-2014, 09:56 AM
I agree with what "that person" saying.

I don't mean to be a Debbie downer. But in the "real world" you don't get credit for "trying"

"Trying hard" is a great approach to things and a great quality to have. But trying doesn't pay the bills. Delivering does.

I think STS is well aware of this.

Edit: Edited

07-13-2014, 09:57 AM
I am a IB Diploma Student Ik the Meaning of Plagiarism... And Its Fine if u cite it :)

Yeah but you didn't cite it until somebody found it. :/

Ninjad by serancha

07-13-2014, 10:28 AM
Sorry :0 really sorry! :3 I forgot that its bad and i myself got a person reported on forums for it... Sorry guys. .....Anyways Thanks alot devs :) :p

Sent from my GT-P6200 using Tapatalk

07-13-2014, 04:16 PM
As soon as I read "500 man team", I know something is wrong or fishy.

07-13-2014, 10:11 PM
you forgot the hardworking QA team, who test the STS games on multiple devices to make sure the game works as well as finding the bugs in the games when forum-ers point them out and reporting for the devs to fix.

There's also the design team who make the awesome artworks for our helms, armors, weapons, maps, special effects, etc.