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View Full Version : devs....helena is out of control

07-15-2014, 11:23 PM
I have now wasted about 30 energy in a row on helena. I get her everytime and everyone quits. I had someone hang in there tonight until we both died to close together and she reset after being past half and 300 potions gone.
I'm literally stuck at 1560 points because I only get helena. If I got any of the other bosses at least 50% of the time maybe it wouldn't be so bad. This event is broken. Even if I was spending money on the energy I still could not get to gold because nobody will fight her.
I have seen people say they can kill her in a minute. I'm calling bs on that. Also I can't get a group together to do it either. I have tried everything. Does anyone have any suggestions other than telling me how easy it is.

07-15-2014, 11:35 PM

Read that.

07-15-2014, 11:50 PM
What lvl are you?
if close to 40/41 I can help
whats your class?
If mage, use shield, fire (or ice), clock, heal (charge and use shield the moment Helena shoots the purple stuff into the air, make sure you have invincibility upgrade)

I went with my guild a few runs killing Helena and Ursoth, if you have some rogues, killing Helena will be easier (Rogues do highest damage in party)

07-15-2014, 11:51 PM
Its been 2 weeks now since the start of the event.

At some point you have to ask yourself what is it you are doing wrong and why you are struggling so much to defeat a boss.

some general suggestions:

1. buy a ward with gold. If you can't move, you're dead. its that simple, anything past lvl 21 i think you can get one shot. they are cheap and will save you time.

2. avoid red zones, any and all of them. except for the giant ball from the sky, you can avoid all her attacks. same goes for Ursoth. If you can avoid Ursoth giant red zones, you can avoid hers too.

3. fight close. All toons do best at melee range. Her ranged attacks are not as powerful up close. Fight in her blind spot. If you see the red cone, move. simple.

4. did I mention avoid Red zones?

5. Dont Give up. This is where skill and perseverance comes in. You'll never beat her if you give up. simple

6. Try fighting her solo. use /partyi 000 and try fighting her alone. you'll gain experience and skill fighting one hit bosses.

7. avoid red zones.

8. Check your gear. if your gear is 5 levels below your current level, get some cheap new pinks, i'm sure theres some out there.

9 avoid red zones.

I've killed helena countless times. Solo, 2 man, 3 man, 4 man, 4 warrriors, good pugs, bad pugs, decent pugs, Twink levels, capped, all classes, all types of gears. I've killed her in 1 minute, and i've killed her in 10minutes. Guess what I never did?

I never Gave up.

Guess what else I did.

I avoided red zones.

07-15-2014, 11:52 PM
Bs? Dude, low levels is easy to kill Helena, even low levels can kill Helena more quicker.

I suggest you should join a guild that always active and always helping each other's.

07-15-2014, 11:54 PM
Hey there, guys!

There are already several threads about Helena's difficulty level so I am going to go ahead and lock this thread.