View Full Version : A Rouge's Guide To Arlor, Part Two- It's a Wild Wild Wildstorm

07-17-2014, 07:14 PM
(It was recommended to me that I put early parts in here. So yeah.)

A Rouge's Guide to Arlor, Part 2
Part 1- http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?164815-A-Rouge-s-Guide-To-Arlor-Part-One-Rouge
The Nub Rouge, Nubus Rougus, should find Stabb quite a challenge, as opposed to a pro, Prous Modus... so it'll take a but longer. Luckily you have a party to back you up, so with your pet and charged attacks, not to mention new skill, he should be easier.
Anyway, you'll notice a hostage is in need of saving. It's your job so save her. Save her by defeating Stabb!
After a few more hits, Dorte the hostage will no longer be a hostage! She is free... but now you need to get going to another boss, the one behind the hostage chaos...
A few goblins later, and you find you're not alone. Gustauv is joining the fight!
Look at the yellow sparkles at the end of the level. Don't go in there yet...at the end of the level, you will see a mailbox. These are used mostly by the loving and slightly annoying Karen, whose troubles you will find out later. This one has a quest for you to talk to a pet trainer. He will give you Barney, an owl that is known for healing.
As you go into the aqueducts, I'd be careful about Jarl... if you watched the cut scenes he can be shifty...

The aqueducts are being invaded by yes, more goblins. But let's take a moment to understand the whole screen, rather than just attacks and quests. Like in Pocket Legends, you will find a section at the top center devoted to chat, such as saying what you're selling or buying, or asking for help, or just playing with a friend. Now good rouges look at the ToS before playing, so if you haven't, you'll need it as profanities can get you muted!
Another part of the screen is the Potions and Elixers section. Both can be obtained by vendors or from the store for gold or platinum. You'll need them for when your health or mana gets low! Elixers work as enhancers to boost luck, movement, damage, shielding, xp, or all 4.
Lastly we have the menu, which leads to crafting, the map, inventory, main screen and the store. This also leads to emotes. So ar there are 4- bow, wave, cry and laugh. Use them to bust a move!
Now that we know more, back to the dungeon. A few fights later, and you'll come across two paths. What I do is take the one with a dead end first. They lead to lost pets, which you can get a daily quest from to get him! Also, bosses require a certain amount of enemies defeated before it spawns. So of you try to run the dungeon without killing anything, you'll be in a boss area with no boss. Soon you will come across Kraxx Wildstorm! He is similar to Stabb, but he has some heavy attacks. If a red area in front of him, that's no good. Move out of range or you'll get destroyed! Hopefully you have a party with you. He will be easier to defeat. If you want, pack on a luck elixer to get a pet egg or Locked Grand Crate of the Watch!
That owl must be here somewhere...

Now we enter Brackenridge Village, where secrets are gonna be revealed....

Continued in Part 3

07-17-2014, 07:14 PM
This was a short one because I uploaded Part 1 in the same day.

07-20-2014, 03:12 PM