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View Full Version : New guesses regarding 'L77-ultra cap'

07-17-2014, 10:18 PM
As announcement of 'new content' arrived, I'm going to guess few things again, may or may not b come true but I promise it will b entertaining and fun to read.

The prev. Guesses - http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?163973-quot-new-content-quot-*shifty-eyes*

Here r they -

1> 'New ultra lvl 77' Implying this lvl won't b easy to obtain, along with current lvl cap is staying as it is in term of xp reward quests point of view, new cap would take 200k-500k xp to achieve.

2> One single lvl cap, one single dungeon, probably one single quest and probably final lvl cap rise in pl guessing by the 'ultra' word so to make sure ppls don't get all it easily and get hungry for new content again, every single thing gonna be pretty hard and way much less dropping rates too.

3> Means we gonna experience most pricy items (sets) till date (defenately other than discontinued etc)

4> (l76-77)XPs can't b gain in any other dungeon mean no more mega maze with any dungeon xp elixir. (Its a suggestion too)

5> Though things r going to b pretty hard to achieve but don't expect much about 'new content' perspective I meant most of the items/things are gonna be recycled and obviously along with the dungeon itself as they announced.

6> New elite items will have significantly more ARMOR than damage to balance/scale base damage and effective damage simply means no more 2-3 hit kills.

7> Also means pretty much old school PvP is coming back to endgame PvP in term of time/number of skills need to kill opponent.

8> While armor will b increased significantly along with damage, dodge will b decreased slightly.

9> Current op sets will get less boost while underpowered sets will get more boosts, these are the tweaks I kept saying that r coming with new items.

10> While skill values of classes gonna be nearly same, overall PvP damage nerf is going to be taken off.

11> Mages are going to be next Opest class once again, and Rhino will be next hardest class to kill

Well these are things I can think as of now...

What are y'all guesses?

Update : Time to guess the items/set
That's how ur bird is gonna look like (nearly cuz item will be bit recolored)
In last ss I didn't get a armor to buy in cs.
There won't b any elite talon.

Also if we take remis post literally then we may get elite armor and weapon only means sets -new elite armor and weapon I shown with swift helm and shld are going to make sets.





07-17-2014, 10:19 PM
My guess is that people are complain.

07-17-2014, 10:22 PM
I just wanna know what kinda pet I'm gonna get

07-17-2014, 11:19 PM
^ when I said old school PvP is gonna return only in term of time/no of skill to kill opponant , read it bro not in any other term cause in some extent its not possible because the base factors got changes in way that cant b return.

Secondly everything I stated in op, I tried to GUESS things that gonna come not the things that I want or something like that.

Also I think this ultra lvl cap ppls should face that ultra dungeons not lvl up somewhere else its just weird and should not be, stg still get decent plat buying cause those ppls defenately would run dungeons with 4x weeklong 2x etc.

Lastly when was 'waug' gone bro that he gonna coming back? He was always there, and was active always. O.o.

Who RU? BTW.

P.S. : Ahh smithy deleted his post, I should quote posts, lo

07-18-2014, 03:31 AM
I think it will be 1m xp to reach L77

07-18-2014, 06:43 AM
I think it will be 1m xp to reach L77

I'm just hoping there will be enough time to make it to level 77. I'm sure there will be. I'd like that ring.

07-18-2014, 09:26 AM
Updated with new items/set guess

07-18-2014, 09:39 AM
I think it will be 1m xp to reach L77

I have the ign WinterBank 0_o

07-18-2014, 11:47 AM
^^ Looks like you've got a fanboi

07-18-2014, 12:00 PM
Will the old 76 elites become discontinued, what is your opinion?

07-18-2014, 12:49 PM
Will the old 76 elites become discontinued, what is your opinion?


07-18-2014, 12:54 PM

07-18-2014, 12:57 PM

Do you know this for definite before I buy any

07-18-2014, 07:47 PM
I think 1 million xp will be to much seriously 100k is a lot already ..and for the people who don't buy plat good luck

07-18-2014, 07:51 PM
100k isnt elite when half the people get 50k a day at mega maze...

07-18-2014, 07:53 PM
But for people without plat it is cause some people don't have mula to spend on games jus sayin

07-19-2014, 07:24 AM
^ what is a mula? money I guessing.

mean there's an elite cap for poor ppls
and there's no elite for rich ppls
implying poor ppls got elite and enjoying elite while rich ppls don't have it.

Whata conclusion, bravo opest.

07-23-2014, 12:07 PM
My guess is this will be the last cap ever so xp needed will be well over 100k

07-23-2014, 12:15 PM
If this is the last cap raise, I think it would be cool if they put something like "You are the hero who saved alterra" or something like that when you reach level 77

Sent using arcane magic all the way from Arlor

07-23-2014, 12:49 PM
I like the creativity/idea making here, but I doubt the Crystalline, Onyx, and Earthquake sets are going to be remade a second time.

07-24-2014, 05:21 AM
Updated with new items/set guess

What do you guess about drops? As chars lv72+ can enter the new dungeon, who is gonna drop those new elite legendary items? Only capped chars lv 77? Does the dungeon only give xp up to the ultra cap or do lower level chars also have the opportunity to get the new drops? Or are there new sets e.g. scaled 72/74/77? I'm a bit confused about why lv72 chars can enter there, so will there be new items parallel to the Bsm sets? Or is it just an opportunity to get xp for not yet capped chars? And who is gonna play Bsm campaign afterwards?

07-24-2014, 06:23 AM
Guess, theory, opinions, there are so many of them.

But when we ask so badly for a cap or something, and we're dam desperate, then we get something, we complain about it.

Wow... Just wow.. No wonder sts wants to just slow down with PL.

07-24-2014, 06:29 AM
Guess, theory, opinions, there are so many of them.

But when we ask so badly for a cap or something, and we're dam desperate, then we get something, we complain about it.

Wow... Just wow.. No wonder sts wants to just slow down with PL.


07-24-2014, 08:23 AM
Guess, theory, opinions, there are so many of them.

But when we ask so badly for a cap or something, and we're dam desperate, then we get something, we complain about it.

Wow... Just wow.. No wonder sts wants to just slow down with PL.

Lo hey sweet jellybean jiggy, its looks like ppls sometime try to find the point of the base of arguemeant.

If u really ask me then I don't care about pve at all its all PvP I care neither I interested to play some borin dungeon anymore.
Complain after complain n creating pressure on forums to bring something new and want to know the release date maybe irritating for stg and pointless. But when it come to guesses ( not even suggestion) its just fun for those players who interested in this ( this is not for stg purely for pples) how u came to this pointless conclusion? If u really read it again u would know this, lo. Again where is da complain?

07-24-2014, 08:46 AM
What do you guess about drops? As chars lv72+ can enter the new dungeon, who is gonna drop those new elite legendary items? Only capped chars lv 77? Does the dungeon only give xp up to the ultra cap or do lower level chars also have the opportunity to get the new drops? Or are there new sets e.g. scaled 72/74/77? I'm a bit confused about why lv72 chars can enter there, so will there be new items parallel to the Bsm sets? Or is it just an opportunity to get xp for not yet capped chars? And who is gonna play Bsm campaign afterwards?

but this is not a complaint.

07-24-2014, 09:00 AM
What do you guess about drops? As chars lv72+ can enter the new dungeon, who is gonna drop those new elite legendary items? Only capped chars lv 77? Does the dungeon only give xp up to the ultra cap or do lower level chars also have the opportunity to get the new drops? Or are there new sets e.g. scaled 72/74/77? I'm a bit confused about why lv72 chars can enter there, so will there be new items parallel to the Bsm sets? Or is it just an opportunity to get xp for not yet capped chars? And who is gonna play Bsm campaign afterwards?

Smart thinking, if u wan me to guess about it, then -

We have a phrase to analyse - new l77 elite weapons and armor, that also mean along with the other fact that other items maybe same items DAT drops in blacksmith but this goes for non-pink, my guess there won't b any pink items only elite and other non-pinks.

2> I think we would b able to skip blacksmoth l72 afterwards from xp point of view, means l75 chars can get xp in new map but criteria same 100k for l75-76.

3> Elite items mayb only for l77

There's also a possibility that like current onyx there maybe a mini dungeon for l76/77 to drop elites we talk in about. We may need to wear things that we can only aceive from blacksmoth etc.

07-24-2014, 09:14 AM
There's also a possibility that like current onyx there maybe a mini dungeon for l76/77 to drop elites we talk in about. We may need to wear things that we can only aceive from blacksmoth etc.

That could be

IGN Storm
07-24-2014, 07:04 PM
*Blast from the past* aka recolored gear

07-25-2014, 07:42 AM
Lo hey sweet jellybean jiggy, its looks like ppls sometime try to find the point of the base of arguemeant.

If u really ask me then I don't care about pve at all its all PvP I care neither I interested to play some borin dungeon anymore.
Complain after complain n creating pressure on forums to bring something new and want to know the release date maybe irritating for stg and pointless. But when it come to guesses ( not even suggestion) its just fun for those players who interested in this ( this is not for stg purely for pples) how u came to this pointless conclusion? If u really read it again u would know this, lo. Again where is da complain?

I'm sorry, the top part saying about the guess and theories was pointed at this thread yes, I don't really like all this type of stuff as you get what you get.

Sorry about the second part, it wasn't aimed at this thread, but people have been complaining about a few things about this new content that is coming.

Probably shouldn't of posted it here, but oh well.

07-25-2014, 07:44 AM
*Blast from the past* aka recolored gear

Blast from the past, aka same sandstone map, just increased bosses health xD

Nah just tricking, I reckon there will be a few new cooly things similar, very very similar :3 but hey they're giving us a dam cap raise and all this! I'm happy with it, rather this then nothing like come on geez

07-28-2014, 03:52 AM
Omg cant wait new 77 cap http://thumbnails109.imagebam.com/34158/ec77ad341575336.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/ec77ad341575336) http://thumbnails112.imagebam.com/34158/cf23cb341575343.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/cf23cb341575343) :rugby: