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View Full Version : Dropping In

07-19-2014, 12:37 AM
Wow, it took me quite a while before I could even find the correct forum to post in. Spacetime has grown so much.

Glad to see the game still strong!

Really, I just dropped in to check up on things. Wish I could have kept playing PL, but life just got too hectic.

Are there any oldies still hanging around from back in the day? What are some of the bigger updates recently? I think the last time I was playing the level cap was 50, maybe 55...

07-19-2014, 12:38 AM
Wow, it took me quite a while before I could even find the correct forum to post in. Spacetime has grown so much.

Glad to see the game still strong!

Really, I just dropped in to check up on things. Wish I could have kept playing PL, but life just got too hectic.

Are there any oldies still hanging around from back in the day? What are some of the bigger updates recently? I think the last time I was playing the level cap was 50, maybe 55...

Oo hai and there is going to be a new L77 cap recently, been almost 2 years

3-D Romeo

About oldies idk :/

07-19-2014, 01:01 AM
Welcome back, Rebel
Im an oldie, still playing (dont think you know me though...)

We're getting a lvl77 cap soon

for the lulz
07-19-2014, 05:09 AM
plz join back , n tell ur friends and family and pets to join , V NEED PLAYERS TO KEEP THE GAME RUNNING . we will overtake al someday :')

also do u have any cool old gear? like ruby gem or stuff like that

07-19-2014, 05:13 AM
Well there's a name I haven't seen in a while.