View Full Version : Camera bug in new shadow caves?

01-11-2011, 01:44 PM
I'm reposting this here in case it's a bug and not implemented intentionally to confuse us.

In the caves -- I played bear, and every time I got revived, the camera turned around and I would run in the opposite direction than everyone else. Every single time. I don't remember this happening in any other dungeons, so not sure if this was a glitch. But I kept getting so disoriented bc of it. I'd think -- I was facing the boss room when I died, so I should still be facing it when I got revived. But nope. Opposite direction.

So is this a camera glitch or was it intentional (or was it an accident that you now decided you want to keep in the game? ;) ).

01-11-2011, 02:20 PM
Woooowoooowooo I did this too. Either ran in wrong direction or had to stand around while trying to figure out which way was NOT forward. Which, of course, I could not tell because I could not see the map :P

01-11-2011, 05:20 PM
me too it happened to me tooo only with bear tho

01-11-2011, 05:23 PM
Lol maybe it's part of their way of improving bears -- we get a hidden, passive self-confusion skill! Go bears!

01-11-2011, 05:33 PM
i think they messed up when they increased bear damage and etc lol