View Full Version : The Ultimate Quest

01-11-2011, 08:42 PM
Ok, the Gus Gusman thread gave me an idea.

This is the Ultimate Quest. It has a randomly spawning NPC (since Cinco seems to be fond of randomly spawning things). You have to finish all quests before you even have a chance of seeing this NPC. And if a new quest comes out before you found this NPC, you have to finish the new quests before you'll be able to find him. This includes all cyber quests!

The NPC can spawn randomly ANYWHERE in the game. Dungeon, town, even passages between towns. Even Vyx's lair. This would give people a reason to explore again, even low level areas that they completed. And the devs can have fun adding little surprise nooks for us to discover. Like Vyx, you'd have to explore every nook and cranny or you might miss him.

You could be very lucky and find him just going about your game playing like you always do. Or you might spend months searching for him and never find him. But it's up to you to decide how much time you want to invest looking for him.

Only one person should be able to see him at a time, and not be able to invite anyone to grab him. Even if you're with a team, only one person can see him. But to make sure you don't miss him, it should be incredibly obvious that he's in the room with you -- I'd perhaps even go as far as saying words should flash on the screen in bold red letting you know he's there. Bc he's so rare and random, it would be awful to miss him because your back was to him.

As for the quest itself, I haven't thought that far.

But the reward should be one piece of equipment -- I'm thinking an awesome-looking weapon that starts at the same level you are and levels with you. Basically, if you complete the quest, you should never need another weapon like that (ie. Be it sword, staff, bow, blaster, wand, etc) for your entire PL life for that character. The weapon levels with the character and is always beter than any other loot of that level.
The catch is, you can't trade it or even stash it. The item is locked to the character that did the quest. So you HAVE to play with the character you want it for (not like the cyber quests that we all kind of exploited by doing the quest for other characters.)

Feel free to add anything, and I'll edit if I think of anything else.

What do you guys think?

01-11-2011, 09:26 PM
Les, I like the idea, but IMO it's a bit too complicated for what PL seems to promote (Unlike Everquest which has a lot of quests of this sort). I really wouldn't want to spend any time randomly looking for a NPC for a quest. Time better spent playing which I believe is also a goal of PL. I do think they could easily implement a quest whereby you can trade in an existing weapon (or combination of weapons) for a better weapon. Anyhow, keep up good ideas, they are fun to read.

01-11-2011, 09:28 PM
Well, the point is that you don't HAVE to spend time looking. You might stumble across him one day or never find him at all. I just think it's a cool idea to know that the opportunity/possibility is always there.

01-11-2011, 09:38 PM
I love the idea!!! I hope that pocket legends puts this into the game.

01-11-2011, 09:42 PM
Bout time you made it.. Been busy section trolling looking for your post :D.

I love it! Gives ppl reason to do quests again...

It doesn't have to be too complex of a system. You can have a simple code like loot roll to get a npc for every thing you do/where you go/when you did it. Loot roll will randomly have npc spawn somewhere in the map. Pretty simple code, I think it would only be like a additional 200 lines.

For the actual quest, it should be like a tormented soul just so happening to be were you are. Plead's for you to help it and offers "special" incentives to free its soul and come back to the land of the living.

Could also lead to epic shadow boss story line later in the game. Twist would be, tormented soul is exiled war lord long ago in Alterra, exiled by the ancient Elf Queens powerful magic. Comes back to power and tries to conquerer the land. But up to heroes to stop him.

01-11-2011, 09:48 PM
Lol Pharcyde. Glad I could promote more trolling ;)

I like that first photo -- creepy.

Lol I find it funny you thought out a storyline when you said you don't read the storyline on quests (neither do I lol).

01-11-2011, 09:53 PM
lol Cuz they suck. "Hmm... This is interesting... The Yeti's poo contains Yak hair... Can you collect me 100 yeti poop to continue my ground breaking discovery?" Durr?

Either way. Epic midevil deathlords, elf queen magic, exiling, interesting quests all have 1 thing in common. BEAST

01-11-2011, 10:06 PM
Cinco, if you read this and decide to implement it -- DON'T MESS IT UP! :)

01-11-2011, 10:08 PM
Please do not mess it up! I don't want to have the epics of the freakin most epic in the realm of epicness so epicly ruined.. Like... Epicly... Man...

Tree Dude
01-12-2011, 10:42 AM
Like the idea, but I don't think you should need to explore. The NPC should simply randomly spawn where you are. This needs to be very very rare though.

01-12-2011, 01:45 PM
"bad" idea.. I hated the fact with the antennas that i always seem to miss it.. And with that quest it would piss off probably a lot of players since its just LUCK.. I would hate it personally.. And im guessing if ur friend magically got the BEST weapon of the game u would hate it too.. :)

Edit: "bad"

01-12-2011, 05:56 PM
Gay idea.. I hated the fact with the antennas that i always seem to miss it.. And with that quest it would piss off probably a lot of players since its just LUCK.. I would hate it personally.. And im guessing if ur friend magically got the BEST weapon of the game u would hate it too.. :)

thats why you make the quest really hard. Also your friend would have
1. Done all quests to even be able to get a chance to find him.
2. More aware of his surroundings.. and lucky.

Also want us to start saying gay thread, gay post, gay reply to anything you do? Forum etiquette please..

01-13-2011, 01:49 PM
Sry ur right, well i just dont like random generated quests. I want to know where to find my quest and where to complete it.