View Full Version : dmg and hp and armor which better for war ?

07-21-2014, 03:13 AM
if i lose 100armor ill get 150+hp, my hp almost 7.1k 2050armor, 570dmg .
if i get more dmg, ill lose 200hp, 200armor. my hp 6900,armor 1950,dmg 610.
i wonder which better, im only for pvp. .hope war player give me some suggestion

07-21-2014, 08:49 AM
Really confused by the question. Typically "might is right" in PvP so damage is preferred, within reason.

07-21-2014, 01:46 PM
Really confused by the question. Typically "might is right" in PvP so damage is preferred, within reason.
kk thx ic

07-21-2014, 08:06 PM
ill go for 150+hp, 7.1k 2050armor, 570dmg ., 100armor sacrifice than the other one..

07-24-2014, 05:15 AM
If PvE, focus on Armour and Hp. But you know 100Armour>100hp.
And in pvp, I think armour and damage will help.

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07-24-2014, 04:31 PM
SO many new wars get this wrong. I had a guy walk up to me in Exp Camp other day and tell me I was weak. I asked him why he thought that (baiting him) and he said because his friends at lower levels have higher DPS/DMG. ROFL!!!! BTW, im all perfect mythic + perfect talisman + Samael.

So, this thread and my post should help clear up this noob dilema...

#1 If you are a PVE warrior and want to actually play the warrior role, STR, HP, and ARMOR are what you want. Nobody cares about how much crappy damage you can do as you are only here for "AGGRO and HEAL". In this case, mythic pavise or bullwark is what you want. If you look at the stats you will see very low DMG and DPS but greater #'s in HP and ARMOR. This is what you want if you wanna be a TANK.
#2 If you are a PVP player and want to play TDM or CTF, DPS and DMG are a must. You need some way to log kills. In this case you may wanna choose Magma gear, magma sword, glaive, bonesaw, or arcane maul. If you look at the stats on these weps, you will see a huge drop in HP and ARMOR but a huge increase in DPS and DMG, which is what you want.

FYI, if you wanna be a DMG and DPS player in AL, and only wanna do PVE, pls choose a mage or rogue. warriors who pve and think they wanna kill a lot are useless as tits on a male hog.

07-27-2014, 09:14 PM
In PVP its Damage and DPS more important else your kills will be spammed by rogues or mages after your hardwork.
In PVE unless you are the PVE kill counter (solo better and warrior damm to slow compared to mage or rogue) , better go for HP and armor to keep up aggro and heals to survive the party and finish the maps faster (Especially in Elites).

Samaeldavisjr :eagerness: has perfectly explained the scenario.