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View Full Version : Oh yea I forgot why I don't like mmo's...

01-12-2011, 04:11 PM
Always a small % of people whining on the forums that cause rash decisions by developers. Congrats to the ten people who were no longer able to be rich farmers, you can do so again.

I'm surprised they aren't on here now telling devs to remove the loot that dropped easily...

My only statement is this: 160,000 gold is 600 plat, which is $60 of real money and 160,00 can't buy anything good at all. Lol, how is that remotely right?

Granted I don't buy gold, but that's how the devs value gold prices. $120 real dollars buys one digital item, that's amazing to me... Honestly the economy crash would have been the best thing these devs could have done to make real money.

Anyways, glad I got my gear yesterday. Time to gouge prices.

01-12-2011, 04:15 PM
Always a small % of people whining on the forums that cause rash decisions by developers. Congrats to the ten people who were no longer able to be rich farmers, you can do so again.

I'm surprised they aren't on here now telling devs to remove the loot that dropped easily...

My only statement is this: 160,000 gold is 600 plat, which is $60 of real money and 160,00 can't buy anything good at all. Lol, how is that remotely right?

Granted I don't buy gold, but that's how the devs value gold prices. $120 real dollars buys one digital item, that's amazing to me... Honestly the economy crash would have been the best thing these devs could have done to make real money.

Anyways, glad I got my gear yesterday. Time to gouge prices.

Sorry to say but your kinda whining too about plat prices.

1.) How they make money, rich boy gets a hold of his parents credit card = Payday for Spacetime.

2.) Keeps the economy balanced. If gold prices were cheap, then inflation would shoot way high. Injections of money into a economy is never a good thing. Thats why theres no epic farm rates anymore, 10k a run on keeper was insane.

3.) You don't have to buy it, why make threads about it if you will never buy it? Making solutions gets you a lot father then ranting.

01-12-2011, 04:19 PM
You completely misread what I posted.

5% of your player base complaining on the forums is not who you should listen to.

I'm not complaining about plat and I'm about to make a killing on loot, so don't jump to conclusions k?

01-12-2011, 04:24 PM
You changed focus of the thread completely. I didn't comment on the first paragraph because you totally changed subjects. Plus we already all know about forum whiners, so thats why I didn't comment on that.

If your not complaining about it, then why was it posted here? IMO, anything out of the suggestion forum can almost be considered complaining if there is no solution presented. Care to address what you think should be done to gold prices?

Edit: "My only statement is this" also completely removes focus off your original topic.

01-12-2011, 04:27 PM

There is a reason why no1 wastes plat on gold....

01-12-2011, 04:28 PM
No clue. But changing a system developers thought was good two days later because a handful of people didnt like it isn't it.

I wasn't complaining about gold cost, just showing the real money value for the items and how insane it is lol.

01-12-2011, 04:30 PM
unfortunately, I have to agree with the sentiments of the original poster.

I've seen this this phenomena a couple of times in a couple of different games.

New content always "ruins the economy" but you know what? The "economy" doesn't matter, it's the game that matters.

01-12-2011, 04:30 PM
LOL @ Ruining the Economy for another group of players!

- Cinco

01-12-2011, 04:31 PM

There is a reason why no1 wastes plat on gold....

I know this and would never purchase it. Was just putting real money value on it. Probably shouldn't have done that and just stuck with the forum nerf scream argument.

And it's not just the loot. Next they'll be a problem with this class, or this skill, or this and that. Can't please everyone, but the 5% always win...

01-12-2011, 04:32 PM
LOL @ Ruining the Economy for another group of players!

- Cinco

How is that funny? That was the argument yesterday that caused todays changes...

01-12-2011, 04:33 PM
No clue. But changing a system developers thought was good two days later because a handful of people didnt like it isn't it.

I wasn't complaining about gold cost, just showing the real money value for the items and how insane it is lol.

Who says the devs didn't realize they made the mistake right away? They joked about it and wouldn't say much. I'm guessing they didn't want to tip us off that they were changing it, so we'd still have to risk whether or not to buy/sell the items. I made my choices, and undersold my rift set. That was my risk to take, and now I'll either farm another one or live without it. But to claim that the devs made the perfect decision and only changed it because a few people complained is absurd.

01-12-2011, 04:33 PM
Yes it is insane but it keeps the economy in check. Were lucky to even have a gold for plat option. Other MMO's, you buy gold illegally for almost the same or even crazier cash amounts.

Many people actually feel the way that the forum whiners do. They make up the population of the game. Many of the "unknown" players who are very casual basically hate anything they can't solo. Casual gamers make the Devs money in large numbers. Please them and its a nice paycheck for the devs. Only a very small percent of players get to that "extreme" level. Devs try their best to make the game enjoyable for extreme players, since they basically are the heart and soul of this game. But its hard to balance out profit from casual and enjoyment from extreme players.

Many extreme players are on this forum, very few casual. So thats why it seems like such a small percent of whiners.

01-12-2011, 04:33 PM
How is that funny? That was the argument yesterday that caused todays changes...

You really think that 10 angry posters caused the update? I highly doubt it.

01-12-2011, 04:35 PM
How is that funny? That was the argument yesterday that caused todays changes...

Dude, he was joking.

Platinum is high for a reason, (it's roughly .00003(cents) per 1 gold). If it was 10$ for 1M, the economy wouldn't exist, it would be like 5M for a Sunblessed Scimitar, who would want that?

I personally like feeling rich with my 15+M.

01-12-2011, 04:35 PM
But to claim that the devs made the perfect decision and only changed it because a few people complained is absurd.

^this .....

01-12-2011, 04:35 PM
You really think that 10 angry posters caused the update? I highly doubt it.

I believe we did.

If everyone was happy with it, do you think this update would have happened? lol

01-12-2011, 04:38 PM
You really think that 10 angry posters caused the update? I highly doubt it.

If there wasn't 10 threads about it, full of complaints, would we see todays update?

And again, it doesn't bother me its harder now or whatever. I got my gear and plenty to sell so I'm not crying cuz I didn't get a chance. Not trying to come off that way.

01-12-2011, 04:38 PM
I believe we did.

If everyone was happy with it, do you think this update would have happened? lol

I honestly believe it would have. :D

01-12-2011, 04:38 PM
And btw, some of us, despite popular belief, do care about the game as a whole and not just ourselves. We weren't "complaining" about Monday's update because of how it affected our own bank account. What we saw was that it was destroying the game and giving people absolutely no reason to play.
They fixed it now to be more of what an mmo should be. I haven't tried the new caves yet, not sure I will. So can't tell if the drop rate went to the other extreme. But at least this new patch corrected some of Monday's mistakes.

01-12-2011, 04:39 PM
I believe we did.

If everyone was happy with it, do you think this update would have happened? lol

Lol exactly

01-12-2011, 04:40 PM
And again, it doesn't bother me its harder now or whatever. I got my gear and plenty to sell so I'm not crying cuz I didn't get a chance. Not trying to come off that way.

Sorry but why did you make this thread then? If your happy with how things are now, then why bring up the past with a old system no longer in place?

01-12-2011, 04:41 PM
And btw, some of us, despite popular belief, do care about the game as a whole and not just ourselves. We weren't "complaining" about Monday's update because of how it affected our own bank account. What we saw was that it was destroying the game and giving people absolutely no reason to play.
They fixed it now to be more of what an mmo should be. I haven't tried the new caves yet, not sure I will. So can't tell if the drop rate went to the other extreme. But at least this new patch corrected some of Monday's mistakes.

No, it didn't give farmers a reason to play. Theres plenty of other aspects to this game besides loot.

01-12-2011, 04:42 PM
I honestly do not care either way. I do not sell or buy gear and prefer the the "road to 50" over the end game stuff. I am just observing that it does make sense to have a very high drop for a couple days to make the items show up on toons in towns and on the market then make them hard to get... keeps people who later reach that level trying...

01-12-2011, 04:43 PM
Les, I will always believe that you put your fake PL money ahead of the "good of the game". You wanted to loot elite items and gouge the prices. I have met a lot of players of this game and I can tell when a merchanter is whining about his purse.

01-12-2011, 04:43 PM
No, it didn't give farmers a reason to play. Theres plenty of other aspects to this game besides loot.

If that's the case then you should have no problem with any updates that effect loot or cash or anything besides how your character plays in battle.
You just argued against yourself.

01-12-2011, 04:43 PM
Sorry but why did you make this thread then? If your happy with how things are now, then why bring up the past with a old system no longer in place?

Omg, not even going to explain it again. I was just using the update as an example. You can't just listen to what the forums say is all I was saying. Theres 2000 people playing usually. I see the same 50-100 people on the forums. That's not your user base. Do you see that?

01-12-2011, 04:43 PM
LOL @ Ruining the Economy for another group of players!

- Cinco

Aha! I knew cinco was on.

But for the most part, the forum players are what represent >most< of pl unless you have an in game poll of some kind. And there will always be whiners and complainers, but it was a valid arguement to say drop rates should increase. Who wants to farm elite items for 2k? Not me.

Ramblind post is rambling, lol. Got busy with the chat and don't feel like fixing it right now.

01-12-2011, 04:44 PM
I have one thing to say to all of you:

All we are is airborn minidirt

01-12-2011, 04:44 PM
No, it didn't give farmers a reason to play. Theres plenty of other aspects to this game besides loot.

Like what? It takes like no time at all to get top gears, do all quests, level several characters to end game and basically horde gold or PvP.

01-12-2011, 04:45 PM
LOL @ Ruining the Economy for another group of players!

- Cinco

also a big LOL Cinco :) thanks needed that.

01-12-2011, 04:47 PM
If that's the case then you should have no problem with any updates that effect loot or cash or anything besides how your character plays in battle.
You just argued against yourself.

No I didn't and you just made absolutely no sense at all. Coming from someone (you) who was freaking out yesterday about how your precious items weren't gonna make you in game rich, I expect you to completely miss the point.

Said what I had to say, I'm done. Back to twinking...

01-12-2011, 04:48 PM
Aha! I knew cinco was on.

But for the most part, the forum players are what represent >most< of pl unless you have an in game poll of some kind. And there will always be whiners and complainers, but it was a valid arguement to say drop rates should increase. Who wants to farm elite items for 2k? Not me.

Ramblind post is rambling, lol. Got busy with the chat and don't feel like fixing it right now.

Oh I forgot that people who signed up for forum access were looked at to lead us and represent us. You are so full of yourself it's laughable.

01-12-2011, 04:54 PM
No I didn't and you just made absolutely no sense at all. Coming from someone (you) who was freaking out yesterday about how your precious items weren't gonna make you in game rich, I expect you to completely miss the point.

Said what I had to say, I'm done. Back to twinking...

"I" made no sense?
Ok then...

01-12-2011, 05:20 PM
Omg, not even going to explain it again. I was just using the update as an example. You can't just listen to what the forums say is all I was saying. Theres 2000 people playing usually. I see the same 50-100 people on the forums. That's not your user base. Do you see that?

Do you see the 400k users running around forest haven/dark forest on the forums right now? Millions and millions of people own black ops, but you don't see 6,000,000 players on black ops at that exact moment. Also 50-100 active forum users is a really crappy extreme player vs casual player ratio. Thats 1 extreme player per every 4000 players. Guess Majority wins?

01-12-2011, 05:30 PM
Omg, not even going to explain it again. I was just using the update as an example. You can't just listen to what the forums say is all I was saying. Theres 2000 people playing usually. I see the same 50-100 people on the forums. That's not your user base. Do you see that?

If people REALLY cared about changing something they would:
A. e-mail the devs
B. Join forums

Besides, maybe one fourth at the most of those 2,000 peope online at a time even know what a megablaster and farming are. Just my thought :)

01-12-2011, 05:33 PM
The devs do rely on us for some level of user testing.

01-12-2011, 05:33 PM
LOL @ Ruining the Economy for another group of players!

- Cinco

Haha had to laugh @ this myself. Ignore them! Welcome to the right side of PL history!! =]

01-12-2011, 05:45 PM
Insane prices back to CS -_- meh.

01-12-2011, 06:07 PM
Insane prices back to CS -_- meh.

1 piece of gold smells like rust and baby teeth... 1,000,000 pieces of gold smells like LIFE!

01-12-2011, 10:19 PM
I know I'm just a noob, but it really seems like they're up to something. Sneaky devs...this was all planned. I know that I'm going to keep my eyes peeled. :)

01-12-2011, 10:56 PM
Yeah, I didn't have much gold, but sunk it in to the cave gear I wanted last night on the justification that by the time i did have a lot of gold there would be nothing to buy with it since then best gear was under 100k and everyone would have it.

I didn't make out like Pharcyde, but its a cool feeling like I timed the market & got out ahead. Ala FATALITY! Or KILLOCALYPSE! That's new to me for buying something in a game & strangely more fun than it should be.

There was also an urgency to get in the cave the last couple days since you could feel it wasn't going to last. Like a gold rush. It pulled me across the casual player line & into some long sessions that I just couldn't leave, much to the chagrin of the rest of the people in my life.

All in all a lot of fun and very educational for a mmorg noob like me: playing the updates & nerfs right is like its own metagame. The only constant is change... & gold.

Now things can get back to normal, right? CASUAL PLAYERS OF ALTERRA RUL... nm gtg c ya...

01-12-2011, 11:01 PM
Yeah, I didn't have much gold, but sunk it in to the cave gear I wanted last night on the justification that by the time i did have a lot of gold there would be nothing to buy with it since then best gear was under 100k and everyone would have it.

I didn't make out like Pharcyde, but its a cool feeling like I timed the market & got out ahead. Ala FATALITY! Or KILLOCALYPSE! That's new to me for buying something in a game & strangely more fun than it should be.

There was also an urgency to get in the cave the last couple days since you could feel it wasn't going to last. Like a gold rush. It pulled me across the casual player line & into some long sessions that I just couldn't leave, much to the chagrin of the rest of the people in my life.

All in all a lot of fun and very educational for a mmorg noob like me: playing the updates & nerfs right is like its own metagame. The only constant is change... & gold.

Now things can get back to normal, right? CASUAL PLAYERS OF ALTERRA RUL... nm gtg c ya...

Xymorg I never ever see you on! :( I remember when I was a lvl 40 farming plasma with you bro...