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View Full Version : AL Quests, too simple?

07-23-2014, 06:11 PM
As the title states I just want to propose a question to everyone.
Are AL quests too simple? In general their composed of talking to an NPC, kill this, gather that etc. How could AL make their quests more intricate yet still retain the fun?
Post your ideas below :D

They will be put on the main post :)

Elite quest ideas with large rewards?
The Killer Overlord of Arlor
Defeat 50 Elite bosses from Shuyal or Tinidirin, gives 500k-750k. Idea by Xeusx

07-23-2014, 06:19 PM
The Killer Overlord of Arlor (quest suggestion):
You will need to defeat 50 Elite Bosses in Elite Shuyal or Elite Tindirin! Reward: 500k-750k. One of the Daily Quest.

07-23-2014, 06:20 PM
But, u forgot the best quest of them all...
Smash 10 billion barrels to get a mythic helm!

07-23-2014, 06:25 PM
But, u forgot the best quest of them all...
Smash 10 billion barrels to get a mythic helm!

LOL ^_^

07-24-2014, 12:53 AM
But, u forgot the best quest of them all...
Smash 10 billion barrels to get a mythic helm!

That's like smashing 10 crates to get an Arcane Ring!!

07-24-2014, 01:45 AM
Agreed, I have brought up this issue numerous times, and even got to ask Sam Hayne once during the google hangout session. His answer was that he thought hard quests turned off more casual players to the game.

In Pocket Legends we had some very hard quests. The ichor quest stands out in my mind, but there was also the frozen quest and the cyber quest. Some of them took months to complete.

I guess I'm old school, but back when I was a kid, before we had internet, we had Role Playing Games and the whole game was basically doing quests. That eventually morphed into the PvE part of the current MMORPGs. I can remember playing the early Ultima games and doing quests that really were hard.

Much of the hard work of doing the quests in those old games was to figure out HOW to do the quest. Now with these forums, as soon as one person figures it out, then everyone will know. So the only way to make a hard quest in an MMO is to make a grind type of quest like the cyber/frozen/ichor quests in PL. It's a shame that STS does not want to do that.

07-24-2014, 03:53 AM
Big problem for me is the limited number of maps that we use for farming. In season 4, we've only played oltgar elite, because it was the fastest way to get the reward for the quest and hammers were valuable. In season 5 we played 2 and 3 cards and occasionally Ashral Heart. I felt a variety only in this season, but now due to the strong spirit and ancient druid gear again we play mostly only Caves of Tarewa. The last time I played elite Jurn Woods and Crystal Caverns was year ago, and I finished elite Shadows Plains just three times (for AP, and twice help)! So my main suggestion relating thread: introduce elite quests for killing each of the bosses of each location (one, three or more - whatever you like). So we wont play the same map 20 times in a row. I am not going to invent awards, because it is hard for me. Obviously they have to be worthwhile, but excludes the possibility of undermining the economy (as did Bael and Krunch, partially Tarlok and Ursoth events).

Also, in my opinion, right now there are two interesting mechanism that is not used as much as they could: crafting system and dragon teeth. Assortment provided for the teeth is very poor. I would love to be spent, for example, 300 teeth, for the purchase of a new mythic pet (even if not very strong), but right in stable! - so it showed something about the owner. As for the new mythic gear for teeth (What Energizeric once suggested), I'd be glad to see if only one part of this stuff was available for the teeth (as Dragonite Bar for ring), and for the rest would be an interesting quest related with the crafting system. Of different materials obtained only on specific types of maps with elite bosses (this may depend on location, such as ore in Rockhorn Summit and Magma Corridor, and bosses, for example, silk from spiders in Tarewa Caves and Crystal Caverns), craft some contraptions, which are used together for crafting of mythic stuff.

07-24-2014, 04:13 AM
Grinding is no fun.

07-27-2014, 05:27 AM
Grinding is no fun.

lol, nope!

07-27-2014, 05:48 AM
The problem is, a lot of people have work and stuff and can't find time to grind this stuff. Others are just casual plays like Samhayne said. If it's gonna be grinding it's gotta be fun

07-27-2014, 06:18 AM
The problem is, a lot of people have work and stuff and can't find time to grind this stuff. Others are just casual plays like Samhayne said. If it's gonna be grinding it's gotta be fun
"Fun" is a word they abanddoned long ago.

As far as Samhayne's response to hardcore quests, I'd say LOL. No one is forcing a casual gamer to do them. It's not necessary to complete each and every quest. With that being said, most casual gamers don't even grind elite maps so they care less if there's any quest assigned to them. We already have "Juggernauts of Nordr", can we just ask for "Barbarians of Tindirin"? With ofc much better rewards, as I'll make more than 3k and loot a bit more than one elite golden chests in those 50 runs anyway.

07-27-2014, 07:56 AM
The Killer Overlord of Arlor (quest suggestion):
You will need to defeat 50 Elite Bosses in Elite Shuyal or Elite Tindirin! Reward: 500k-750k. One of the Daily Quest.

It funny because there is already a quest like this, just not that many bosses tho.

07-27-2014, 10:12 AM
As a mobile MMORPG quick and fun was the scenario thats supposed to happen for casual gamers but for some hard core players this is "repititive" they keep forgetting we play on handheld devices and this games capabilty is limited, if some wants a much complicated quest system try PC MMO.

07-27-2014, 01:28 PM
But, u forgot the best quest of them all...
Smash 10 billion barrels to get a mythic helm!

lol that will be a gread idea!

07-28-2014, 05:16 AM
My idea is, when it comes to long and big quests they aren't structured on grinding. Some aspects will involve partial grinding ( e.g. Collect 10 of this from that ), however I would like to see more "boss battling" as a requirement or some puzzles in dungeons. Possibly someone might need to find three items in the map, they would search the map and find the items ( They would be gathered as if one was talking to it, i.e "You have picked up the ancient stone of noobtacular " ), then bring them to an NPC who would merge them together ( very quick timeframe, 10 seconds at most ) and you would then use that item to unlock a portal or something.

I understand long quests have a chance to negate the flow of casual players but, AL...if you want to get places casual playing really isn't going to get you anywhere. Sometimes STS needs to make the decision to make some content for the medium-hardcore players ( Platters or F2P ).

07-28-2014, 06:25 AM
Speaking of co-operative puzzles in dungeons, it would be amazing if there were certain parts of the map only accessible to a full party of 4 players, and you would need 2 activate 4 switches simultaneously from different parts of the map to unlock some type of bonus content (elite Thorbold/Tarlok anyone?)

It also bothers me to no end that daily quests can only be completed in regular maps when they should be completed in either regular or elite maps. I dont have the game time to run the dailies in regular and then grind elite maps afterwards. At the Beginning of Tindirin, there were 2-3 dailies that could be completed in elite maps and I was very happy with this little addition, but it was shortly after updated out of existence. Its obvious something they can implement, but why they dont is beyond me.

I'm all for a "kill 8 different elite bosses a day" daily for some menial reward.

I think the Nekro quest was supposed to encourage this, but was just implemented way wrong (on many levels). They could have easily started off with a similar quest to craft a new legendary pet, and then ramp up to the Arcane version........................................... .........................

07-28-2014, 06:46 AM
Maybe something like this but the quest is staying alive in a certain time which is hard enough that needs patience, skills and strategies, this idea is about grinding the arena(whatever this area called) but it is also fun not like destroying 1m barrels to get your upgraded mythic helm which is boring and hard -.-"
Credits to Energizeric

07-28-2014, 07:16 AM
There awesome people who make even more awesome games its pretty obvious.:-)