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View Full Version : Lost a lot plat or gold opening crates? You deserve a big farmers thank you!

07-24-2014, 06:47 PM
With so many topics popping up about people opening locked or elondrian locked and not getting anything, I figured the least you should get is a big thanks from all the hard working crate farmers out there. Without you guys opening those crates farmers would have no income. Every day so many people farm hour after hour to keep the auction filled with crates for you to open. The least we can do is thank all the crate poppers out there.

So thanks again and any time you feel discouraged about not getting anything remember all the thanks farmers owe you and don't stop opening. The next crate may contain the arcane item you are dreaming about.

07-24-2014, 09:48 PM

07-24-2014, 09:53 PM
My favorite thread today lol.
Shows how crates are the only thing non-plat buyers are really farming

07-24-2014, 10:03 PM
I figured the least crate openers deserve is a topic to thank them for keeping farmers with plenty of gold. I would never have been able to have my collection without them.

07-25-2014, 02:30 AM
With so many topics popping up about people opening locked or elondrian locked and not getting anything, I figured the least you should get is a big thanks from all the hard working crate farmers out there. Without you guys opening those crates farmers would have no income. Every day so many people farm hour after hour to keep the auction filled with crates for you to open. The least we can do is thank all the crate poppers out there.

So thanks again and any time you feel discouraged about not getting anything remember all the thanks farmers owe you and don't stop opening. The next crate may contain the arcane item you are dreaming about.

07-25-2014, 08:00 AM
Yes for everyone who looted a new weapon from elondrian crates, congrats! For everyone who didn't, sorry, but now you can try regulars for Singe! Seriously, thank you crate openers, you are funding the 99% to have gold for pots. One locked sold means I can run elites for 30minutes lol