View Full Version : Increase gold or trash loot in the shadow caves

01-12-2011, 11:16 PM
The shadow caves don't give much gold or trash green drops, as the rest of ao3 does.

With the new drop rates on the pink items, it's starting to feel like there is no reason to put in the effort to play the shadow caves. I'll go through the 100+ mobs, and the boss won't even spawn. I don't think people are going to keep doing it for much longer at this rate, drops seem so rare that had it been like this to begin with the pink gear would be worth millions of gold.

Unless the drop rate changes again, can you please at least increase the gold or trash loot from mobs so I can feel like I'm accomplishing something. It's a bit odd that I can make more gold in ao1 and ao2 than the elite ao3 dungeon.

01-12-2011, 11:46 PM
YES right now it is a gold sink with pots. give us something to offset the ever present gold wasting... not all of us have enough gold you know, i literally had no gold for pots the first day this came out. I was given 400 by some very nice and smexy fella.

01-12-2011, 11:48 PM
Seems like a good idea. Its not like its as easy as Keeper map, where you can solo and all gold/drop goes to you for easy $$$. I miss that spree.

01-13-2011, 11:46 AM
+1 I left a group that was going to pot run last night as it just doesn't seem like a good gamble there now with the payoff so rare.

01-13-2011, 11:50 AM
Yep I kinda suggested this in another thread but having a thread for this seems better. Running the caves you waste a lot of pots and the most I have made is about 2k gold which for the time it takes to run its a very little amount.

01-14-2011, 02:28 PM
Yeah this is needed more now than when I first posted. With the multiple boss encounters, you have to pot...and most people double pot with tankers and damage pots, which is 3k each time. And if you wipe...3k again for the next attempt, and so on. I spent tens of thousands of gold on pots yesterday in the last cave map, and got no good drops..if we could at least get some trash loot or increased gold from enemies it would pay for our trip and make it more worthwhile.

01-14-2011, 11:06 PM
after 45 runs I have only picked up a shadow glowstick. I went from 350k to a mere 189k. Why in those 44 runs did anyone ever not get a pink? All the people who farmed and got multiple sets complained it was to easy and now the drop rate seems like a .00001% All you get out of there is like 15 green, orange.. no pink. why? It is fun but incredibly unrewarding when you get -absolutely.- nothing good out of it. can we fix this before the market gets jacked up?

01-14-2011, 11:24 PM
Azi, hold onto it.

The drop rate is low for a reason, are you seriously complaining that a drop is rare?

There is a reason they changed it, they WANT IT TO BE RARE.

I agree that they should maybe give the trash monsters a green every 2-3 kills, but that's about it.

01-14-2011, 11:37 PM
I haven't been in the caves since they updated to increase the gold, is it noticeably better? Thanks devs for listening to our feedback!

01-14-2011, 11:42 PM
No. Not really, still a gold sink.

01-15-2011, 12:17 AM
+1 I left a group that was going to pot run last night as it just doesn't seem like a good gamble there now with the payoff so rare.

Now thats welfare -1

01-15-2011, 12:18 AM
Agreed, the drop rates should be increased from where they are now. Playing through the shadow caves doesn't even seem worth the effort at the time being since pinks almost never show up, there is little loot in general, and people easily spend more on elixirs than they earn doing a run. I don't want to see the epic shadow gear distributed like peppermints as it was before, but at least one or two per 5-stage run would be worth the effort.

01-15-2011, 01:41 AM
Anyone notice the increase of gold drop rates? I solo'd a bit of mobs just to test how much the gold drops are and my average stands at about 25-30. I get more from ao3 trash mobs.

01-15-2011, 10:50 AM
I'm finding it hard to believe that people are irate about a rare drop. lol

When they're up to say 800k a piece, and you get a drop, you'll be glad they're rare.

They're not meant to be easy to obtain anymore, they're meant to be challenging, rare, and saught-after.

01-15-2011, 10:53 AM
Have you been into the caves since the drop rate was changed? I haven't, but we all know you're waiting for those prices to go up to 800k to sell yours, so you should be careful what you say.

It's good they got rid of the 100% drop rate, but from hat I hear from everyone, I likely won't step foot in there with the rates as they are now. And until you've spent some time in there yourself I don't think you should talk.

I'm finding it hard to believe that people are irate about a rare drop. lol

When they're up to say 800k a piece, and you get a drop, you'll be glad they're rare.

They're not meant to be easy to obtain anymore, they're meant to be challenging, rare, and saught-after.

01-15-2011, 11:18 AM
gold drop still low.... atm caves are not worth doing...

its only a bit challenge when there are 2 bosses in same room..so thers a bit fun... but u dont have to be afrait to spend 10-20k in a caves session...

[Lt] Shiny
01-15-2011, 11:28 AM
Azi, hold onto it.

The drop rate is low for a reason, are you seriously complaining that a drop is rare?

There is a reason they changed it, they WANT IT TO BE RARE.

I agree that they should maybe give the trash monsters a green every 2-3 kills, but that's about it.

Yes, but they should at least consider changing the amount of Gold given to players, I've spent WAYY to much gold on pots and potions just for a couple runs. Even though I think they shouldn't change the rare drop rate (or else there wouldn't be a challenge or a point for the Shadow Portal), spending TOO much gold will eventually make players not want to go there (in Vic).

after 45 runs I have only picked up a shadow glowstick. I went from 350k to a mere 189k. (161k loss)

About the same thing happened to me: went from about 230k to about 70k... About 160k drop loss for me...

01-15-2011, 11:52 AM
Yes, dude, I've done plenty of runs since they were changed.

I've seen two drops in about 10-12 runs.

Plus, there are three bosses on a few maps now.

It has very little to do with me trying to raise prices, I want this game to have actually RARE equipment.

Why do I doubt you've done 44 runs since the update? If so, do you play in your sleep?

01-15-2011, 03:16 PM
Refried, I just got done reading a post you made saying you made 6M off the shadow items. Really, I bet you would be rather annoyed if you put all that time in the 45 runs I made and came up with one. Don't talk, of course you want the drops the same because you, are in fact, set up for this game with six million. Also pal, I am sick, college is still on break and unemployed. I have plenty of time on my hands to do 45 runs, don't even try to defend yourself.

I already know you just don't want everyone else making money and have that elitist attitude which amuses me. Six million. Right? You do know their is a pre-set amount of rarest until they are gone right? Come on Guy, before you talk take into effect you just smacked the community with that brag of having multiple sets and making six mill. Lol, that is really pathetic Refriedchicken.