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View Full Version : How about a new playable character??

07-25-2014, 01:57 PM
I love my mage but Id love to see a new character..Or at least some new directions for our old classes..Maybe a Summoning Necro for the mage..Idk Im sure theres many different paths this could take...

Sent by This Handsome Guy

07-25-2014, 02:53 PM
I would like to see "works" wich maybe for mage would mean "staff mage" and "gunner"
And they would get stat BONUSED if they used their weapon...
Or sumthin like that, but no more classes -_-

07-25-2014, 05:44 PM
I agree with paths...like Mages turning into witches idk lol

07-26-2014, 09:51 AM
To go along with that path idea...each path could get a different special perk from skills.

Example fireball skill.
Witch - +1% dodge on charged fireball for 3 seconds
Adept - +2% attack speed on charged fireball for 5 seconds
Shaman - +1% speed on charged fireball.

I know those specific ideas might not be good...but just something to show the idea.

And make a legendary quest line that can be completed once for each toon, maybe through elite maps?

07-26-2014, 09:54 AM
A new character would be too complicated...you would have to add new stats. Unless you came up with a character that spreads out even

07-26-2014, 10:18 AM
Destroyer - Has High Damage but Low Armor, prefers 2 handed swords and Hammers, more damage skills
Paladin - Low damage, High HP and Armor, prefers 1 handed sword and shields, more tanking and party buff skills

Wizard - High Damage low armor and HP, prefers staff, can cast elemental skills
Gunner - Moderate damage and HP, prefers gun, can cast gun skills and debuffs

Hunter - High damage, low armor and HP, prefers bows, has arrow skills
Assassin - High DPS, moderate damage, armor and HP, prefers daggers and has dagger-type skills

07-26-2014, 01:10 PM
Now that im at a computer, i can properly reply. lol

Ideas for gaining:

Implement specializations for classes through a specific questline. each specialization would have a different questline, with only one questline being able to be completed. Once you completed the specialization, you would not be able to switch to a different specialization due to the questline restrictions. Elite questline?
One exception to this restriction is when sts introduces a new specialization, you could "forget" the previous learned specialization by spending a respec, but only when a new specialization was introduced, and only for a set period of time. Normal respecs do not affect the specialization. Would only be able to respec this way one time to change specializations per new ones released.
Question/opinions on this -

should the questline be marked uncompleted (so you could go back to that specialization at a later date when a new specialization was introduced?)
leave the questline as completed (so you could not go back to that specialization at a later date?)
leave both specializations available but changeable with a more costly respec or something else (i.e. questline to change specialization)?

Ideas for starting specializations: (going with skaunared's post previously)
Each specialization would have favored skills with a certain extra boost based on specialization (ideas below). Favored skills would cost less mana to use (5% less mana?) and maybe a 10% reduction in cool down time (if sts can do fractions of a second)


Destroyer (+5% base damage)

Windmill, Vengeful Blood
Paladin (+10% health)

Juggernaut, Skyward Smash


Wizard (+10% base damage)

Fireball, Frost Bolt
Gunner (+5% weapon speed)

Time Shift, Lightning Bolt


Assassin (+10% bonus damage)

Shadow Piercer, Razor Shield
Hunter (+5% base damage)

Shadow Storm Shot, Aimed Shot

This could also lead to more interesting specializations such as a rogue using a gun (but not able to use any normal rogue weapons), but still with the normal rogue armors and skills...etc.

07-26-2014, 01:43 PM
Ranger- Cuts ties with the shadows and embraces the life of a marksman. Prefers Bows.
Assasin- Embraces the shadows, slice through enemies from the darkness. Prefers Daggers.

Wizard- You delve into the world of supreme arcane magic. Using the elements to control the the world around you. Prefers Staves.
Grenadier- You devoted all your time to studying old shuyalian arcane mechanisms. Prefers Guns.

Beserker- Your hunger for bloodshed is unsurpassed you laugh at your opponents and stike with the force of a bear. Prefers Two-handed Swords.
Knight- Your honor is unmatched as you brave the dangers of the battlefield for the security of your allies. Prefers Shields.

07-26-2014, 01:44 PM
A new character would be too complicated...you would have to add new stats. Unless you came up with a character that spreads out even
Not really, they could just release hybrid classes like PL.

07-26-2014, 01:55 PM
Not really, they could just release hybrid classes like PL.

About ur sig... Want the ign dystopic? For a good price ofcourse >;)

07-26-2014, 01:58 PM
About ur sig... Want the ign dystopic? For a good price ofcourse >;)

Why would anyone buy a name. :p

07-26-2014, 02:02 PM
Like o and c, you can have classes that are made for one thing. Like the paladin, it should be just for healing and stuff. That would be pretty cool IMO.

Milan Lame Man
07-26-2014, 05:05 PM
Hmm lets see.
I suggest adding 2 upgrades to each skill, a Defensive and Offensive.
By doing a fairly long quest, you would unlock Defensive group, another quest would unlock Offensive group. You could do the other quest as you like, but only one group would be available at a time.
Here come the upgrades:
SP Def: decrease mana cost by 10%, Off - add 30% dmg on uncharged hit
AS Def: add stacking dodge 5% for 5s, Off - feeble target for 5s
etc... to much thinking required for something nobody reads anyway LOL

07-26-2014, 06:04 PM
New classes aren't needed, but new skills definitely are.
Path ideas can be implemented without new classes, too.

A simple new type of attribute-skill page can be added.
You get a 'legend point' every so many lvls. Somewhere around every 8 lvls.

Your legend point can be used for any of...6 (?) (if sts can come up with more paths, even better) different paths. Unlike skills, there is no cap to the number of points added (just as you can go all strength, dex, or int).

These paths will be like passives. Example legend paths:

Vampire: slight increase dodge. All attacks and skills leech life. Slight defense loss. Slight crit loss. Increase speed.

Solidity: increase defense. Increase life. Lessens damage. Damage taken reduction. Decrease movement speed. Reduced dodge.

Darkness: increased dodge. All attacks have a poison effect. Increased crit. Lower life. Reduced damage taken from dot.

Light: grants buffs to self and all players within radius, while debuffing enemies. Players receive mana and life regen, dodge, reduced duration of debuffs received, increased defense, increased crit. Enemies' damage, dodge, crit, and defense are reduced.

Berserker: increased damage. Increased crit. Lowered dodge, life, and defense. Increased speed and attack speed. All life healing effects (including potions and regen) are reduced. Mana regen bonus.

Trapper: all hits cause enemies to have reduced speed, attack speed, dodge, and defense. Player receives increased dodge and crit; decreased life.

Those are just some ideas. The % and amount of everything will have to be carefully adjusted and considered. Amounts increase with more points. You can add points to whichever you want, but just 1 point on each would have very small effects. Sts, really...let players beta test this stuff.

The problem with AL PvP is lack of variety, builds, and diversity. And currently, everyone wants it to be a balanced 'rock, paper, scissors' game. Sts has been trying to give us variety through new gear, but it still always gives us the same result: a new best set up of gear--skills and characters never change. If there were 5 wildly different arcane lvl 41 weapons for each class, then we'd have some variety in play. Until then, adding new varieties of legendary items is rather pointless, when there is a mythic or arcane vastly superior to all those legendaries.

07-26-2014, 06:13 PM
I knew there was a thread like this before :/


Milan Lame Man
07-26-2014, 06:17 PM
I knew there was a thread like this before :/
There was a thread like EVERY thread before :rugby:

07-26-2014, 06:26 PM
There was a thread like EVERY thread before :rugby:

Well actually, when I made that thread about peoples opinions on Nekro it was the first on of its kind..lol

07-26-2014, 06:36 PM
Why would anyone buy a name. :p

Bcuz i Wanna sell it ^^

07-26-2014, 06:40 PM

We should all convey our ideas to this thread or read it just so you guys don't repeat what some one else might have said ^_^

07-26-2014, 11:41 PM
I tried to play a drinking game based upon the amount of times you used the word specialization....I lost horribly...I love your ideas though

Sent by This Handsome Guy