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01-13-2011, 05:40 AM
When a host leaves the game I believe there should be a way to "vote" boot someone.

Maybe by commanding:

/boot (name)

Even if you're not the host.

It should require a minimum of 3-4 players voting someone out.

I was in the Shadow Cave and some annoying level 21 came in and not doing anything just following us and calling us noobs and no one can boot him. We didn't wanna leave as it's hard to get into the caves now.

01-13-2011, 10:54 AM
Please! Pleasepleaseplease. In the 5th level of the caves, group owner leaves and we wind-up with a level 4. He's wearing the armor you get when you first start and doesn't even have a weapon. He refuses to leave and there was no way to boot him (thanks loads, Magicdooms, you little leech). We wound up leaving after a while rather than getting him XP he didn't earn. As Ballers said, it's hard to get in there and you spend a lot in health pots to make it thru that far. To be forced to choose between gaining XP for a leech or leaving isn't a fair choice. :(

01-13-2011, 11:21 AM
i had a lvl 2 bear that wouldnt leave until he leeched his way to lvl 5. i took off all my items and started slapping him.

01-13-2011, 11:24 AM
i had a lvl 2 bear that wouldnt leave until he leeched his way to lvl 5. i took off all my items and started slapping him.

Another reason we need Shadow Boxing Gloves of HATE!

01-13-2011, 01:46 PM
Vote idea would REALLY make our lifes easier!!

01-13-2011, 05:13 PM
We did our best to drag some "friends" his way, but he was smart enough to stay back. We need an instant teleport to PvP. Wouldn't really do anything, but it would be oh, so satisfying.

01-13-2011, 05:32 PM
We did our best to drag some "friends" his way, but he was smart enough to stay back. We need an instant teleport to PvP. Wouldn't really do anything, but it would be oh, so satisfying.

"Hey lvl 2, get out" "Make me" *teleports to pvp* "Okay"

01-13-2011, 05:51 PM
We did our best to drag some "friends" his way, but he was smart enough to stay back. We need an instant teleport to PvP. Wouldn't really do anything, but it would be oh, so satisfying.

oh that would be great!

01-13-2011, 05:52 PM
the /boot [name] would really work for voting. when someone types it in, all players but the one getting booted get message and have 10 seconds to cast boot vote.

01-13-2011, 05:57 PM
the /boot [name] would really work for voting. when someone types it in, all players but the one getting booted get message and have 10 seconds to cast boot vote.

I like. But there will always be one player in the party who doesn't care about the low lvl or is too lazy to vote.

01-13-2011, 06:04 PM
I like. But there will always be one player in the party who doesn't care about the low lvl or is too lazy to vote.

majority then

01-13-2011, 06:07 PM
Been suggested, and I strongly agree. I think the boater should be able to choose someone in the party and give them the ability to boot. Also, the devs liked the idea for the game makes to have an icon next to their name, like a crown or something. They said that was set for the list, but I haven't heard anything of it in a LONG time

01-13-2011, 06:28 PM
GREAT!! +1 here

01-13-2011, 06:53 PM
I agree and that's cool for all the other levels but how but for secret portal be only available for lvl 50's. I hate when I go to victory lap and people start coming and a lower lvl comes so everyone starts leaving. Yes I know the game creator has option to boot but what if its a friend who is a 47, 48, or 49. The creator may not feel good about booting a friend as I had this problem earlier. If they are unable to go to then you won't feel bad they can't play with you. I know in all reality there's not a big difference between lvl 47 and 50 and let's face it some lower lvl guys are better than some 50's but the fact is a lot of people want all 50's to go into caves with. Maybe I'm only one who feels bad about booting people even people who aren't friends. Everyone wants to play and enjoy the new cool secret portal. Heck I was 95% and almost a 50 and people kept booting me then a couple kills later I was finally accepted because I was a 50. I know it sounds funny cuz on one hand I'm saying only 50's should be allowed and on the other I'm saying how mad I was I couldn't play when I was a 49. I made this way longer than I intended and I'm sorry but my point is I hate booting and feeling like I have to. I'm sure someone will say don't create a room then but u can't always join a lot of times they're full. So maybe a solution though I'm not sure its possible could be on 50 can play with 50 on victory lap and maybe 45-49 can only play together? Stupid and long I know but just a thought.

01-13-2011, 07:59 PM
I agree and that's cool for all the other levels but how but for secret portal be only available for lvl 50's. I hate when I go to victory lap and people start coming and a lower lvl comes so everyone starts leaving. Yes I know the game creator has option to boot but what if its a friend who is a 47, 48, or 49. The creator may not feel good about booting a friend as I had this problem earlier. If they are unable to go to then you won't feel bad they can't play with you. I know in all reality there's not a big difference between lvl 47 and 50 and let's face it some lower lvl guys are better than some 50's but the fact is a lot of people want all 50's to go into caves with. Maybe I'm only one who feels bad about booting people even people who aren't friends. Everyone wants to play and enjoy the new cool secret portal. Heck I was 95% and almost a 50 and people kept booting me then a couple kills later I was finally accepted because I was a 50. I know it sounds funny cuz on one hand I'm saying only 50's should be allowed and on the other I'm saying how mad I was I couldn't play when I was a 49. I made this way longer than I intended and I'm sorry but my point is I hate booting and feeling like I have to. I'm sure someone will say don't create a room then but u can't always join a lot of times they're full. So maybe a solution though I'm not sure its possible could be on 50 can play with 50 on victory lap and maybe 45-49 can only play together? Stupid and long I know but just a thought.

They do it because the armor difference with the new gears between lvl 50 and below is HUGE! They do it because most WILL die, and nobody want's a weak link their party, in which the same thing happens in real life, known as natural selection. Survival of the Fittest or get booted. I'm sorry to be harsh, but that's how it works, which is why I choose carefully when I accept my friends list as each and every person on my friends list I would never boot, unless they are being extremely obnoxious to surrounding players.

01-13-2011, 09:40 PM
What range said... there is a HUGE difference between 49 and 50... dont believe me grab your best gear and go pvp with me or any other 50 and see what happens. I took ran into the cave problem with a stupid nub showing up. Now Im a 50 dex bird in full shadow gear with the talon and wing with tanker pot going.... and i still can die if i dont spam pots. I got so mad that everyone on our team reported him. He just kept asking for money. Now thats no way to play is it? Blah I would die happy if we could all cast a vote to boot people. Im not only talking about low lvl people but even 50's that stay 'busy' through the whole dungeon and when boss finaly comes all the suden come out of their coma. A mirracle!?!?!?! No. Give the people the power!

01-13-2011, 09:41 PM
LOL. I did this. Dragged Shadow D'Jinns over to the lowbie. Was even thinking of dying to D'Jinns but lowbie left :) Made sure this happened FAR from boss spawn.

01-13-2011, 09:50 PM
Yes, we should be able to kick low level newbies.

This is usually what happens... We get through 1/2 of a dungeon set, the host leaves, then a low level newbie joins and refuses to leave. Then all of us have to create a new dungeon because the elite dungeon is not easy enough for 4 high level players, we need 5.

01-14-2011, 01:37 PM
another reason we need shadow boxing gloves of hate!

omg genius!!

[Lt] Shiny
01-14-2011, 01:44 PM
i had a lvl 2 bear that wouldnt leave until he leeched his way to lvl 5. i took off all my items and started slapping him.

lol, owned!

@ballersburden: Ingenious idea! +∞ (if I could) Very smart idea. Hope the Devs will read and approve of this, 'cause I'm (and pretty sure every other L50 is) sick and tired of Gay Newbies joining AO1 up to the Shadow's Portal levels.

01-14-2011, 01:49 PM
the /boot [name] would really work for voting. when someone types it in, all players but the one getting booted get message and have 10 seconds to cast boot vote.

What if someone steps away for 10 seconds?

Also, if you're in middle of a battle, it's one thing if one person is preoccupied with booting -- but having the whole team distracted would likely get you a wipe.

For the caves, at least, I still think the best solution would be to take them off the "join game" list until they can figure out a way to make it fair.

01-14-2011, 01:50 PM
We did our best to drag some "friends" his way, but he was smart enough to stay back. We need an instant teleport to PvP. Wouldn't really do anything, but it would be oh, so satisfying.

Oooooooh I likey!

01-14-2011, 02:23 PM
I used to do that on the Crush the Keeper map when a leech wouldn't go away. Just aggro some shade mages who have area effect spells and go stand beside the leech until he was killed or ran away. Then I'd follow him around.....was like a game in a game.....but that doesn't work so well in the caves, especially kiting the witch for that is just death on a stick.....taking the Shadow Caves off the "join" list would definitely go a long way towards solving this issue......but for the whole game, the boot mechanism needs to be fixed. In areas where I'm just farming or looking for Bubba, etc. lower level guys don't do any harm and I don't boot or lock those games. But when you are trying to accomplish a mission or a goal that requires high level/high skill participants, really need to be able to have control over the party. Does reporting a low level that won't leave actually cause them to get reprimanded or anything?
Just curious. Thanks.

01-14-2011, 02:27 PM


01-14-2011, 05:56 PM
I also agree with all this. There should be a option to boot.