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View Full Version : throwing in a new pink

01-13-2011, 09:15 AM
How about throwing in a new pink every now and again. dont tell us ! i think it would be
fun it could drop from any boss ao1 and up. Just think if you see someone with a new item thats never been seen before. it could drop randomly on any boss not just a certain one so it would be hard to farm just to mix it up a bit

another idea add elements into the game more eg. the enemies should react diffrently to fire and ice like the ice monsters should take more damage from fire, aliens electric, crocks dark weapons, shadow monster some new elemental weapon like light just like the light arrows in zelda for example. i know some weapons have proc but i dont understand what it does like nightmare proc what does it do and what weapon is it on exept dark sword are there any other procs?

01-13-2011, 09:20 AM
i like the random item implementation idea lol. it doesnt even need to be usefull, something along the lines of the kopesh of anubis, maybe even using community idea often. not every day, maybe every 1-2 weeks. idk how hard it is for you guys really.

as for procs, it is basically a weapon debuff upon striking. darkbolt comes from int weapons and dark swords. there has been debate for months over electric proc even exists... fire seems to be aoe (not all fire staffs have aoe) and extra damage, and ice seems to be stopping foes (some aoe). there is also stun from hammers and longsword, armor break from lances forks tridents spears etc (and force cutter) and it may or may not stack, blindness from vibra and sb-bow, soul leech (leech life) from scimitar... and currently cant think of more lol.
maybe fire and ice could work out, implement or confirm electricity and maybe call the hammer stun proc "crush" and make them pairs too. I like it.

01-13-2011, 09:23 AM
Great idea- it might happen- the devs have been listening to us....

01-13-2011, 09:27 AM
i like the random item implementation idea lol. it doesnt even need to be usefull, something along the lines of the kopesh of anubis, maybe even using community idea often. not every day, maybe every 1-2 weeks. idk how hard it is for you guys really.

as for procs, it is basically a weapon debuff upon striking. darkbolt comes from int weapons and dark swords. there has been debate for months over electric proc even exists... fire seems to be aoe (not all fire staffs have aoe) and extra damage, and ice seems to be stopping foes (some aoe). there is also stun from hammers and longsword, armor break from lances forks tridents spears etc (and force cutter) and it may or may not stack, blindness from vibra and sb-bow, soul leech (leech life) from scimitar... and currently cant think of more lol.
maybe fire and ice could work out, implement or confirm electricity and maybe call the hammer stun proc "crush" and make them pairs too. I like it.

Thanks im glad you like my lil idea

01-13-2011, 09:40 AM
The only problem I foresee with this is if the person who gets it can sell it for billions -- even though they didn't do anything more than anyone else in game.
And they don't have to tell anyone where they got it.
Perhaps an item that's not tradable, so they'll be more likely to disclose their findings.

01-13-2011, 10:08 AM
The only problem I foresee with this is if the person who gets it can sell it for billions -- even though they didn't do anything more than anyone else in game.
And they don't have to tell anyone where they got it.
Perhaps an item that's not tradable, so they'll be more likely to disclose their findings.

Thats why i said random bosses drop it not just a certain boss like a suprise drop so no one knows where to get it. and as for selling for billions think of it as a lotto win. As people are so concerned with gold

01-13-2011, 10:12 AM
yep its the lottery for the casual player!

01-13-2011, 01:44 PM
Id rather have random vanity items drop so EVERYONE can use them! and people would always have fun going to auction house to check whats new.. Plz plz pz add random vanity items (hats) cause 99% of tje players simply dOnt rly care if tere are new lvl 20 items..

01-13-2011, 06:03 PM
I really like the idea of new random pinks! And I also like the vanity items! Why are hooch hats the only sellable vanity items anyways? But please throw new pinks in every once in a while

01-13-2011, 06:07 PM
I really like the idea of new random pinks! And I also like the vanity items! Why are hooch hats the only sellable vanity items anyways? But please throw new pinks in every once in a while

only ones that come from a boss instead of plat or a event?

yea that is cool too actually!

01-13-2011, 06:45 PM
Like this?

01-13-2011, 06:46 PM
Like this?

...like what?

01-13-2011, 06:48 PM
the green talon, never seen one

01-13-2011, 06:51 PM
The only problem I foresee with this is if the person who gets it can sell it for billions -- even though they didn't do anything more than anyone else in game.
And they don't have to tell anyone where they got it.
Perhaps an item that's not tradable, so they'll be more likely to disclose their findings.

exactly what we want to happen :). No one will be able to know when a item will drop or were a item will drop. Its all about luck and like Arterra said, in game lotto.

01-13-2011, 09:51 PM
Like this?

umm... photoshop maybe?

01-14-2011, 09:31 AM
Yeah i like the vanity idea too

but id like to see weapons like this as its a fantasy game


01-14-2011, 09:46 AM
another weapon suggestion thread hijack...? nah

01-14-2011, 09:53 AM
FYI, most of those are for decorative purposes only, and would break if you tried to actually use them.

But yeah, they do look cool.

01-14-2011, 10:28 AM
We need more cool looking weapons the best looking sword ive seen is the khopesh unless people like the look of the limbchopper lol

01-14-2011, 12:46 PM
Yea MORE fantasy items! And just plain stupid items. I still want a super soaker!! :-D maybe add a guitar hero staff, or dual needles (junkie style) , crayon blaster, turkey blaster, zelda shield, ocarina, super mario hat, with M(ario) L(uigi) and W(ario).

01-14-2011, 01:34 PM
there has been debate for months over electric proc even exists...

I'd suggest following the lightning spell armor debuff, and implement that into lightning wands/staffs if there would be any procs on that note.