View Full Version : Cave Checkpoints

01-13-2011, 01:47 PM
The theory behind this idea is that many people cannot/won't want to run all of VL + Caves in one run. It will also disallow people from joining Cave runs that don't really "deserve" to.

For this to work, Caves would have to be locked games that cannot be joined (even via friends) except when a Checkpoint is acquired.

The idea is this:

NPC Checkpoints will be available at the beginning of each cave.
The highest level cave Checkpoint you reach on a run will determine your checkpoint accrual for that run if you happen to leave/disconnect prior to the Next Level button appearing for that Cave.
Once Cave 5 is cleared, the Checkpoints you've accrued for the run will be cleared.
Your accrued checkpoints will determine what Cave you are now able to join from the Join/Friends screen.
Once you've entered, the Cave Number will deduct the appropriate checkpoints credit from your accrual.

Possible issues:

I suppose someone could enter Cave 4 right before it is cleared and get into Cave 5, thus saving 1 Checkpoint credit.
There could be timing issues for someone who lags out right before the Next Level button shows which wouldn't allow them to get the next Checkpoint.
Early on, there won't be people to fill partial groups since not many will have Checkpoints ;)

This is just a first blush of this idea. Please offer some tweaks! :)

As an aside:
Perhaps there should also be a post-nerf, slightly better version of these Elite Pinks.

01-13-2011, 01:49 PM
Good ideas...not sure how exactly to close the loopholes or possible issues you've mentioned, but definitely a good idea. Twice I've had a friend lag out in the caves and some random lvl 17 and no one could boot them because the lagged out player had been the host.

01-13-2011, 01:54 PM
id prefer the group ban with voting feature.

01-13-2011, 01:56 PM
Sounds good. I do think for such a long dungeon on a mobile device, saves/checkpoints make a huge difference in playing vs not playing. Lack of saves/checkpoints on long challenges is why I've not been playing DD as much as I'd like to.

I think this is a good starting point, perhaps allowing cave games to still show up on the "join games" menu while still being fair to all.

I'm sure it needs some polishing to work, but wondering if the devs would see something like this as a possibility.

01-13-2011, 02:00 PM
Yeah, I guess the Caves you don't have enough checkpoints for should be locked, while the others will show up on Join/Friends.

01-13-2011, 02:09 PM
I know I'd be more likely to step into the caves if I knew I could progress one level at a time then save.
Might even lead to meeting some new people -- who you know (for the most part) could at least handle themeselves well enough to get through to the same cave as you. And if you don't like your team, you're nit stuck with them for all the levels. Just save at the next checkpoint and find a better team. Your friends might not always be at the same point as you, so you may have to try out others. But again, you won't lose much if you decide not to stay and complete the level with them.

I really like this idea.

The one problem I do see is that someone could keep farming the same boss if they leave before going tothe next checkpoint. I guess this could be solved by having everyone automatically teleported to the next level when the boss dies.

I really hope there aren't too many roadblocks for the devs to make this work. I think it's an awesome idea, and would allow future maps to be large and still mobile-friendly.

Devs, please don't ignore it like the DD devs seem to be doing :)

01-13-2011, 03:28 PM
good ideas drew this mite just work and help for the future of PL

01-13-2011, 03:38 PM
Good idea in concept, would address the concerns of those who can only play for 30-45 minutes at a shot, clear a level and be able to create/join the next level when you log in next.

However, do not limit the ability of friends to join you if they don't have checkpoints (or in any game for that matter).

There has to be a happy medium somewhere.

01-13-2011, 03:39 PM
Gotta give idea credit to the other game I play, Sacred Seasons 2, where a similar issue arose.

This particular dungeon, nicknamed SF27, took about 2 hours for a team of 6 to finish. And you were screwed if people got disconnected because you cannot port/join someone who has already started a dungeon. (That was the main issue)

Before the checkpoints came around, I tried to solo the thing (for kicks) and it took about 6+ hours, including personal breaks. lol

01-13-2011, 04:57 PM
So are we talking about 5 different markers or just points or actual items in inventory? Are we talking about per character or per account?

Is it like level 1 = 1 point, level 2 = 2 points, etc. You finish level 1, it removes a point; you enter level 2, you get 2 points; finish level 2, it removes 2 points? Is this per account or by character? Something like respecs now or a whole new mechanism? Or maybe like a stat point? When you finish a level, it should take your points and take you to the next level to prevent you from running back to the beginning, right? Or when you finish a level, it adds a point? So when clear VL, you get a point; clear level 1, you get a point added; clear level 5, points reset to zero. Have to have exact points for each level. So like 3 points won't let you get into level 2?

Or is it like 5 quests? You get a quest at beginning, complete at end of each level, at which point it wipes and you can get it again? Or maybe you get level 3 quest at end of level 2, etc?

Or could it be like 5 items in your inventory? So check whether you have item to enter level, receive item at end of level (or when clear VL for level 1), item switch to next level item at completion of level?

I think I just confused myself. LOL.

01-13-2011, 05:04 PM
OMG Fyrce I have no clue what you just said lol. I think you're overcomplicating things.

They already have the ability to auto-teleport characters when a boss dies. So when you kill one boss, you go automatically to the next level. There it saves somehow. If you leave, you can only go back to the last level you were in, or you can go back to VL and look for the portal again (unless Cinco does away with the portal altogether).
This way, people can't just stick around and farm one boss. Which I think is what Cinco was trying to prevent by not allowing us to simply create a game at any level we want. But allowing people to still join from the "join game" screen is kinda defeating that purpose.