View Full Version : About Beggars...

Lenna Drake
07-27-2014, 03:45 PM
Well everyday you gonna see in the game players who say: "please give me money", "im so poor need money", "plz give me money", "plzzz money", "give me vanity", "vanity please", etc
I think this type of player are too lazy for play this game they just want all "easy-free-faster" they come from all word all language all ages asking for free things like beggars but a real beggar just ask for 1 or 2 coins not for 10k to 500k free lol (yeah some player ask for more than 100k free) well everyone know how difficult is to get money in the game so a good lesson for lazy beggars must be don't give money to this people no matter how many they ask or say, someone's are just a greedy people they have money and items but they ask for money like the player called HEARTZZ he are a alternative account of some player he have money and items but he was begging for money, other just say "i was scammed I need money" yeah who not was scammed? I was scammed 2 times but I never beg for money
So I recommend to everyone DON'T GIVE MONEY OR ITEMS TO NOBODY it's your hard work if you earn it and you don't have to share to nobody beggars just want free all and if you give something they gonna still begging for more and more I was see beggars for a week, for a mouth and for a complete year.
My message for beggars: "go and earn by yourself like all do here lazy beggar"
If the game are too difficult too hard for someone then log out uninstall and play another thing there are more easy games who don't need money or vanities lol
I just imagine this people in real life, half biker outfit half street outfit or naked middle of the main street saying: "please 10k or clothes I don't have work, farm is hard" lol

07-27-2014, 04:31 PM

07-29-2014, 06:20 PM
So true, beggars are so lame -- especially when they ask for so much. As a side note, can anyone loan me 6.5 m or so? Looking to buy a kstone. PM me my IGN is Ague.

Santosh Elangadi
08-01-2014, 02:08 PM

08-05-2014, 07:21 PM
Maybe they're just spamming around lol.

08-06-2014, 11:37 AM
i just say "NO" how hard is that especially if not part of the same guild and committed to playing or helping

Lenna Drake
08-06-2014, 02:08 PM
that's the best way to answer no matter how many money they ask or how many excuses they give or they motivations we don't care lol we just say NO to beggars or loans, borrowers, spammers, liers, scammers, lazy players. All join to game to play and true the game is not easy but we like to play and overcome obstacles

08-06-2014, 02:10 PM
so true, beggars are so lame -- especially when they ask for so much. As a side note, can anyone loan me 6.5 m or so? Looking to buy a kstone. Pm me my ign is ague.

Cant. Stop. Laughing!!

08-06-2014, 02:44 PM
we all here didnt achieve what we have by "begging " .

Lenna Drake
08-06-2014, 07:04 PM
lol I just imagine if exist archives record: begging 1k begging 10k begging 100k lol or loan 1k loan 100k and titles lol "beggar", "lazy beggar", "incapacity beggar" lol

Santosh Elangadi
08-16-2014, 03:44 PM
i saw an insane beggar asking me 5m lolz

Lenna Drake
08-26-2014, 12:15 AM
Lol that's im calling a high flying beggar wow 5m i just see someone asking me for give my hat my top things like that

Santosh Elangadi
08-26-2014, 02:05 AM
Lol that's im calling a high flying beggar wow 5m i just see someone asking me for give my hat my top things like that

many rich people makes new alt to get money by begging , spamming.

Lenna Drake
08-26-2014, 02:11 AM
Yeah they are greedy i just see one right now called Mehrzad he say he are buying usefully things from player at low prices he offer me 10k for my orange gambler hat lol maybe i post his screenshots