View Full Version : NEW penguin character idea

07-28-2014, 07:20 PM
I have always wondered what it would be like to run around with a penguin toon! Just imagine what a penguin would be like in black smoke or in mount fang!! Better yet what about seeing a penguin in the NEW content map coming out! Imagine the skills for a penguin like for its attack it could have ice, ice shard, ice blast, ice storm!! The combo for its attack could be ice storm plus ice shard put together and you get a storm of shards!!! Its buffs could be heal and ice armor!! Also when u debuff enemys I always thought what if a penguin could turn a enemy in to a solid Ice cube for 5sec and drain there life and it could be called (ColdFusion), another debuff I also wondered about is what would happen if you could make water turn into a huge hand that grabs the enemy restraining him/her/enemy from moving for 3sec allowing you to retreat to heal or allowing you to attack him/her/enemy giving u a chance to kill your target or damage your target, also when you use this debuff called (water restricted) it gives you plus 8armor when its (level 1) and gives you plus 1.5 damage for 15sec at (level 1)!!! Other good skills the penguin would need is mana regeneration and the ultimate power to revive others who have fallen sts best idea!! All together I have put 2years of thought into this idea and I'm still on the verge to complete this idea I got! So far I think I got 50% of the idea complete but I still need to finish off my research for this NEW character idea!! Ever since I started to play this game the very first day it came out I new this would be a epic and really fascinating adventure!! It would be a exciting moment for me if a devoloper or a mod would comment on this telling me its not a bad idea or this sounds really fantastic and a great way to make a new opportunity for all the pocket legend players to try a NEW skill tree and its advantages in the pocket legends adventure!!! Or just seeing this idea could be taken into consideration and might be a dream that will come a reality!!! All my life I have had over 1million ideas in my head when I play games but I'm so scared to say them because i always think someone will be negative and say your dumb or thats not even worth someone's time or where did you graduate from clown school. :'( I'm a teenager who takes disrespect and mean people very serious and it upsets me and causes me to get scared and start to cry all I want to do is help with ideas and information on new glitches and hacks people use to cheat makeing the games unfair to others!! Thank you sts if you view this and like my idea! Also I would like to ask you sts if you like this idea would you be willing to let me give you more? If you get this sts let me know so I can see your reply to this!!!!!

07-28-2014, 07:21 PM
Or penguin skin

07-28-2014, 07:32 PM
Someone likes penguins... Like too much lol

But hey more power to you! Hope your dreams come true.

07-28-2014, 07:37 PM
I'm talking about a penguin toon to run around with in the united states you see birds all the time!! When u want to see bears all u got to do is goto the county or goto the zoo two locations!! Elf (the enchantress) there's over 300 movies that show them and I'm sure there's over 300 penguin movies but that's not the point! U can see a fox anywhere!! But when it comes to a rhino and a penguin you can see them at zoos or in the northpole or south pole!! Penguins in the north pole or south not rhinos!! Its kinda hurtfull no one thinks there should be more toons to use it makes me feel like my ideas are worthless to everyone. :'(

07-28-2014, 07:40 PM
You can be a penguin already with 10 plat :p

07-28-2014, 07:44 PM
I've moved this to suggestions and feedback. Like programmed has said, there is a bird "face" that is a penguin. You check it out it you haven't already :)

07-28-2014, 07:49 PM
Have you ever seen a penguin its fat and cute not ugly and skinny like a bird!! Yes I know a penguin is a bird but a penguin can't howl like a bird!! A penguin can't fly!! A penguin face is not what I'm trying to say I want something new to level up a new toon so to speak vanity s are nice I get that but when u have 92characters at 76 and can't stand playing with the same toons all the time you will see why I'm wanting a new toon to run around with!! Besides a penguin toon with new interesting skills and advantages sounds really nice and fascinating!!!!

07-28-2014, 07:51 PM
I'm done with this game thanks for nothing :'(

07-28-2014, 09:53 PM
I'm done with this game thanks for nothing :'(


07-28-2014, 10:01 PM
Would the penguin character have knees?

07-28-2014, 10:27 PM
You should be playing this game:


07-28-2014, 10:47 PM

07-29-2014, 12:04 AM
Isnt a penguin technically a bird?

Btw, theres a Penguin face that can be bought from the "Magic Mirror"

07-29-2014, 04:41 PM
could you please put some spaces or indentation
i honestly didnt read due to the look

07-29-2014, 09:47 PM
could you please put some spaces or indentation
i honestly didnt read due to the look

summary: the OP wants a 6th character class called a penguin

07-29-2014, 10:05 PM
summary: the OP wants a 6th character class called a penguin
oh intresting but theres already penguin birds

07-30-2014, 04:00 AM
Who cares u don't seem interested in my idea so stop plz

07-30-2014, 02:50 PM
Who cares u don't seem interested in my idea so stop plz
i am but the idea was implemented years ago, make a bird look at mirror and become penguin

07-30-2014, 06:37 PM
This idea is to get a new character with new skills to use!!

07-30-2014, 07:31 PM
A new class is not a terrible idea. The arms would be flippers instead. And it's funny how a penguin moves. But a new class might shake the game. Or have little effect. The players could end up using it more than other classes. Or throw it away like a dead rat. The dev tried this gamble before, when they added the foxes and rhinos, and it didn't go so well. I'm not sure they are willing to risk this move. But who knows? Maybe they will try the penguin idea.

07-30-2014, 08:26 PM
but when they added foxes and rhino they are without doubt worst classes think how much worse another would be

07-31-2014, 07:20 AM
The fox and rhino are bad classes because they had no attacks as a matter of fact the fox was very impressive. The rhino wasn't the rhino has 3 and a half attack!!! The purpose of a new toon is a new toon with more than 6 attacks not less!! The faster the damage done the happiness rises in people pocket legends did not think about the gamers they thought about them selves and there money!! If they thought about the gamers the rhino and fox wouldn't be so bad!!!!!

07-31-2014, 07:37 AM
Well, some people aren't happy with the damaging power of the rhino, but it WAS meant as a support class. Not as a powerhouse.

08-01-2014, 12:53 PM
I'm done with this game thanks for nothing :'(

You made my day haha

08-02-2014, 08:24 PM
Well, some people aren't happy with the damaging power of the rhino, but it WAS meant as a support class. Not as a powerhouse.

support classes dont need taunt or aggro...

08-03-2014, 07:05 AM
It is also a tank... I just forgot to add that. I'm really bad at tanking because I get killed in seconds flat.

08-03-2014, 07:41 PM
if u made a penguin body with a snake head would be more interesting
like skils could be
ice shield: armor up 500% movement decreased by 50% for 15 secs 30 sec cool down
freezing poison: 12m area freezes enemies in place and deals 100 dmg per sec/ armor doesnt affect
ice shards: essentially blast shot, but also freezes enemy in blast range
snake frenzy: increased dmg by 35% for 20 sec 30 sec cooldown
build igloo: player doesnt take any dmg for 10 secs, can't more or use any attack(can still use buffs) regen is increased by 5 per skill rank
mana conversion: cost 100% of mana pool, resurrect all players in 20m and fully restore all others mana and health
ice control: 12m area dmg stuns and dmg is tripled if target is frozen
frost storm: 8m area 5 hit, crit, m/s, and dmg debuff per rank
brittle hail: 8m area 5 dodge, armor, and h/s regen per rank