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View Full Version : Help with merching

07-29-2014, 11:21 PM
I started merching a few days ago so far I went from 100k to 300k. I consider that ok but anyways I been getting ripped off lately. I need help with item prices, what sells fast , and what is the best things to buy also Best range to buy things I mean like percent. So if anyone could help it would be appreciated

07-30-2014, 12:06 AM
Theres a few people willing to help you out and give you tips. You need to become familiar with all prices on C.S or else getting ripped off becomes common. Ask guild mates if they know the price of an item and they should help. Percent wise most merches do 30-50% since thats fair unlike the 70% off merches who rip everyone off. Same goes for whats popular a few examples : 75 Sets , Starry vanitys , dragon vanity pieces are some of the most merched nowadays. Im not a merch so i couldnt help you on whats good for you to merch i just know the basic things i hear. You could try Level 56 and 60 glyph pieces as a starter. I used to watch cs for cheap sales and quickly grab and sell for higher and it usually worked but not sure anymore. Best of luck merching.

07-30-2014, 12:25 AM
Thank u

07-30-2014, 01:15 AM
Since you are a starting merch you can't possibly hope to know the entire market at all times. I myself have excel spreadsheets of all the items I merch or watch. For you all you need to do is pick a few items. Here is my suggestion. Go to CS and get a pen and paper for notes. You have 300k correct? Well there are two options. Buy many items for small profit each or single items for large profit each. You can generally buy an item for around 25% less than asking price and turn around and sell it for asking price. This means on a 40k item you can make about 10k without wasting too much time at all. On the other hand if you buy a 300k item you can make about 70k profit on average without spending too much time. However because you can buy more of the 40k items you have to look at the big picture. 300/40= 7 and some change. Can't buy half an item so you can buy 7. In this example both routes buying one big item or several small both equal out to 70k profit. But now consider some other factors as well. Once you know your price margin you decide which items. As a new merch I would stick to this one simple method... Listen! That's it! Stand in balefort, preferably one that is active with people spamming sales in the chat window and just see what's selling. Do this for awhile and take notes. Watch how long they advertise, and how quickly players respond. The best part is the more knowledge you get about the economy of the game you will know a good deal when you hear one and can buy it quick before anyone else. You are now merching while researching! There are many more complicated forms of merching. I may eventually put out a guide at some point if there is enough of a desire for it, but until then I hope this helped.

07-30-2014, 09:29 AM
^i dont think all that fuss is rly necessary for 40k in a game
nonetheless pro exmple altho it is prob too college level for pl lel

wat i do when i merch is mainly work on lev 50 ao3 sets, lev 70 tiki items , crystal helm/armor, expert/arty lev 15, glyph pieces lev 60, n up until now i used to also do dragon vanity market and swift sav fiery sets

all of this i bought from cs directly at cheaper times n resold at more pricier times

07-30-2014, 10:42 AM
Congrats on getting a 200k Profit. If you want you can see my guide. Go for 30 - 50% Discount (Not too low not too high.) When buying something always start with the lowest price, like its 300k in cs, say 150k. If ur rly lucky he will sell it because its hard to sell maybe. But dont get ur hopes up. The reason i said this is because he will say too low and probably say something like 250k. Then you can offer 180/190k. It looks pretty close to 250 but hes not happy, he might say 240k. Then you can say 200/210k final and the final offer will end up something like that. You are still getting atleast 30% Discount, but the other guy thinks its a good offer because its much better compared to 150k. Thats why never start with the lowest discount.

What to buy. It all depends on how much you have. Don't buy immediately. Find popular items/sets within your range or just out of it (so you can buy with disc.). Dont go for hard-to-sell items. See what kind of things people are selling. Don't go for special event items just yet (even i avoid them). I usually buy L56 + items because they have an almost guaranteed sale. L50 to 55 is also fine but dont buy odd levels like 53 63, 73, 68, 58 (Basically whats in between the good levels). These odd levels dont sell that well.

My guide: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?166549-How-to-make-money

07-30-2014, 12:00 PM
Wao pls teach us moar!

07-31-2014, 12:22 PM
Thanks for all who helped I posted this cauz i kinda made a bad but but so far with ur tips I been doing pretty good I also been buying crafted things they sell fast is it good to buy scaled items ?