View Full Version : Dex or Str

01-14-2011, 05:47 AM

I have a lvl 30 mage full int and i was thinking of respecing and adding dex for crtical or str for hp.

What would be better for pvp and pvm? But i will be pvping for a while.

Also is the ice set good? If so what lvl should i change it.

01-14-2011, 08:43 AM
Well, from my opinion, and from reading many, many threads about these, mages don't go dex just for critical, mostly for hit%, which int gives, and also dodge, dps, and base damage. Mages go str to be a pally, and have more hp as they don't want to die easily. Maybe there's more benefits for str, but i'm don't know. If you're going pvp, many people say that pallies are good. Pallies are also good for pve, but better for pvp, as you don't have to consume pots all the time in pvp. The ice set is good, you can search threads on what to wear, but i saw a post that said that you should keep the ice set til 40+. But let's just wait for the experienced players like Arterra, Ellyidol, and Pharcyde to come in. XD

01-14-2011, 09:24 AM
Well, from my opinion, and from reading many, many threads about these, mages don't go dex just for critical, mostly for hit%, which int gives, and also dodge, dps, and base damage. Mages go str to be a pally, and have more hp as they don't want to die easily. Maybe there's more benefits for str, but i'm don't know. If you're going pvp, many people say that pallies are good. Pallies are also good for pve, but better for pvp, as you don't have to consume pots all the time in pvp. The ice set is good, you can search threads on what to wear, but i saw a post that said that you should keep the ice set til 40+. But let's just wait for the experienced players like Arterra, Ellyidol, and Pharcyde to come in. XD

*cough* or icantgetkillz :D haha I joke...
No at level 30 if you have enough money for brain-freeze go full int as it gives hit% if not and u have average items purples / common pinks go pally as they only consume a lot of mana and rarely any hp pots :)

Btw I was one of the first PL pallies :O

01-14-2011, 06:27 PM
Lol sorry, I just named those that I've seen around the forums. There's lots of experienced players out there anyway, it would be a while to name 'em all. What's the best lvl 30 set for bears, though?

01-14-2011, 06:57 PM
Int/Dex mixed Mages are very bad. I have tested with them many times before. If you are going to put dex into a mage, you have to go all out to see good results.

Current common PvE and PvP builds.

Glass Cannon Mage - amazing 1v1 damage. Not as good as bird but still has good group damage capabilities.
Pure Int - All around amazing damage. Damage is much higher then Bird, only difference is birds spells cast much faster and are much more lethal 1v1.
Paladin - Medium damage. Balanced build with damage/survivability.

If your struggling to choose a build, just tell me how you want your gameplay style to be and I will help you choose. (Destroying mobs, PvPing, tanking, healing, ect.)

01-15-2011, 05:14 AM
Yes I'm using the brain freeze set with the wand.

I'm currently going to be focusing on pvp as pvping later on will be harder.
What's a good build for kicking *** in pvp? I'll be respecing later on anyway.

01-15-2011, 05:20 AM
IMO, go full int, if you have crap gear and have low hit% it may be worth while to invest into dex to be able to raise your hit%, but with full BF, go full int to raise skill damage. 100% hit basically makes it so you don't miss, but it doesn't mean you'll damage your enemy every time since that's where dodge kicks in. Mind telling us your hit% with full int geared?

01-15-2011, 08:25 AM
Dex works fantastic but that's IF u get a good build. Otherewhise I prefer an int build that pwns

01-16-2011, 12:33 AM
i went full str with my char and i gotta say its not good at all i still need tons of pots. I noticed that i tend to hit on the lower side of the damage on a weapon, any ideas. The char i want is to go throuh crowds like butter. Also can u tell me wut set to use and wuts in it. Thanx

01-16-2011, 01:38 AM
I would go pure int, it goes through mobs like nobody's business. Although I don't like it not because It's not good, but because I want something fun to play. Like a paladin. Mages are also pot efficient they don't need to touch a mana pot, and they can heal. They powerful aoes and spells. As for the gear, I'm not sure, what with all the new sets that came out, but I think cosmos? Or maybe shadow. I dunno. Let's wait for the experienced ones.

01-16-2011, 05:19 AM
im lv 45 and i think pure int isnt bad at all: its hard to fight awhole mobs alone but it works and it take perhaps one mana pot, or even less
but i saw also dex int mages and i want to cahnge and i dont know if its better or not tan pure int...


01-16-2011, 09:47 PM
at lvl 30 i think that dex would go really good with a mage

01-17-2011, 02:38 AM
Int/Dex mixed Mages are very bad. I have tested with them many times before. If you are going to put dex into a mage, you have to go all out to see good results.

Current common PvE and PvP builds.

Glass Cannon Mage - amazing 1v1 damage. Not as good as bird but still has good group damage capabilities.
Pure Int - All around amazing damage. Damage is much higher then Bird, only difference is birds spells cast much faster and are much more lethal 1v1.
Paladin - Medium damage. Balanced build with damage/survivability.

If your struggling to choose a build, just tell me how you want your gameplay style to be and I will help you choose. (Destroying mobs, PvPing, tanking, healing, ect.)

thats just your opinion because its your test, it doesn't mean they are all bad

01-17-2011, 03:09 AM
at lvl 30 i think that dex would go really good with a mage

At higher levels DEX is pointless for a pure INT mage. You'll get equipment that boosts the chance to hit percentage.

01-18-2011, 03:27 AM
thats just your opinion because its your test, it doesn't mean they are all bad

Its not opinion if I tested. I was un-bias'd in my test and the results were that Dex Mages are only effective if they are full Dex. Mixed will end in a fail virtually every time.