View Full Version : 2014-07-31 Content Update (154059)

07-31-2014, 02:05 PM
Elixirs are on sale through the weekend! All Elixirs are 1/2 off!

07-31-2014, 02:08 PM

Hassan Akbar
07-31-2014, 02:10 PM
we need new items ._.
we need more content
you guys need to acknowledge the fact that your player base increases day by day and yet you guys keep pushing us away
just suggesting 1 game update per month shouldn't be hard
i love this game and i seriously don't want to see it fall

07-31-2014, 02:12 PM
-_- we need level cap -.-

07-31-2014, 02:19 PM

07-31-2014, 02:20 PM
-_- we need level cap -.-
I agree

07-31-2014, 02:31 PM
Guys !!!!! all great players are gone my friend list every month less players. soon you gonna lose this great game, we love Dark legends so much, but step by step it gets boring 6 month now i am begging update some new gems and weapons, we are CTF platers, old playeres doesn't need elixir or double damge updates, we need new maps new fun, firts of all fix the bugs,,, CTF we can't play because of laggs, soon i will update chat messages all 10 players complain lag lag lag during of playing,
Please please please i don't want to leave this game i build everything so hard..... so do not puhs us away,
And i think before you make update in the game you have to update your desighners in the office !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-31-2014, 02:36 PM
really ? Phantomas

07-31-2014, 02:56 PM
This is so stupid. Dl has completely forgotten about up. I love the game but seriously? Do something new! Create a new campaign! ada new place in the streets! Its getting to be boring.

07-31-2014, 03:00 PM
Please Guys we really do Need Maps not even just a level update as their is No point if we are still running the same old places for over a year now Plat Sales & Elixirs are just not cutting it any more, You Really got to leave updating the other games and concentrate on D/L 100% Please Don't Leave Dark Legends Too Turn too a Pile of Dust I have lost so many friends with them Giving up on waiting and now more & more are leaving b/c of the amount of kids who don't know how to use the A/house or scammers are playing more and more b/c as its now getting that sort of name easy for scammers, I had a complete stranger came up too me in the club a girl she was a L31 and had not played she said since L31 so she was used to the way it was then I guess she (as I said I'd never met her or ever spoken too her) And She put A Ghost A Black Bandana and 1 Million Pounds into my account on trade and then she asked me too add her other char and disappeared I mean OMG lucky it was Me and People know how much I hate Scammers or Thief's and I gave her all her items back to her new Char but explained never too do that with anyone on Here ever again as Its Changed So much with Scammers.So If Old players are coming back and see nothing is changed or its just worse they are never going to come back.I know you have said you's might have some thing in the Pipe Line please start too bring these idea's out and get them set into Motion so hopefully some of the older players will come back, But Thank You for Half Price Elixirs as I use them constantly when Im Soloing Harg To look for these Axes :)

07-31-2014, 03:40 PM
Guys be patient .. . ;)

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Hassan Akbar
07-31-2014, 04:44 PM
Guys be patient .. . ;)

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can you please remind me when did we get a new map at all?

Hassan Akbar
07-31-2014, 04:47 PM
just saying this shouldn't even be content update it should just be added in te game this didn't require a excessive thread as well.

07-31-2014, 08:56 PM
just saying this shouldn't even be content update it should just be added in te game this didn't require a excessive thread as well.

Haha ikr I've stated that several times before, but it takes like 1 minute to install this enhancer update, and on AL the content updates take 5 seconds

07-31-2014, 10:10 PM
STS are you guys planning on shutting the game down? I don't want to be wasting my money 😒

07-31-2014, 10:20 PM
No, we do not have plans or intent to shut the game down. However, to be up front, we do not have current plans to increase the level cap in Dark Legends.

07-31-2014, 11:51 PM
No, we do not have plans or intent to shut the game down. However, to be up front, we do not have current plans to increase the level cap in Dark Legends.

:blue: - Been waiting for a level cap in DL longer than I waited in SL for the 51 cap raise.. Anything at this point would be helpful [Even a teaser or something cool you guys may have brainstormed in the early developments of DL]. Maybe a random event dungeon or something to at least ease the pain a little bit. (beside the weekend plat sales/elixir discounts, etc.)

08-01-2014, 02:44 AM
really ? Phantomas

If this is abt my thnx for elixers 1/2 price this weekend?
Then yes thnx, was planning to make lots of kills this weekend, running/doing missions wth elixers helps to do that. :)

I do agree wth everyone else abt the need for a real content update
(lvl cap raise combined wth new maps/missions and starting that wth a nice event, like we had in the past)

08-01-2014, 03:00 AM
can you please remind me when did we get a new map at all?

Think it was aug/sept 2012 , 2 new maps and new skills if I remember correctly.
There were later events like "Night of million deaths" wth a new temporary (underground) mission.

08-01-2014, 04:05 AM
all great players are gone my friend list every month less players. soon you gonna lose this great game

Bro not true. They ztill there, juzt on different toonz. Old toon namez ztill log in to get 5-day reward bro. When peepz got 10+ toonz, how can they be on onez? Old toonz ztill there, juzt renamed or on different toonz.

I agree DL needz update, but now with half price exilar I can level up zome more toonz!

08-01-2014, 08:57 AM
Please Guys we really do Need Maps not even just a level update as their is No point if we are still running the same old places for over a year now Plat Sales & Elixirs are just not cutting it any more, You Really got to leave updating the other games and concentrate on D/L 100% Please Don't Leave Dark Legends Too Turn too a Pile of Dust I have lost so many friends with them Giving up on waiting and now more & more are leaving b/c of the amount of kids who don't know how to use the A/house or scammers are playing more and more b/c as its now getting that sort of name easy for scammers, I had a complete stranger came up too me in the club a girl she was a L31 and had not played she said since L31 so she was used to the way it was then I guess she (as I said I'd never met her or ever spoken too her) And She put A Ghost A Black Bandana and 1 Million Pounds into my account on trade and then she asked me too add her other char and disappeared I mean OMG lucky it was Me and People know how much I hate Scammers or Thief's and I gave her all her items back to her new Char but explained never too do that with anyone on Here ever again as Its Changed So much with Scammers.So If Old players are coming back and see nothing is changed or its just worse they are never going to come back.I know you have said you's might have some thing in the Pipe Line please start too bring these idea's out and get them set into Motion so hopefully some of the older players will come back, But Thank You for Half Price Elixirs as I use them constantly when Im Soloing Harg To look for these Axes :)

This happened to us in PL, we just got a new cap yesterday. Never give up!

08-01-2014, 09:37 AM
and do not wast your money, i know what i am saying, one and half year i was wasting money and look today we are just ignored from DL

08-01-2014, 10:49 AM
They keep ignoring our suggestions .. .they want us to quit .. . Seoratrek plss post us some pics for new event just like pl pretty plsss :o

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08-01-2014, 06:07 PM
You are busy making new games and you forgot about old ones,

08-02-2014, 02:04 AM
Best update of them all thank you sts

08-02-2014, 07:57 AM
Guys I know Big Updates like Maps take a lot of time & money too make but even how about doing the kind of updates your doing on BattleGrounds Reducing mana Prices (only Blood) or making Double Gold on Runs same kind of small updates you do on their do on Dark Legends since playing B/G I have seen an update every week end again not big updates like new PVP but these small updates would even help on D/L I know they help on B/G Im Loving that game just Bought More Plat the 7000 Plat and quite happy too keep Spending money on that as it gets Updates, If people get even these kind of small updates your going too get people spending Money on the game again.But at the moment theirs just no point in spending money on D/L,Anyway Leave it Their As I think Point has been made,Away To Kidnap Harg So If No Ones See's Him I have Him !!! And Wont Be Releasing Him Until i get Them Axes Ransom Note Will Be Sent Shortly !!! :) :) :)

08-02-2014, 08:03 AM
Sps posted again for an upcoming event on al .. . Sps do u still read our threads?? Because if its not' shut down DL and SL!

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