View Full Version : A Message to Haters...

07-31-2014, 09:04 PM
Lately STS has been getting some flak about their new Ancient Caverns expansion. Saying it was awful or lazy or just plain stupid.
All those things are wrong.
STS put in a lot of time, effort and money into this "lazy" expansion, and they wanted to give older players a chance to go back to the SSC. A lot of veteran players wanted a newer version of an old favourite, so they picked SSC. They brought back some of the sets and items, including a new pet. Even though it looks similar to the level 25 version, older players wanted the classic armor that would give them some actual damage.
Plus, a lot of people wanted a dying game to have some new flair, and now it has just that.
But some people complain about how it only goes up ONE level.
Going up FIVE levels just isn't good timing for marketing in my opinion. Plus it's a lot of xp to get to level 77 anyway, 300k in fact, so it is quite a challenge while still enjoying classic bosses.
Overall this new expansion was pretty good, and the levels I've played so far are very riveting. But the towne lagged big time when the event first went live today ;p
Just, haters, just stop hating on this new cap. It just doesn't make sense.
Also, LONG LIVE PL!!! :D

07-31-2014, 09:16 PM

08-01-2014, 02:20 PM
I want new content, not just the same thing with another color and 300k xp to level up on boring levels without elixir...

08-01-2014, 02:45 PM
It's what we asked for, someone post the link

08-01-2014, 04:09 PM
I think it was mentioned by a bunch of us in Sam's thread explaining why they didn't make an expansion for 2013

Sigh the new people on forums are so greedy

08-01-2014, 04:33 PM
H8ers are your motivators