View Full Version : Cheaper plat purchase?

08-01-2014, 12:19 PM
Not sure if this would be better or worse for sts profits ...
On one hand they would not make as much from every plat purchase.. but then if it was say half price permenantly im sure more people would be wiliing to buy to support the game and ultimately have fun (which Is the point of the game from our perspective)
As it stands the big buyers all bulk buy on 40% discount weekends anyway and people who want to buy im sure are put off by the paltry amount you get for the price £52.76 for 1700 (113 locked) plat or £50 for a new xbox one/ps4 game...

If plat was permenantly cheaper it would make it a much more realistic prospect for a 'casual gamer' or new players to be able to compete at the top level of the game and possibly obtain arcane items without farming, merching and saving for months/years.

This won't happen ofcourse but the way things are AL will be a dead game within 6-12 months and imo the devs need to make a huge move (not neccesarily this but something) to make it fun and competitive again.

How can we save arlor? any suggestions?

08-01-2014, 12:30 PM
I agree. I only buy plat during a sale. I bought alot of plat this last sale. I likely won't buy anymore until the next sale. I can see paying $55 for 1700 plat. No way I'm spending $90 on 1700 plat.

08-01-2014, 12:48 PM
I turned inyo a totally free player a long time ago because of wgat you said. I can buy a ps4 game and the whole family enjoy it...or spend as much as 5 ps4 games and not get any in game return gor it.

As for making it better and more fun. The response from the tarlok event was 90% positive. Everybody I know ingame had a blast during that event. With the goblin event there was majority complaints...why in the world would they use a copy of an event that wasnt fun?

The answer is plain as day but I fear it will keep moving this direction until its demise. I for one love playing with all my friends and hope it gets better for us all in the future

08-01-2014, 12:56 PM
I actually rage quit yesterday after almost 2 years playing (and paying) due to the way the game is going and wont be active again until something big happens (big not being an unobtainable arcane item) and I have a feeling im not the only one.. New arena and non plat revives... nice .. but not a game changer imo

08-01-2014, 01:56 PM
I actually rage quit yesterday after almost 2 years playing (and paying) due to the way the game is going and wont be active again until something big happens (big not being an unobtainable arcane item) and I have a feeling im not the only one.. New arena and non plat revives... nice .. but not a game changer imo

That revives only work in the new areas right? I suggest u to try twinking it's fun and u don't have to buy plat:).

08-01-2014, 03:09 PM
I have stopped spending money on this game since half an year ! Bcs i never got anyrhing back but i must say in thid half year i spend no money i made more gold than ever before bcs i wasting lots of plats on locks ...
Since i do it free to play i dont waste as much i can save better my gold

08-01-2014, 03:11 PM
Yes omg. Rally? $90?! You know how much it plat it takes to get something good. Thousands! This is why I don't buy plat...well me of the reasons

08-01-2014, 07:36 PM
Didn't you qiut al ?????

08-02-2014, 05:49 AM
Didn't you qiut al ?????

Whoever you are.. yes I did quit* AL am I not allowed to make suggestions to improve the game? Or play again if sts make the game worth playing? Also I will be online to chat to my friends... I gave all my gold and equips away.. I didnt delete my character. Please keep comments constructive ty