View Full Version : Quest rewards

01-14-2011, 05:45 PM
Let me state this first. I'm not complaining just asking.

Could we get either small amount of experience or some non tradable quality items from quests? For people like myself who makes and remakes a lot of new characters there isn't anything appealing for doing quests. Except for the elite quests like the cyber ones. Right now the only quality items from quests can just be bought in the cs cheaply giving us no reason to do them. If you made them non tradable then they would be worth doing also it would take them off the cs making them even more rewarding to have them. But there isn't enough quests like that anyway. The very low level quests award white items...

The thing I would like to see over that would be experience. It doesn't have to be a lot say worth about 10-20 kills?

I don't care which of the two ideas, just one them which ever would be the easiest to implement.

01-14-2011, 06:17 PM
I want vanity items for ling quests

01-14-2011, 06:27 PM
Everyone has agrued this topic in previous threads. So heres one of the best solutions to have the best of all worlds.

Make it like item collection on completion of quest. Instead of items, it will be either a xp/gold/item reward. Example:

Payment: Snipers Ice Auto Crossbow
10-20 exp
500-1000 gold
Archer item
Enchantress Item
Bear item

You would be able to choose 2 sets. Either 1 of exp or gold and either 1 of the nontradable items. Payment is a trade-able pink like how quests often have guaranteed payments along with a reward.