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View Full Version : Decrease xp to cap.

08-02-2014, 05:55 AM
People are quitting because truly 300k is too boring and it will take weeks to get to 77, plus the new campaign isn't great either.

ign Boss
08-02-2014, 06:20 AM
Easy to get in one day

08-02-2014, 07:02 AM
"Take weeks". - this explains everything

for the lulz
08-02-2014, 08:33 AM
lol the point of an elite cap is , its supposed to be hard to achieve . If u dont wanna cap then dont cap .

08-02-2014, 09:10 AM
Heres number 1 and I'm counting!

08-02-2014, 09:26 AM
The more you complain the more xp you waste on capping, Its elite for a reason and as jig said were counting... Im gonna be one of those people who take it slow and wait for a 3x combo to begin my journey to 77 all toons! While you all complain everyone else will have there 2 pc / 3 pc ring.

08-02-2014, 02:14 PM
Tell me this: What's more boring, an expansion or no expansion?

I honestly don't get it. Why are people complaining now? Why didn't people complain when we didn't get the expansion? 300k xp isn't harming you any way, and you don't have to do it. You say it's boring, and personally I think it is too, but it's not effecting us is it? Now, if we are FORCED to do it (but obviously not), THEN you could complain that it is boring and they should lower it. If you think its boring, don't cap.

08-02-2014, 02:23 PM
What you need to do is decrease your complaining

08-02-2014, 02:28 PM
What you need to do is decrease your complaining


08-02-2014, 03:13 PM
It was called an elite cap for a reason. If you don't like it, the 76 cap is still all here. I personally think it is a good thing to have a lot of XP for it, people would cap and have nothing to do, so then they'd get bored because of that and quit but now that there's something to do, people just continue complaining.

08-02-2014, 04:48 PM

Wao darth long timeeee

08-02-2014, 04:50 PM
Look, I think this update is without a doubt better than nothing. If I were in STS' position I'd be wanting to do the same thing. I believe that 300k is a little pathetic and repetitive for non-plat users, as a vast amount of players wanted a simple balance of classes and maybe a revamp of new gear (so hopefully this elite 77 cap will be worth it for PvP). But let's be happy they did this.

Chicken Fry
08-02-2014, 04:58 PM
I don't understand what people have to complain about in the first place. Sure. Each update brings forth new bugs that require future updates to fix. Sure. The items in this new expansion are seemingly recolored and retextured from present items. Sure. The Exp is extraordinarily high. But. It's what the majority of fully capped and active players have been begging for dang. How long? The fact that they even put any time into a game that was supposedly dead is a miracle. Do you want the devs to see the whole Pocket Legends community as a greedy hoard of ungrateful players? How could you possibly have anything to criticize about something that was never even supposed to happen? Get over it. If you think it's too high then don't cap.

08-02-2014, 05:36 PM
The thing is, during every elite cap, the endgame set is always 1 level lower than the elite cap. This meant that capping wasnt giving much of an advantage (other than elite items which were introduced 2 caps ago). Now people have to cap to keep up with the new sets, and since its 300k to cap, it means that some people will miss out.
The people that dont cap are now at a disadvantage, and it is that which is causing them to quit.

Ps. I intend to cap, so dont tell me its my own fault, because none of this applies to me