View Full Version : About the names and users

Lenna Drake
08-03-2014, 11:27 AM
How many times happen? when you try to make a account and choose the name the message comes: the name are already in use :/ so you try another one and same again :/ and again and again and again and o forget to say and again.
So I think for game developers of the game, maybe must be good if they release some names I mean erase the inactives accounts of some players who create a account and they never come back again to play maybe mmmm after 1 year of inactivity of the account and sending a email to the account for advising about the disable the account and the name gonna be available for other players who want that's names.
im in the game for long hours sometimes and I never see that players who already have that names in use lol what you all think ?

08-03-2014, 12:30 PM
true about this

08-03-2014, 03:30 PM
Better option would be if they would allow special characters within the names like numbers, dots, space bars etc.

Lenna Drake
08-04-2014, 10:56 AM
that's good idea symbols too like: _Lenna_ or *Lenna* lol :D but not so good cuz many players gonna usea symbols or numbers then gonna be confused who are the real one name

08-04-2014, 11:28 AM
that's good idea symbols too like: _Lenna_ or *Lenna* lol :D but not so good cuz many players gonna usea symbols or numbers then gonna be confused who are the real one name

The real one is the one without any additional characters

Lenna Drake
08-05-2014, 06:38 PM
I know that but some players are fighting for who are the original name, I know that some new player was complaining about my name she say I stole her name well however that's not the point of this thread the point is the names can be released by a year of inactivity of players they create a account and they leave and some never come back again I know many friends who are off for more than a year but they accounts and names still hold in the game

08-06-2014, 12:02 AM
I doubt sts would do this, I don't know any other game that actually has this system.
About the players crying that so,embody stole their name. Well first off it's not their name, first come first serve. I also met some players shouting me out that I "stole" their name. Just tell them that this is your name and they just were trying to steal your name. As lower their lvls are, as more you know it's a new player that tried to steal yours and is now complaining.

Lenna Drake
08-06-2014, 02:00 PM
I wonder where are LENA lol I never see her I suppose she are the original lol then I must be the sencond one and the others are just the others lol if we have two names can be good like in the forum