View Full Version : New type of PvP room

08-05-2014, 04:24 AM
My idea is a good ol' everyone for oneself. Rules -
1) Maximum 5 people per room.
2) You can only use your own packs and heals only affect the caster.
3) No neutral creature like trulle.
4) Kill as many as you can in the given time limit.
5) Mana will be automatically replenished every 30 seconds.

08-05-2014, 05:42 AM
30 secs? Lol rogues will kill everyone
I don't think its a good idea and yes it won't be implemented.

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08-05-2014, 10:01 AM
rouges will obviously be nerfed like in ctf

08-05-2014, 06:18 PM
My idea is a good ol' everyone for oneself. Rules -
1) Maximum 5 people per room.
2) You can only use your own packs and heals only affect the caster.
3) No neutral creature like trulle.
4) Kill as many as you can in the given time limit.
5) Mana will be automatically replenished every 30 seconds.

I like the idea of another pvp room to choose from beside tdm and ctf

not sure about your idea just yet bro, maybe put some more thought into , it seems like a rushed idea not really well thought out atm no offense to you. Please take your time and be specific about this new pvp room I am def interested as are others too. :)

( I would like to see a new pvp '''room'' same pvp rules can apply that are currently in effect )

Nice thread.

08-05-2014, 11:20 PM
My idea is a good ol' everyone for oneself. Rules -
1) Maximum 5 people per room.
2) You can only use your own packs and heals only affect the caster.
3) No neutral creature like trulle.
4) Kill as many as you can in the given time limit.
5) Mana will be automatically replenished every 30 seconds.

1v1 room should have more priority than this.