View Full Version : What are all the Skill Combos?

01-15-2011, 07:10 PM
I just started a mage, found skill trees and suggestions here and there, but I'm looking for all of them. Can someone inform me?

Just to clarify, by skill combo, I mean using two or more skills to deal a heavy amount of damage, and indication above the enemy that a combo was successful.

01-15-2011, 07:27 PM
I just started a mage, found skill trees and suggestions here and there, but I'm looking for all of them. Can someone inform me?

Just to clarify, by skill combo, I mean using two or more skills to deal a heavy amount of damage, and indication above the enemy that a combo was successful.

From Pharcyde's Enchantress Guide:

Spell Combinations
A Spell Combination is a order in which Spells are casted in order to receive a bonus.

The Enchantress has Eleven Spell Combinations.

Hot Flash! - Only requires Enchantress; Spell Order is Ice Storm + Fire Storm =
Hot Flash! Group Combo. The Single Target Hot Flash! Spell Order is Frost Bite + Fire Storm = Hot Flash! Single Target Combo. Effects: Blasts target back temperately stunning them. Also casts 1-3/10ths damage extra of Fire Storm.

Nature Strike! - Requires both a Enchantress and Bird; Spell Order is Thorn Wall + Lightning = Nature Strike! Group Combo. The Single Target Nature Strike! Spell Order is Thorn Root + Lightning = Nature Strike! Single Target Combo. Effects:Stuns target temperately and reduces Dodge. Also casts 1-5/10ths extra Lightning damage.

Terror! - Requires both a Enchantress and Bear; Spell Order is Nightmare + Hell Scream = Terror! Group Combo. Effects: Debuff is 10-25% more effective.

Face Melt! - Requirements: Keeper Staff of the Cosmos; This is more of a weapon bonus then a combo but it appears the same way combos do so I will post here. Face Melt! is additional fire damage casted from Keeper Staff, Its the weapons special ability. I notice it usually only happens if Keeper Staff is not attacking any other targets around the main target (Splash Damage).

Humiliate! - Requirements: A barrel; If you blast a barrel while a enemy is near it. The enemy will take large amounts of fire damage, Loose all Buffs, blasted back and temperately stunned. Your character will automatically cast the Laugh emote.

Ice Melt! - Requirements: Fire Weapon; Once you cast Frostbite or Ice Storm on a enemy they will be frozen. Once you attack them with a Fire Weapon, they will take 1-5/10ths extra damage of the weapon base damage.

Shattering Blast! - Requires both a Enchantress and Bear; Spell Order is Ice Storm + Stomp = Shattering Blast! Group Combo. The Single Target Shattering Blast Combo Spell Order is Frost Bite + Stomp = Shattering Blast! Single Target Combo. Effects: Blasts enemies back temperately stunning them. Casts 1-5/10ths extra damage of the Stomp attack.

Fearless! - Requires only a Enchantress; Survive near death by casting Heal spell. Effects: Heal is slightly more effective; effects stack until death or level end.

Rejuvenate! - Requires only a Enchantress; Restore your Healthpool completely by either Drain Life or Heal while taking damage. Effects: Temporary Self Buff +1 H/S for 20 seconds.

Super Freeze! - Requires Apep Sunkiller Staff of Thoth; Freeze the enemy by attacking with the staff. Then Cast Frost Bite + Ice Storm = Super Freeze! Single Target Combo. Effects: Renders the enemy completely useless for 5 seconds, stuns the enemy from moving for 10 seconds. Hot Flash! damage is amplified when casted with Super Freeze!

Poisoning Blast! - Unverified on how to do it and effects.

Other Combo-Like Terms

Clear Headed! - Effects of stun wear off. Casting Blessings of Might and Blessing of Vitality cuts down stun time.

Free! - Effects of Frost wear off. Casting Fire Storm can sometimes break Frost hold.

Unrooted! - Effects of Thornwall and Thornroot wear off. Casting Fire Storm can sometimes break Root hold.

Cured! - Effects of Debuffs wear off

Mended! - Effects of weapon fatigue end. (Dark-bolt blaster or hammers stopping you from moving when hit).

Absorbed! - Combinations or Critical hits are absorbed by Mana Shield, causing less damage.

01-15-2011, 07:37 PM
Wow that's a lot of combos. Thank you so much!

01-15-2011, 07:40 PM
i want a bear 1 :/ i dont no 1 single combo lol

01-15-2011, 09:04 PM
To be honest the only combo you will be using often is ice blast thing. If you have birds, chance for nature strike. If you have bear, chance for terror. The others I have seen but too rarely to come to conclusions with.