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View Full Version : Makin guilds an actual privilege!!!!

08-05-2014, 09:11 PM
When it comes to guilds most people join them and to be honest most people want to be in the guilds, but why? what do we really get out of? it maybe there are events but they are not really organized. So my friend and I were thinking of ways to make our guilds actually worth being in.

1. Exclusive Guild Shop... A shop only for guilds with 1 type of armor, helm, weapon, ring and pennant depending on class and lvl but not crazy good! just something good enough to hold up decent in in all types of battle and it has to have an awesome design so people will still buy it even if the stat is not too good not tradable either and can only buy in gh

2. Exclusive Guild PvP Area... Basically an Arena that is for 1v1 and is super awesome looking not like crypts of cragg so that people actually want to be in a guild you can only use the entrance through your gh

3. An item for Recruiters, Officers, and the Master.... just a reward for each guild promotion and little particles for each on. Recruiters get a recruiters banner and little blue particles that are dull but kinda cool. Officers get officer vanity that is very nice and officers get purple particles. then last is master and masters get king/queen vanitys with Crowns, M,s on them and get super awesome red particles but only for the ranked guilds, but if you lose your rank you lose all these items they arent tradeable either....

well thats it thanks for reading

08-06-2014, 08:42 PM
When it comes to guilds most people join them and to be honest most people want to be in the guilds, but why? what do we really get out of? it maybe there are events but they are not really organized. So my friend and I were thinking of ways to make our guilds actually worth being in.

1. Exclusive Guild Shop... A shop only for guilds with 1 type of armor, helm, weapon, ring and pennant depending on class and lvl but not crazy good! just something good enough to hold up decent in in all types of battle and it has to have an awesome design so people will still buy it even if the stat is not too good not tradable either and can only buy in gh

2. Exclusive Guild PvP Area... Basically an Arena that is for 1v1 and is super awesome looking not like crypts of cragg so that people actually want to be in a guild you can only use the entrance through your gh

3. An item for Recruiters, Officers, and the Master.... just a reward for each guild promotion and little particles for each on. Recruiters get a recruiters banner and little blue particles that are dull but kinda cool. Officers get officer vanity that is very nice and officers get purple particles. then last is master and masters get king/queen vanitys with Crowns, M,s on them and get super awesome red particles but only for the ranked guilds, but if you lose your rank you lose all these items they arent tradeable either....

well thats it thanks for reading

Hey that was my joke ( hahahahahahhah )

aww well I will post mine again anyways maybe I will get some responses hahahahah.

08-06-2014, 09:13 PM
There have been a bunch of threads on suggested guild improvements.

But, since we are here....

- Training dummies so we can teach players effective skill rotations for DMG and defense
- In-Guild Hall auction access (so I can chat even more while browsing)
- In-Guild discounts for elixirs (so, reroll purchased in the guild hall costs 3 plat instead of 4)
- Private, customizable arenas, so we can train members how to handle aggro, control crowds, kill priorities, etc.
- Guild bulletin board
- Guild black-list (which also follows players as they invariably change their names a dozen times a month)
- Guild stash, so members can share/give/borrow items
- Guild event system (so officers or GM can fund an event, pick the map and a top 5 by class gets rewards)
- Private guild leaderboards (i.e. fastest runs, most kills, most PvP kills, most flags, etc.)
- Guild banner
- Guild vanity (GM can choose one of several guild vanities)

I have a lot of other ideas, but that's a start...

08-08-2014, 06:08 PM
there have been a bunch of threads on suggested guild improvements.

But, since we are here....

- training dummies so we can teach players effective skill rotations for dmg and defense
- in-guild hall auction access (so i can chat even more while browsing)
- in-guild discounts for elixirs (so, reroll purchased in the guild hall costs 3 plat instead of 4)
- private, customizable arenas, so we can train members how to handle aggro, control crowds, kill priorities, etc.
- guild bulletin board
- guild black-list (which also follows players as they invariably change their names a dozen times a month)
- guild stash, so members can share/give/borrow items
- guild event system (so officers or gm can fund an event, pick the map and a top 5 by class gets rewards)
- private guild leaderboards (i.e. Fastest runs, most kills, most pvp kills, most flags, etc.)
- guild banner
- guild vanity (gm can choose one of several guild vanities)

i have a lot of other ideas, but that's a start...

in red ( ideas that really stick out )

in orange ( ideas that are on the right track, need to be refined into a suitable manner )
;; in orange = those ideas could be put to good use however might be abused and exploited by the common scammer.