View Full Version : Things You Did to Annoy your Teachers/Professors

01-15-2011, 07:56 PM
I have done many evil things I admittedly smirk at when thinking back.

Sit all the way in the front in front of my professor's desk and fall asleep, head back and mouth open.

Play gameboy when a historical movie was on.

Write my hand-written essay in painfully tiny font.

Pop my gum obnoxiously loud. (Inward pops)

While my professor was grading papers, I used the mechanical pencil sharpener for a good 5 minutes, then throw it in the trash.

Staple my essays in 6 different places.

Throw paper balls into the garbage, when I'm all the way in the back, and the recycling bin is in the front. Sometimes I bank shot off the chalkboard.

Whenever we get to a boring subject, I turn the class discussion into a string of personal experiences by the rest of the class.

Walk in front of the projector... and slowly raise a shadow bunny.

Flip a coin, and when I miss and it rolls away, I asked my teacher if he could just toss it back.

At the end of the semester... I got an A-


01-15-2011, 08:00 PM
Omg, way too many things to count :/

01-15-2011, 08:06 PM
play nazi zombies on ipod during holocaust survivor speach. jkjkjkjk

01-15-2011, 08:07 PM
I should make a list.

01-15-2011, 08:15 PM
I shot a spit ball at the teacher while he was telling us to behave better.
I switched names with a dude when there was a substitute. (I was known as Jeff Hawking all hour)
Theres more...alot more

01-15-2011, 08:16 PM
I'm the teacher's pet ; )

01-15-2011, 08:17 PM
play nazi zombies on ipod during holocaust survivor speach. jkjkjkjk

01-15-2011, 08:42 PM
I pretend that I am special ed whenever we have a sub. I put my arm into my shirt and raise my hand with my elbow pretending to be a pirate. Then I just keep on asking "teachwo, teachwo, muay I pwase go to the bawhrum?" in a very very special ed voice. Then I trick them into holding my hand and walking me down to the bathroom because I am too special ed to do it myself. It REALLY pisses my teachers off :P.

01-15-2011, 08:46 PM
Junside your my new mischeives idol

01-15-2011, 08:48 PM
What i did was talk lowly and say stupid things that makes the teacher mad
I coughed extremely loud and said excuse me really loud
Shook my leg to distract the class and the teacher got mad at me
Someone did something funny and i laughed extremely loud and innapropiately to make the teacher mad :cool:

01-15-2011, 08:53 PM
I once had a competition where we tried to to lOdge as many pieces of paper into the oooold subs sweater, either spitballs or just crumpled up balls. I think I won with 3 before he noticed.

Best ever was playing a 2 on 2 metroid hunters (ds multiplayer shooter) game, with lots of backstabbig, in all corners of the class during math test. When my team won, my teammate yelled SCORE! and got sent out xD sole winner Ftw

Long time ago, I was arguing over something and so decided to say "oh yea? Well this is what I think of YOU!" and had the loudest fart 3 feet from his face. Of course, the class was in one of those rare no-sound moments, so I had spotlight.

01-15-2011, 08:54 PM
No arterra now your my mischeives idol
More mischieves acts of me
I threw spitballs at a freind it was a spitball fight the teacher didnt know but got mad cause of the laughing
In mexico(vacation kind of i went to school there for that i dont miss school)
We have christianity class in mexico it is always after luch for me so i start scaring kids going through the class door i accidently scared the sister and she got mad at me but luckily i didnt get in trouble

01-15-2011, 08:56 PM
I've done the whole special Ed act with subs.

Hmm, my teacher would make a lame joke, and a few people would giggle to not make her feel bad, so I would just yell out "you're not funny" or "thats not funny"

I would make paper in the shape of a "V" and put a staple in the middle, and I woud fling them against the wall so it'd make a loud noise, but it'd fall into the trashcan so you wouldn't hear anything.

I would stand in woodshop and sand the same peice of scrap wood for a week (so I would avoid taking notes, you had to take notes or still be working on a project)

I would staple my paper on both ends so it's hard to read it.

I would use tape in the absence of staples, just so I'd hand my teacher them and the ones in the middle fall on the floor.

I'd sit on my algebra teachers car, after school daily.

Gosh, it's been a long time, so I probably forgot a ton of stuff. Oh, like text all my friends I had the same class with at that time, and having all their phones go off (whether on vibrate or sound on) I know I forgot a really good one that I once did.

01-15-2011, 09:01 PM
Mysticaldream you are my evil idol i follow your evil expertise

01-15-2011, 09:02 PM
Oh. We also had one modular that was made or metal, not sure why. I'd always throw a rock at it at the end of break when everyone is walking out and scare the **** out of my core teacher :D

01-15-2011, 09:21 PM
Umm let's see...
I set my ringtone on the ding dong song, put my volume on the max, and had my friend call me in the middle of a test
I did the special ed stuff
In chemistry, I decided to dump a vial of chlorine into my teachers coffee
Put a banana in my pants
Threw ashes on my social studies teacher
Started speaking in Chinese during Spanish class

01-15-2011, 09:41 PM
Oh, and it's also fun when you know more than your professor. :D Though you should never flaunt such aptitude or else your professor, who is after all the horrific assignments he/she assigns you, is still a human being. And when you attack one's pride, prepare to rectify such inequities. :P

Oh, and back when I was in high school, smartphones either didn't exist or they weren't popular. We all had sliders and sidekicks. lol

But I'm sure nowadays you can do so much crap.

Some fun yet annoying apps for Android:

Air Horn!

Stepbrothers Soundboard

Star Wars Lightsaber app

Mototorch LED

Talking Tom Cat

Talking Larry the Bird

For most of these, put your volume on max! :D

01-15-2011, 09:48 PM
Lol I just remembered, my band teacher pulled out his iPhone and baton when we messed up on a song, pulled up the light saber app, and started whacking us on the head with the iPhone and the baton

01-15-2011, 10:46 PM
Play gameboy

Wow, people still play those. It's 2011. That's like saying F you economy and your new technology. You truly are an asshole. Why'd you buy an Idevice? You basically just flipped Steve Jobs off in the face.


01-15-2011, 10:52 PM
Wow, people still play those. It's 2011. That's like saying F you economy and your new technology. You truly are an asshole. Why'd you buy an Idevice? You basically just flipped Steve Jobs off in the face.

*back in my high school days

01-15-2011, 10:54 PM
Lol, oh. I'm slow. Reason I said jk, anyways. Was jp. :)

Edit: Was alot to read, but where'd you say that at?

01-15-2011, 11:07 PM
Lol, oh. I'm slow. Reason I said jk, anyways. Was jp. :)

Edit: Was alot to read, but where'd you say that at?

Because the difference between high school and college is that teachers in college are addressed professionally as professors, doctors, etc

The title of my thread makes the subject vague so it includes actions from either high school days or college days.

01-15-2011, 11:20 PM
Wow, people still play those. It's 2011. That's like saying F you economy and your new technology. You truly are an asshole. Why'd you buy an Idevice? You basically just flipped Steve Jobs off in the face.

*back in my high school days

01-15-2011, 11:23 PM
Lol, how come neither of y'all quoted my "Jk.:rolleyes:"?:)

01-15-2011, 11:25 PM
Lol I was in the middle of replying and it kept telling me that my message was too short. Later I found out you edited your post and there must've been some conflict. I saw it after then realized what had happened.

01-15-2011, 11:31 PM
Wow, people still play those. It's 2011. That's like saying F you economy and your new technology. You truly are an asshole. Why'd you buy an Idevice? You basically just flipped Steve Jobs off in the face.

is it ok if i jailbreak to use gba emulator in itouch?
i gotz to catch them all

01-15-2011, 11:32 PM
Lol I was in the middle of replying and it kept telling me that my message was too short. Later I found out you edited your post and there must've been some conflict. I saw it after then realized what had happened.

Lol, no, it's been there the whole time. No one quoted it, though. :)

01-15-2011, 11:35 PM
Lol, no, it's been there the whole time. No one quoted it, though. :)

There maybe it was error on my part when I was posting lol

It's cool, no harm done

01-15-2011, 11:38 PM
is it ok if i jailbreak to use gba emulator in itouch?
i gotz to catch them all

Lol, whatever floats your boat.

There maybe it was error on my part when I was posting lol

It's cool, no harm done

Lol, cool. I'm sowwy. :)