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View Full Version : Inaccuracies with the Sunblessed Archer set

01-15-2011, 09:06 PM
Problem 1: Stat bonuses inaccurate. According to this content update thread (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?16586-1.6-Content-Update-%2853627%29):

The "Sunblessed Archer" Item Set: +3 h/s, +10 DMG, +7 Armor. Requires: Overlord's Helmet of the Void, Wraith Armor of the Void, Sunblessed Bow of the Void

If I wear Overlord's Helmet of the Void + Wraith Armor of the Void and highlight my bow (but not equip) gives me the prospective stats of:
2 285 1 133 16 13 501 6 500 6 183-228 242 76

I expect to get +3 h/s, +10 damage, +7 armor based off of the content update thread.

Equipping bow (and thus completing the set) actually gives us:
2 285 1 135 16 14 501 9 500 6 195-240 256 83

So instead of +3 h/s, +10 DMG, +7 Armor, it really gives us:

+2 %Hit, +1 Dodge, +3 h/s, +12 Damage, +7 Armor

So is the Sunblessed Archer set stronger than it's supposed to be, or was the content update thread inaccurate?

Problem 2: DPS calculation is inaccurate in regards to the weapon speed and damage of the bow. Calculations done in this thread (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?16817-Guide-to-Advanced-Mechanics-in-PL-DPS-Crits-etc.):

SUNBLESS (Overlord's Void + Wraith + Sunblessed Bow)
damage: 195-240, dps: 256, speed: 0.9
(195+240) / 2 = 217.5 average damage per hit
speed of 0.9 means you will hit every 0.9 seconds
for 60 seconds, you will do 60/0.9 or 66.67 hits
total of average 66.67x217.5 or 14,500.725 damage will be dealt in 60 seconds
DPS = 14,500.725/60 = 241.67

Calculated DPS of 241.67 does not match the stated DPS of 256.

01-15-2011, 11:17 PM
Regarding the extra stats from set bonus, doesn't the bow give 11 dex? Unless I got it mixed up as only 1 handed weapons give the +11 stat.

01-16-2011, 01:14 AM
According to Yanis' thread, the Sunblessed Bow, Mega Blaster, and Laser Talon all give 11 dex regardless of extra set bonuses.